Germinate Pomegranate Seeds

Pomegranate (punica granatum) originated in the Middle East and has been known to thrive in hot parts of the world. Its popularity stems from its beauty as an ornamental plant, boasting bright, orange-red flowers and shiny foliage, and its tart, fleshy fruit. Pomegranate can be planted in the ground in areas with mild winters or, if you are in an area with a colder climate, you can grow it in a container, moving it indoors during the cold season. Understanding the details of how to germinate pomegranate seeds will aid in the successful propagation of the plant.


  1. Remove any remaining flesh from the pomegranate seeds.
  2. Fill small pots 2/3 full with potting soil.
  3. Poke 3 holes in each pot, leaving 1 inch (2.54 cm) between each hole and making them a depth 2 times the seeds' diameter.
  4. Place one seed into each hole and then cover the holes with potting soil.
  5. Water the newly planted seeds until the soil surrounding them is thoroughly moist, but not soaking wet.
  6. Place the pots in a sunny window or greenhouse that maintains a temperature around 68 degrees Fahrenheit (20 degrees Celsius).
  7. Monitor the soil's moisture level on a daily basis. Keep the seeds damp throughout the germination process, which takes about 6 weeks.
  8. Remove the weaker 2 seedlings once they reach 3 inches (7.62 cm) tall.
  9. Nurture the pomegranate seedling in its pot until it is about 1 foot (0.3 m) tall before transplanting it during the spring or summer to a more permanent location.


  • Expect a full-grown pomegranate that has been planted outdoors to grow to a height of 20-to-30 feet (6-to-10 m).
  • Water the pomegranate every 7-to-10 days once it is established. A soil ring around the tree's base will aid it in retaining moisture.
  • Pomegranates do not produce many fruits until approximately 5-to-6 years after the initial planting.
  • For best results, remove all competing growth from the pomegranate's permanent planting site for 1-to-2 feet (0.3 to 0.6 m) on all sides of the trunk.
  • Fertilizer applications may be added once the tree becomes established in its permanent location. Use ammonium sulfate split into multiple applications.


  • Growing pomegranate in humid areas results in lower-quality fruit.
  • Seedling variation may take place when propagating pomegranate by seed. Reproduction by cuttings is a more reliable means of ensuring you get the expected result.
  • Watch the pomegranate seedling for signs of pests such as the light red flat mite, omnivorous leaf roller, western leaf footed plant bug, Comstock mealybug and root-knot nematode.
  • Watch for heart rot. It occurs on fruiting pomegranates and should not be a concern during the germination and seedling stage.

Things You'll Need

  • Pomegranate seeds
  • Potting soil
  • Medium-sized pots

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