Find an Inexpensive Voice Teacher

Regardless of natural talent and genre, nearly all famous singers have had vocal training at some point in their lives. Whether it’s to fix tone and pitch or simply to learn proper breathing practices, having a vocal trainer can greatly improve your singing. Unfortunately, professional lessons can cost quite a bit of money, especially if you need a lot of help. However, finding an inexpensive coach isn’t a complete impossibility. There are many music teachers out there willing to help at a discounted price.


Figuring Out Your Budget

  1. Determine how often you want lessons. Think about your schedule - do you have a full time or part time job? Are you still in school? What about sports or other hobbies? Most singing lessons are once or twice a week. Before searching for a teacher it’s best to decide how much time each week or month you want/can devote to lessons. Once you narrow this down it will also help you figure out a price range. [1]
    • For example, if you want to practice once a week it will cost you more than only practicing once a month. However, if you practice less than once a week, it's likely that you'll lose much of the progress you make at each lesson, so you'll spend a lot of time repeating what you've already learned—meaning weekly lessons are probably a better value.[2]
  2. Decide how long you want lessons to be. Most beginner lessons are 30 minutes and cost anywhere between $10-35, while more in-depth lessons are anywhere between 45 to 60 minutes and can cost upwards of $100. Depending on your skill level and what you want to accomplish, the length of your lessons may vary, which will affect how much you pay. [3]
    • For example, if you are simply looking for some techniques to help keep your voice healthy, a lesson for you might be much shorter than one for someone who is looking to perfect their tone or learn a new singing style.
  3. Think about the level of expertise you’re seeking. The more experience and training a vocal teacher has, the more likely they are to be expensive. So it’s important to know what you are looking for in a lesson.
    • For example, if you just want some basic training to improve the sound of your voice, a novice teacher or a music education major might be enough. However, if you’re looking to make singing a career, you are probably going to want a more experienced teacher who is more capable of analyzing your voice and catering lessons to your particular needs.
  4. Keep in mind the additional costs. When taking vocal lessons you may be required to purchase materials like music books or sheet music, which can cost anywhere between $50-150. You may also be asked to take part in recitals or competitions, which may charge a fee on top of any money you spend traveling to and from them.[4]
  5. Set your budget. Deciding how much you are willing to pay before you search for a vocal teacher will not only help you filter out teachers who are outside your price range but also help you plan for additional or unexpected costs. To set your budget, consider your maximum price and then factor in lessons and all other necessities.
    • If you're taking a 30-minute lesson once a week, you should probably budget around $1500-$2000 a year. If you're taking hour-long lessons, it will probably cost around $2000-$3000 a year.[5]
    • For example, if you have $100 a month to spare you might want to find a vocal teacher between $10-$20 per week. This way you can have some extra spending room for things like music books or competitions.

Looking for Your Teacher

  1. Search for a local music teacher in your area. This can be a local music school teacher, a teacher at a music store, or even a church choir director. Since vocal training is not their primary job, these people are more likely to charge less for lessons. Working with someone in the immediate area will also help you save on gas money.
    • When contacting a local music teacher, try emailing or calling them first. Simply introduce yourself and say something like, “I am searching for information on singing lessons,” or “I am looking to take singing lessons and was wondering if you had any information that could help me.”
    • Even if none of these people can teach you directly, they may know of someone else who can help you.
  2. Put up fliers at a local university or community college. Local universities and community colleges are great places to search for inexpensive music instructors as there are many music education majors that may teach at a discount. Since they are still learning themselves, they are unlikely to charge you the same fees as a professional coach. Depending on how far along they are in school, they may charge you even less.
    • For example, a freshman music education major is likely to be more inexpensive than a senior music education major.
    • In the flier you should include your phone number, vocal ability (beginner, intermediate, or advanced), schedule/availability, the price you are willing to pay, and preferred style of music (i.e. hip hop, classical, jazz, opera, pop).
    • Don't give out your name or address. You don’t know who is viewing your fliers, so it’s safer to keep this personal information to yourself.
  3. Try the classifieds or Craigslist. There are many part-time or novice teachers that utilize craigslist and the classifieds to search for students. Since they may be new to teaching, or without a set pool of clientele, they are more likely to teach at a lower price.
    • For Craigslist, check under ‘Services’ for a vocal coach, or simply use the search bar to simplify the process.
    • Make sure you do not give out your address until you have spoken with your potential teacher and seen their resume.
    • Also make sure you meet in a public place and that someone else knows where you are going.
  4. Place your own ad in the classifieds or on Craigslist. Similar to putting up a flier, this will allow potential teachers to find and contact you. It also allows you to set your price beforehand, so the teachers that contact you are more likely to be in your price range. When placing an ad, follow the same rules for a flier and include:
    • Your phone number, vocal ability (beginner, intermediate, or advanced), schedule/availability, the price you are willing to pay, and preferred style of music (i.e. hip hop, classical, jazz, opera, pop).
    • Make sure you get your potential teacher’s credentials and information beforehand. An easy way to do this is to request a resume in your ad.
    • Meet in a public place. This way you don’t have to give your address and they don’t have to give theirs. It will make both parties feel safer.
  5. Try online lessons. There are many online resources for vocal lessons with instructional videos and direct feedback from trained teachers or former singers. Since these are online and do not require either party to meet in person or follow a set schedule, prices may be lower. Some sites may even offer a flat rate if you pay for bulk lessons. For example, $150 for a three-month plan that offers access to all online lessons.[6]
    • You may also be able to find online training videos for free. However, you should try to find the credentials of the poster before you follow any of the lessons in the video.
  6. Make a list of teachers from Yelp and contact them. Searching a site like Yelp, which has a multitude of user-based reviews, is a good way to find not only the best vocal teachers in your area but teachers who are in your price range. Making a list and emailing these teachers will allow you to speak with them about schedule flexibility and cost without any hassle.
    • You don’t need to send all your information at once. When sending a query, you can write something like, “Hi, my name is __________ and I saw your name on Yelp. I am currently searching for a vocal teacher and was hoping to speak with you about your schedule and pricing.”
  7. Split the cost with a friend or family member. If you still can’t find a teacher within your price range, dividing the time and cost of a single lesson with a friend or family member might be the way to go. Make sure to discuss this idea with your potential teacher beforehand so they can help you figure out how to split the price and lesson. Some vocal teachers may also teach you both at the same time if you have the same ability.
    • For example, if you’re both beginners, you will likely need training on the same things.


  • Keep an open mind! For example, a vocal student with only a few years more experience than you can still offer helpful advice.
  • No matter your level or skill, you can usually get a free consultation from any music teacher to help place your level.

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