Find Things to Do When It's Raining
The weather forecast calls for rain for the entire day. Thunder booms outside, and you swore you saw a flash of lightning. Well, you can always have fun when it is raining outside.
- Watch television. Watch reruns or DVDs or catch up with missed episodes of your favorite TV shows.
- Play some games. Play board games, cards, video games, or computer games. You could even go online and play with others around the globe. There are countless websites for multi-player games and chatting. You could even make a new friend or two in the process.
- Create your own game.
Going out
- Go to the movies with a group of friends.
- Go to the mall. You can find a new pair of jeans, buy a new t-shirt, get some new shoes, and grab a bite to eat.
- Go bowling. It's a fun way to spend time with family or friends.
- Go to a nice casual restaurant. For example, visit a deli, a fast food restaurant, or a coffee shop.
- Go to the airport and go to all the stores inside it. Go on the moving sidewalk for a really long time and watch the planes take off and land.
- Go go-karting
- Go out and play in the rain, as long as there is no lightning, hail, or any other danger outside. Splash in the puddles if you want.
- If you're going out in a heavy shower, wear a coat and rubber boots.
- Go to the YMCA and swim or play basketball
- Have a group of people to do the activities with you. It is more fun that way, but it is also fun to do things by yourself
- Exercise. Go to a local health club or just do some push ups or sit ups if you prefer.
Quiet activities
- Read. Read an enticing book, a magazine, or the newspaper. Reading is a fantastic way to pass the time for hours.
- Do your schoolwork or homework. Yeah, you got a huge study guide or algebra worksheet to complete. Why not do it during the gloomy weather?
- Do puzzles.
- Take a nap.
- Write. Write a song, poem, article, or essay. Be creative and let your imagination soar.
- Take a nice, long bubble bath to wash off all the puddle stuff.
- Do something for your pet. Clean its cage, tank or bed, wash up its water and food bowls, make a toy or simply play with it.
Catching up
- Talk on the phone. Call your girlfriend or boyfriend and chat.
- Skype a relative or a friend whom you haven't seen in a long time. Make use of the bad weather to catch up with people you miss.
- Keep the TV viewing to a minimum. Just because it's raining doesn't give you an excuse to be a couch slouch!
- If you have pets, play with them! Playing with pets makes the hours go by quicker.
- Do some craft activities or make a game/puzzle with your siblings or parent.
- Bake cookies, muffins, or any other goods.
- When chatting online, be cautious about whom you are talking to.
- If there's lightning outside, do not be outdoors or stand near any windows.
- Write as many warnings as you can think of. Then ask yourself why some people feel there is a need to create so many warnings for others.
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