Get Inauguration Tickets
A new or re-elected president is sworn in, or inaugurated, every four years on the 20th of January. It is a public ceremony, and takes place in the nation's capital, Washington, D.C. If you want to get tickets for the ceremony, read this article to learn how.
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- Swearing In Ceremony: Request the tickets from your congressional representative or senator.
- Inaugural Parade: Attend the parade for free, or purchase a bleacher ticket through the Presidential Inauguration Committee.
- Inaugural Ball: Sign up for newsletter updates for inaugural tickets. Buy the tickets when the prices appear.
Getting Tickets for the Swearing In Ceremony
- Find your representative to request tickets. You can only get tickets to the inauguration to your congressional representative or senator. You need to find what member of Congress represents your district or contact one of the senators in your state. How you contact your senator will vary by state.
- You can find a list online from the US government's website where you type in your zip code to find the representative of your district. You can also find one of the senators for your state to contact to get tickets.
- Once you have found the correct people to contact, try going to website to see how they prefer to be contacted. Some may have a phone number while others will prefer email.
- Figure out how to request tickets. Different senators and congressmen and women will have different ways to request tickets. You may simply call in or request or request them through a website.
- Some senators and congresspeople have outlets on their websites where you can request tickets. You usually have to prove you reside in their state or district while making the request.
- Make sure you know where to pick up your tickets. You may be able to pick them up at your senator or congressperson's local office. However, in some cases, you have to wait until you arrive in Washington D.C. to pick up your tickets.
- Do not trust places to offer to sell tickets. Tickets for the inauguration are free. The only want to get one is through a senator or congressperson. No one should be selling you tickets to the inauguration.
- In some cases, however, individuals who got tickets in advance and can't make the inauguration, or choose not to go, sell their tickets. If you can find an individual selling their tickets, ask them for specifics of how they obtained their tickets. You want to make sure the tickets were obtained legally so they will be valid when you attend the inauguration.
- Find a place to stay. Once you've obtained your tickets, make travel arrangements quickly. Unless you live in Washington D.C., you will have to find somewhere to stay in the city. Places will book up fast, so act quickly.
- While D.C. can be expensive, there are affordable hotels. You may have to stay somewhat far away from the White House, but D.C. has lots of public transportation. Just make sure to check transportation routes ahead of time when booking a hotel. Some metro and bus routes may be different during the inauguration.
- An AirBnB can be a great, affordable option for the inauguration. Many local residents of D.C. may want to escape the commotion of the inauguration and be willing to provide AirBnB services.
- See if you can stay outside D.C. If you can't find anything in your price range in the city, look outside the city. There are many affordable hotels found just outside the city. Metro and bus lines in D.C. can easily transport you to the city for the inauguration.
- Make sure to check that metro lines and bus routes are still running as usual around the inauguration before booking anything outside the city.
- Watch the inauguration for free if you can't get tickets. While getting tickets provides a better view, you can watch the inauguration through large television screens at the National Mall. While it's not the same as watching the inauguration in person, you can share the excitement with other Americans. Unfortunately, there are only so many tickets to the inauguration. Even if you act quickly, you may be unable to obtain a ticket.
Getting Tickets to the Inaugural Parade
- Pay for ticketed viewing. You can watch the parade for free. However, it tends to get very crowded. Ticketed viewing will allows you access to bleachers along the parade route. You can purchase these online through the Presidential Inauguration Committee.
- Prices vary by year, but in 2013 tickets cost $44 per person. You could order up to six tickets.
- Watch the parade for free. You do not need to buy tickets to watch the parade. If you don't mind standing and crowds, you can simply line up on the streets. Public entrance to the parade opens at 6:30 AM and it will close as the parade fills up. To make sure you get a seat, get to the parade early.
- Make sure to enter the parade through a security checkpoint. You cannot just enter the parade. There will be various security checkpoints along the parade route. You will need to go through security to see the parade. You can find checkpoints at the following locations:
- 2nd Street NW and C Street NW
- John Marshall Park at C Street NW
- Indiana Avenue NW between 6th Street NW and 7th Street NW
- 7th Street NW and D Street NW
- 10th Street NW and E Street NW
- 12th Street NW and E Street NW
- 13th Street NW and E Street NW
- 14th Street NW and E Street NW
- 12th Street NW and Constitution Avenue NW
- 10th Street NW and Constitution Avenue NW
- 7th Street NW and Constitution Avenue NW
- Constitution Avenue NW between 6th Street NW and 7th Street NW
- Avoid standing around the White House during the parade. If you're attending the parade for free, avoid the White House. Most seating near the White House is bleacher seating, which you must pay for.
Getting Tickets for the Inaugural Ball
- Sign up for newsletter updates for inaugural tickets. Tickets to the inaugural ball go on sale different times each year. The only way to know when they're ready for purchase is to subscribe to the newsletter. You can do that by visiting the Inaugural Ball Tickets website.
- See if you can purchase tickets when prices are released. Pricing for tickets varies by year. There is no way of knowing how much tickets will cost until prices are released. At the last election, tickets were around $60. Wait until prices are released to see if you can afford tickets.
- Try attending an unofficial ball. If tickets are not in your price range, or if they sell out, there are many unofficial balls held around D.C. by various organizations. Look into attending a ball at a local establishment. You can dress up and celebrate the inauguration, even if you're not attending an official ball.
- Check with every office your senator or congressperson has, both in Washington, D.C. and in their home state. One of the offices may have tickets readily available while others may have already given out all they have.
Sources and Citations
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