Get Free Electronics
Understand that in life, if it is too good to be true, it is. There must be a catch to it. You have to "refer" friends which will be explained later and you will have to sign up for an offer (not all of them are free). This article will guide you through the steps to get free electronic without paying for them.
- Sign up using a real e-mail address. Without a real e-mail, you cannot get your gift sign up and agree to everything and enter your information. However, there is a chance that your e-mail address will get sold to spammers, so make a new free, web-based e-mail address (so that you aren't getting spam in your current inbox).
- Look carefully for what you are paying with--if it's not money, it's going to be your time, or your leads. Some systems work based on points, others based on referrals.
- For the referral method, you generally wait for people to click a link wherever you put it and when they take up a trial offer, you get credit for it.
- In most points systems, you gain points by signing up for various trial offers.
- Sign up with as many trial offers as possible on the same day (you'll see why next) until you get enough points. Sometimes you can find some things you actually want. For example, if you're going to do a trial offer for a DVD site, there might be something there that you were already planning on spending money to buy or rent.
- Wait 25 to 29 days, then when your free electronics either get to your home or when you know they are being shipped, cancel ALL of the 30 day offers (unless you want to keep them).
- You can get the item of your choice and sell it to someone else online.
- Many offers are exclusive to the country where the website is based and will not ship internationally.
- Don't post your links recklessly on forums, chat, or websites like wikiHow. It'll be recognized as spam, you'll be blocked, and people won't fall for it anyway.
- Don't use someone else's credit card, at least not without explicit permission. It is not only against the law, but you can also be tracked down and arrested for credit card fraud.This is very bad.
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