Fix a Scratch on a Vinyl Record

Here is a simple way to fix a scratch on a vinyl record, it requires some assembly time, and the actual "fixing" should be done with great care.


  1. First, create a "speaker", this will allow you to tell where in the record you are listening.
  2. Take a plain sheet of paper and roll it up to form a cone, narrow at one end and wide at the other, tape it together.
  3. Take a sewing needle, or other similarly sharp, pointy, metallic object, and tape it to the inside narrow edge of the cone. Sharper is probably better.
  4. (optional) tape a Nickel or Quarter to the narrow end to serve as a weight.
  5. You have just created a manual needle and speaker for your record player, if you so desire, you can listen to an entire album with just this device, assuming you can find a way to turn the record at a relatively constant speed, and are careful not to harm the album.
  6. Now, onto fixing the actual album
  7. Listen to the album and take note of where the skip is located
  8. Place your own "home made" needle just before the location of the skip, you should be able to audibly hear the song amplified through the paper
  9. If there is a skip forward, apply pressure VERY LIGHTLY AWAY from the center of the album, since you forced the needle towards yourself, it should not skip ahead, and you should hear the recording correctly. Repeat this step 3-5 times to be safe before listening to the album "normally"
  10. If there is a skip backwards, apply pressure VERY LIGHTLY TOWARDS the center of the album, since you forced the needle away from yourself, it should not skip back, and you should hear the recording correctly. Repeat this step 3-5 times to be safe before listening to the album "normally"


  • (The creator of the page, and to the best of my knowledge, the method) has experienced roughly a 80% success rate. For the other 20%, most were unaffected or simply changed the location of the skip. I admit to having once completely ruined a 45 with this method.


  • Do this at your own risk! If you are not careful (And, on occasion, even if you are careful), you may very well just make the problem worse.
  • If there are many skips in a short period of time the cause is likely hopeless, you'll will have to live with it, or find a replacement for the album. This method is meant for when you have ONE OR TWO skips in a song that you want to try to fix

Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Sewing needle or similar object
  • Record Player
  • Damaged Record
  • Scotch Tape
  • Nickel or Quarter (Optional)

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