Fix the Problem with Kernel32

If you have problems with this file you really need to work carefully!


  1. Go to My Computer.
  2. Go to C disk.
  3. Go to WINDOWS map
  4. Go to the map system32
  5. Search for a file that is called kernel32. If you have a kernel32.exe file, you have a virus. Use your virus removal software or take the computer to a repair shop. Do not simply delete the file!
  6. If you have kernel32.dll, you don't have a virus but you'll still need to fix the file. Check with your tech support for help. You may need to download a new copy of the file.


  • Don't work alone if you don't know much about computers.
  • Do not download anything onto your computer that looks potentially harmful or strange.


  • Do not delete the .dll file!

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