Find the Right Religion for You

Several religions are based on teachings from books, but the writers of those books are not here to teach us, so we have to learn/experiment safely without taking unnecessary risks while deciding which one is most useful. You might like to learn as much as you can about Be a Student of All Religions. Are you a voracious reader? How will you decide in whom you may trust about your ultimate faith or belief?


  1. Keep an open mind. First of all, you should get away from things you've heard about and start with a clean slate. This is one way to learn Truth. Your first task is to learn about religions, not to pick one for yourself right off the bat. Go to the library and find books on various religions. After you get the preliminary information on each religion, go to their original texts. Keep reading and learning. Do not accept or reject anything at this point, just keep learning.
  2. Meet the religious leaders, preachers and teachers in your neighborhood. Ask them about their views on life, God(s), relationships, ethical conduct, and their daily practice of their religion. Ask friends and neighbors whom you trust. Think about the fact that religion is not just facts but accepting a tradition and a potentially important set of beliefs.
  3. Ask yourself, "Why do I need or want to follow a religion?" Remember that religion can be an escape, much like a drug. Cults can especially provide a drug-like escape. What is the real reason that you want to follow a religion?
  4. Beware of cults. Cults are social or religious groups that often control their members mentally, physically, maritally or sexually. Beware of their "Guru"s that claim to have all the answers to life's questions. Beware of tight groups that ask people to strictly conform to certain behaviors, abandon their friends and family, ask for mandatory donations, etc.
  5. Don't make a quick decision especially as a young person. Take the time to learn about the world. Learn about life, faith, people, religion and seek education including history. Then keep reading about your favorite religions.
    • It may help if good friends or family members share what their beliefs are and why they believe in them; learn about the their religions if you find them desirable.
  6. Find a particular religion to follow if you can. These include Buddhism and Buddha, Christian and Jesus Christ (the Messiah), Islam and the prophet Muhammad, Judaism and the Torah, or others.
  7. Avoid assuming that "one religion is just as good as the other" for yourself. That very well may be far from true.
  8. Learn about the good and the bad aspects of certain religions. It is important to know about negative and positive actions done by people who claim a particular religion. Decide for yourself if these people were properly following the religion or if they were simply abusing their power.
  9. Think about what you believe about God or gods: If you believe there is only one God, then your choice of religions is narrowed down to monotheistic religions. If you believe in Gods (more than one deity), then your choice of religions is narrowed down to polytheistic religions. If you believe that God is all, and all is God, then your choice of religions is narrowed down to pantheistic religions.
  10. Check to see which religions fit your beliefs when discussing the physical presence of God(s). Some religions believe that God(s) is/are not a physical entity, while some religions do believe that God(s) is/are physical entities that have bodies of their own. Some believe that God(s) has/have been found in human form on Earth, while others believe that this has not happened.


  • Be patient, open minded, and non-judgmental.
  • Question everything. Do not feel guilty for disagreeing with a particular belief.
  • Some seek religions for acceptance, others for structure or support. Be part of a religion only if you truly believe it; be careful to not join one in order to feel good.
  • You do not have to believe anything in particular in the end. Don't force yourself to accept anything that you do not agree with.
  • Always be true to your mind, heart, and soul.
  • Learn as much as you can about how you will live your life in a particular religion
  • Also learn about how religions influence history, how they compare, how they influence cultures.
  • Many people renew their faith in their previous religious beliefs later in life; don't feel disappointed if you find that whatever religion you were raised in is right for you.


  • Keep in mind that extremist organizations are not accurate representatives of any religion. Always learn information on your own, and set aside any previous opinions on the religion.
  • Never compromise critical thinking and reason for social acceptance.
  • Beware of "guru"s who have all the answers.
  • Remember that what members of certain religions have done in the past does not always reflect the actual beliefs.
  • Beware of the downsides of organized religion. Learn history.
  • Do not enter into needless arguments for or against any religion, but share your understandings peacefully.

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