Force Yourself to Seriously Study
Have you found yourself procrastinating when you know you should be studying? Are you sure that, if only you were able to study a little more consistently, you'd be getting great grades? If so, you're not alone - the majority of people have difficulty studying hard from time to time. See the methods below to stop procrastinating and start studying seriously!
Overcoming Your Resistance to Study
- Stop what you're doing and start immediately. It's all too easy to tell yourself "I'll start in an hour" over and over again until you've wasted the entire day. If you need to seriously study, don't procrastinate any longer. Stop whatever you're doing, go to a quiet, secure place with your study materials, and get started. Don't sabotage yourself by playing just one more video game, just one more TV show, and so on. The sooner you start, the sooner you'll be done and the more free time you'll have in the long run.
- It's much harder to start doing something than it is to keep doing something. Once you break past your initial resistance, you'll find that it's much easier to continue studying.
- Force yourself to start writing notes and also draw your notes. Drawing notes will be easy to remember and fun, for example lets say if you have to remember the war of 1812 then draw some things you know about it. The first minute or two after you start studying are crucial, as it's extra-easy to give up during this window. To avoid this, start writing notes immediately, even if they're not good notes. Once you've actually made some progress (however minor), you'll find that it's much harder to stop than if you hadn't made any progress at all.
- Don't forget that you can always re-write your initial notes late if you find that they're not helpful.
- Motivate yourself. Morale can play a huge role in determining whether your study session is a successful one. Get "pumped" early on and stay pumped throughout your studying. Below are just a few ideas for keeping yourself motivated - only you will know what works best for you:
- Listen to rousing music - the same types of songs you might listen to before a sporting event
- Move around - pace, do jumping jacks, shadowbox, etc.
- Watch an inspirational speech
- Change locations frequently - don't allow yourself to get bored with your surroundings
- Plan rewards. It's easier to study if you know that you'll get something that you want eventually if you do so. Set yourself up for success by arranging rewards for yourself - after you study, of course. For instance, if you've got a sweet tooth, set aside some time after you study to make a trip to the local ice cream shop after a successful study session.
- Make your study plans known. When all else fails, let shame be your motivator! Tell your friends that you're going to study and get a good grade on your upcoming assignment. The fear of embarrassing yourself by neglecting to study can be highly motivating - as the assignment approaches, you'll probably start to feel pressure to study, which will make it easier to start doing so.
- Better still, tell your friends that you want to study with them. This way, you'll have to either study (in the presence of friends who can potentially keep you on-track) or break your appointment. Either way, your friends will know.
Eliminating Distractions
- Set a period of time aside for studying. When you study, you want to be able to devote your full attention to your work. If you split your attention between your studies and some other distraction, whether it's a television show, a job, or some other task, you won't be able to retain very much information (if any). Ensure that you're able to study effectively by setting aside a reasonably-sized chunk of time for your work - and only your work.
- Based on the amount of work you have to do, this time you set aside may be a one-time commitment or a regular addition to your schedule. The latter is preferable, as, over time, you'll become "used" to devoting a certain amount of time to studying.
- Find a place to study where you won't be distracted. Unfortunately, many people set aside sufficient time for their studies only to waste it by allowing distractions to sidetrack them. Make sure that your study location doesn't contain anything that's been a distraction in the past. Usually, this will mean that you'll want to find a quiet, private place where you won't have access to video games, online entertainment, socializing friends, TV, and so on.
- If your studying requires you to use the internet and you're worried that you may become distracted with online games, videos, and so on, try using a free productivity extension for your web browser. These applications allow you to block certain websites temporarily, ensuring that you can't access them while you study.
- Use music/white noise as desired. To some, complete silence is a distraction of its own. If you find this to be the case, feel free to experiment with music or white noise while studying. Music can have a motivating effect on some people, keeping them focused when they might normally daydream. Others enjoy studying with white noise - constant, formless noise like rainfall or crashing waves - as it allows them to relax, focus, and "tune out" distractions. What's most important is that any noise you study with doesn't distract you - if you find yourself singing along to your music instead of focusing on the page in front of you, you may want to turn it off. Only use it when you feel you need it.
- Make sources of procrastination inaccessible. In extreme cases of procrastination, it may be necessary to bite the bullet and remove the sources of the procrastination from your life temporarily (or even permanently). For instance, if you have a hard time studying because you always put the task off in favor of playing video games, leave your games at a friend's house over the weekend to give yourself the freedom to study. If they're still a distraction, sell them. Though it can be painful, eliminating the root causes of your distractions can be very worthwhile in the long run.
- Exercise, eat, and rest before studying. The physical distractions of hunger, restlessness, and fatigue can hamper your studying efforts just as seriously as any mental distraction. To ensure you're able to study to the best of your abilities, take care of your physical needs before you begin. Eat healthy, well-balanced meals throughout the day. Devote time to exercise. Get plenty of sleep the night before. Caring for your body by doing these things gives your mind the best possible opportunity to learn new information.
- Take short breaks during the studying, just to clear your mind.
- While you are studying, have a calm mind. Try not to think about events that will affect your emotions.
- Try to keep your stuff organized. You will be able to concentrate better, and will be calmer.
- Study the basics well and compliment yourself on a correct answer.Learning is a process, not a destination.
- Give yourself rewards for doing difficult tasks and questions.
- Always have a sufficient amount of pencils and other writing gear.
- Buy revision books that are relatively cheap. They squeeze the key points into a smaller space making it more manageable.
- Many schools have studying groups. Consider joining one of these if you're having trouble with your subject. Studying with other people makes it more fun to learn as well.
- Ask your parents to help you by having them listen while you teach them something that you learnt; it helps you to understand better when you feel like someone understands you and can help correct you.
- When you memorize, record the answers you've memorized and then listen to it before you go to sleep. This helps you to review what you've studied in a better way .
- Use diagram and flow charts to remember the points in a particular topic.
- Tell your parents to not allow you something you like unless you reach your goal. For example, not going going out unless you read and understand your work.
- Try to spend 3 hour each day, studying.
- If you feel yourself getting bored or just fed up with studying step away from the book for FIVE minutes (no longer) and then return with a clear head.
- Don't work seriously even if for a small time..
- practice makes man perfect so practice well to reach your destination
- Start studying early so you can have small breaks here and there instead of starting at night or the evening.
- The main thing about studying is that you should study and remember your study portion in such a way that you are completely prepared to answer any test related to that topic. So after every 25 minutes of studying, spend 5-10 minutes in recalling and revision so that you don't forget whatever you've learnt.
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