Get Beautiful African American Skin

The best way to achieve gorgeous African American skin is to take care of your skin the best you can. That means protecting it from the sun and practicing healthy habits. It also means paying attention to hydration and being gentle with your skin.


Working on Specific Problems

  1. Reduce razor bumps. Razor bumps are more common in people of African American descent, due to the fact that the hair shaft is curved. In turn, after shaving the tip can grow back into the skin, making irritated "razor bumps" on your skin.[1]
    • The best way to work on this problem is to prevent them from happening in the first place. Use a safety razor, as it can help reduce the problem. Another way to reduce the problem is to make sure you're shaving in the direction the hair is growing.
    • On the other hand, you can employ a few treatments if you develop razor bumps. One option is topical treatments, such as antibiotics, steroids, and retinoids, which your doctor can prescribe. You can also ask your doctor about laser treatments. It can help some people, but it can also lead to discoloration of skin, as well as blistering or painful skin.
  2. Deal with hyper-pigmentation and acne scars. Hyper-pigmentation just means your skin is blotchy, and it is common among African Americans. Sometimes, pimples and acne can leave darker areas. One way to deal with this issue is to use an exfoliant, such as a chemical exfoliant that has alpha or beta hydroxy .[2]
    • Gently rub the exfoliate on your skin then rinse it off. Another option is a physical exfoliant like exfoliating gloves or even a basic washcloth. Just gently rub your wet skin in a circular motion up and down your body.[3]
    • Another option for dark spots is bleaching creams and hydroquinone creams, while chemical peels can lighten certain areas of skin.[1]
  3. Match makeup to your skin tone. In years past, African Americans didn't get the attention they deserved with makeup lines. Fortunately, more and more makeup lines are providing great options for any skin tone.[4]
    • Check out makeup lines such as Iman, Black Opal, Fashion Fair, Mac, and Black Up to find great options.
    • When trying to match a product, try using the tester to put a little on the back of your hand. That way, you can see what it looks like against your skin without putting it on the sensitive skin on your face.
    • Also, if you're using a setting powder, make sure it also matches your skin tone. If you pick a light one, it can leave white residue across your face.[5]
  4. Pick the right makeup for your skin. Some African Americans have oily skin paired with larger pores, and if you fall in this category, you need to make sure to pick a makeup built for that. Matte finish makeups are a great option because they can soak up oil while you're wearing them.[3]
    • On the other hand, if you have drier skin, then you definitely want to skip the matte foundation and go for something that has more weight to it. Pick something that's creamy instead.
  5. Fight acne. If you have darker skin and are prone to acne, that means you may have more inflammation, too. In turn, that can lead to darkening of the skin where that mark is, so you want to make sure to treat your acne as soon as you see a breakout to help lessen the effect.[6]
    • Start with topical creams, such as ones that contain retinoids, antibiotics, or benzoyl peroxide, although benzoyl peroxide  can be irritating. Ask your doctor which treatment is best of you.
    • You can also ask your doctor about an oral treatment, such as antibiotics or accutane, if your acne is particularly severe.
    • Make sure all your products help fight acne. For instance, some foundations have built-in ingredients, such as salicylic  acid, to fight against acne.[3]

Hydrating Your Skin

  1. Drink enough water. If you're dehydrated, your skin is dehydrated, and by the time you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated. Your skin is likely prone to ashiness if you're not moisturizing your skin properly, and drinking water is a big part of it. Make sure you are getting enough water throughout the day. The old standby is 8 glasses of water, but make sure you are drinking enough that you don't feel constantly thirsty.[7]
    • Tea and juice are a part of your water intake, though be aware that juice can add empty calories.
    • Try adding slices of fruit (such as grapefruit or orange) or veggies (such as cucumber) to make your water more refreshing.
  2. Use a good lotion. It's important to moisturize after you wash your skin, such as when you get out of the shower or when you wash your face or hands. Pick one that's right for your skin type. If you have oily skin, look for one that is labeled for oily skin. You may also have "normal/regular" skin or dry skin. Read the labels to see which lotion is right for your skin.[8]
    • If you have especially dry skin, you may need to apply an oil or cream-based lotion at night.
    • You may need a separate moisturizer for your face and body. For your face, make sure to pick one that says its non-comedogenic, as that's less likely to clog your pores.[9]
    • While everyone benefits from a good lotion, dry skin can be more visible on African American skin. Being vigilant about apply lotion is especially important to achieve beautiful African American skin.[10]
  3. Add moisture to your home. In the dry winter months, it can be beneficial to make your home more humid, also to help keep your skin from getting dry and ashy. Consider adding a humidifier to your bedroom to soak up the benefits of more humid air.[11]

Treating Your Skin Gently

  1. Skip the hot water. Very hot water strips your skins of oils. While very hot water can feel good on your muscles, using it can be very tough on your skin, leading to dry, cracking skin. Dry and cracking skin can be uncomfortable and tight.[12]
    • Instead, take lukewarm baths and showers.
    • Also, try to keep them short. Don't spend 30 minutes in the shower. Stick to 5 to 10 minutes.[13]
  2. Pick a gentle soap. If you use a strong soap, it can pull the oil from your skin. In return, you'd need to add extra moisturizer, meaning it's a viscous cycle. The better option is to choose a gentle soap to begin with.[12]
    • Look for soaps that say "gentle" or "for sensitive skin."
    • Also, choose soaps that already have added moisturizers for your skin.
  3. Blot your skin dry. Roughing up your skin with a towel after you get out of the shower will just agitate your skin and dry it out. Instead, gently blot your skin dry with your towel.[12]
  4. Always wash your face before bed. Whether you wear makeup or not, it's important to wash your face before bed. Leaving makeup on is never a good idea, and you'll have grime, oil, and dirt on your face from the day.[14]
    • Pick a cleanser that's appropriate for your skin, whether you have oily, "normal," or dry skin. The label will help you choose. You can also just use a gentle soap.
    • Don't forget to add lotion after you wash.

Following Healthy Habits

  1. Protect your skin from the sun. While having darker skin does offer some protection from the sun, the sun can still damage your skin over time, and protecting your skin can keep it looking beautiful. Slathering on sunscreen is a good way to protect your skin from the sun. Put it on every day for the best protection. Choose one that is SPF 30 or higher and that blocks both UVA and UVB rays. Try to pick one that is water resistant in case you sweat it off, and reapply it every 2 hours or after sweating, swimming, or drying off your skin. However, sunscreen alone isn't sufficient to protect your skin from the sun.[9]
    • One way to make it easier is to choose a daily moisturizer that has a built-in sunscreen. In addition, check to make sure your lip balm also has sunscreen.
    • Clothing can also block harmful rays from hitting your skin. It can fit loosely, but tighter weave clothing is better than loose weave for blocking rays. Pick long-sleeved shirts and long pants. Don't forget a wide-brim hat and sunglasses. Also, you can look for clothing that has built-in sun protection.[9]
    • One of the best ways to protect yourself against the sun is to avoid it as much as possible when it's at its strongest. Between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., stay indoors as much as possible. When you are outside, find shade or use an umbrella.[15] Also, don't be fooled by the clouds. You can still get damaging rays on cloudy days. You can also get reflected sun off of light surfaces, such as snow, concrete, and any surface that is painted white or light colored.[9]
  2. Get your fruits and veggies. A healthy diet gives you healthy skin from inside. Therefore, making sure you are getting all the right nutrients in your diet is an important step to creating beautiful skin. Also, a healthy diet helps cut down on acne.[12]
    • Make sure to include fruits and veggies at every meal.
    • In addition, eat lean proteins (such as chicken and fish), healthy fats (such as nuts, avocados, and fish), whole grains, and low-fat dairy.
  3. Skip smoking. You already know that smoking is bad for your lungs. However, you may not know that smoking is also bad for your skin. Smoking can make your skin look much older than it actually is.[15]
    • Smoking means your skin gets less oxygen.
    • In turn, not as many nutrients are carried to your skin cells, which can result in more lines and wrinkles.
  4. Keep stress under control. While you may know that stress can affect your health, you may not know that it can affect your skin. For instance, it can cause acne breakouts on your face, leading to pockmarked skin.[12]
    • One thing you can do to cut down on stress is to learn to say "no" when you have too much going on. If you're juggling a stressful situation at home and a new job, it's okay to say "no" to baking for the school bake sale.
    • Another way to cut down on stress is to engage in hobbies you enjoy. Whether you like to bowl, paint, or watch movies, make sure to make time for the things you enjoy.
    • You can also try practicing deep breathing when you find yourself stressed out. Take a moment to find a quiet place. Close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. Breathe in slowly, counting to four in your head. Breathe out slowly, counting to four in your head. Make sure to push out other thoughts, and pay attention only to your breathing. Keep it up until you feel yourself calm down.

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