Get Into a Morning Routine
Having a morning routine is essential to start the day off well. If your mornings are usually rushed or chaotic, establishing a routine can help calm the waters and help you feel more in control of the day. Even for people who struggle to have a routine or dislike them, it’s possible to learn how to create one and make it a habit.
Designing Your Routine
- Start by making a list of what needs doing in the morning. This is helpful for realizing how much time is needed for all of your morning tasks and creating a schedule.
- List the most essential tasks to prioritize (e.g. shower, coffee/breakfast, waking others, preparing lunches, packing bags).
- Add on more tasks if you can fit them in (e.g. read email or newspaper, walk the dog, wash dishes, do laundry, make the bed).
- Consider your own unique rhythm and design accordingly—are you a slow mover (needing extra time) or really efficient in the morning (needing less time or fitting more tasks into less time)?
- Aim high, then delete the lower priority tasks if necessary.
- Test out a first draft of your routine. Try this sometime before you really need to start following a regular morning routine, perhaps a few weeks ahead of time. A simple framework is a good way to start planning your routine. (Note: Substitute your own tasks for those on this list that are not relevant.)
- 6:00–6:30: Wake up, shower, make your bed, and prepare coffee/tea/etc.
- 6:30–6:45: Wake children or others and make sure they get up.
- 6:45–7:15: Fix children’s breakfast, pack everyone’s lunches.
- 7:15–7:30: Eat your breakfast while children dress and get ready.
- 7:30–7:45: Pack the children in the car or put them on the bus.
- 7:45–8:15: Take children to school.
- 8:15–9:00: Drive yourself/others to work.
- Plan your sleep schedule. Sticking with a regular schedule for going to bed and waking up is key to establishing a morning routine.
- Decide on how many hours of sleep you need.
- Schedule enough time in the morning so you don’t have to rush to get ready.
- Stick with this sleep schedule, even on weekends—this will help you stay on track.
- Don’t sleep with music or other noise (TV, radio, etc.) on, as they can disrupt a sound sleep.
- Avoid electronic devices at least 30 minutes before bed—the light can negatively affect your sleep and the brain stimulation from the devices make it hard to “power down” your brain.
- Ease into your routine. Going from no routine to a strict one can be a difficult transition, so start slowly for a few weeks until it becomes your new normal.
- Begin your routine a few days a week and then start adding days, including weekends.
- Keep track of what works and what doesn’t—and adjust your tasks accordingly.
- Find distractions or other obstacles to your routine and avoid them.
Planning for Tomorrow
- Decide on tomorrow’s tasks and goals. Visualizing your next day’s events can help you prepare mentally. This also helps you decide which time-consuming tasks need to be done tonight.
- Make note of any appointments or meetings—on paper, smartphone, or other device.
- Write a list of any important reminders such as errands or general things that need to get done.
- Do time-consuming tasks the night before. If your mornings normally involve a lot of tasks that slow you down, do them the night before to save yourself time and stress in the morning.
- Pick out your clothes and shoes.
- Fill the kettle or set up the coffee machine with timer.
- Cook and pack any food you need to bring with you.
- Pack your bag with everything you normally carry along.
- Lay out your car keys, bus pass, or whatever essential items you need for getting to your destination.
- Shower before bed to save time in the morning.
- Plan your next day’s exercise. For people who have trouble sticking to an exercise routine, it can be helpful to plan your physical activity the day before. This makes you less likely to skip it if it’s part of your daily plan.
- Choose the time, duration, and place for your exercise.
- Touch base with any friend(s) who may go with you to confirm the date.
- Pack your gym bag or other necessities the night before.
Waking Up Your Body and Brain
- Decide on the most effective ways for waking up. Everyone is different—some people like to wake slowly and quietly, while others may start the day with activity and noise such as music or TV. Choosing the most pleasant wake up experience will make your morning routine nicer and easier to stick to.
- Set the alarm on your music device or TV to come on when you wake up.
- Stash your electronic devices where you won’t be tempted to use them right upon waking up.
- Leave your bedroom as soon as you wake up so you’re not tempted to go back to bed.
- Move your body or exercise. Not only will it help to get you moving, but it will also have great health benefits.
- Make your bed right away.
- Do chores that were left from last night such as emptying the dish rack or picking up clothes.
- Stretch for several minutes to ease into more activity.
- Practice a few minutes of calisthenics such as jumping jacks or pushups.
- Meditate or have several minutes of quiet. Putting aside time to gather your thoughts and plan your day can be the perfect start, especially if your days tend to be hectic and stressful.
- Arrange a quiet space for your quiet time, away from people, pets, and electronics.
- Don’t let anyone or anything interrupt your special quiet time.
- Eat breakfast. We’ve all been told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day—it’s true!
- Plan your breakfast the night before if it makes it easier for you to eat in the morning.
- Start with a glass of water, which has multiple health benefits.
- Choose healthy and nutritious foods and drinks to provide the best fuel for your day—these include fruits, dairy products, protein (eggs, meat, soy), and grains.
Your body and brain need fuel after fasting for 8–12 hours.
Maintaining or Improving Your Morning Routine
- Evaluate your routine schedule if it gets off track. Even the most disciplined people sometimes slip out of their routine. Thinking about the things that contribute to your routine breaking down can help you get back on track.
- Reevaluate the obstacles and distractions that consistently get in the way.
- Recognize the consequences of not keeping your routine (frustration, tardiness) to kickstart your motivation.
- Make your routine rewarding. Finding ways to maintain your motivation can help you stick with your routine.
- Have your favorite morning beverage and make it extra special on certain days, whether that be high-quality coffee or a homemade smoothie.
- Schedule an extra time slot for quiet and solitude if that’s your favorite part of a morning routine.
- Use motivational notes or messages to remind you of your progress.
- Consider the benefits of your routine and how good they make you feel.
- Address your losses. You may feel as if you’ve lost time doing things you need or enjoy due to your morning routine. It’s important to recognize this and find solutions so the loss doesn’t affect your motivation.
- Go to sleep earlier if sleep loss is making you tired.
- Make extra effort to spend time with anyone who may feel neglected as a result of your morning routine.
- Keep a record of your routine. Whether it be in writing or on your electronic device, a visual record of your routine can keep you motivated to stick to it.
- Keep track of when you started so you can see your progress.
- Log your routine daily, weekly, and monthly.
- Enlist a buddy to help. Find someone in your life who also needs a morning routine or already has one and successfully sticks with it.
- Ask them for their best tips on keeping on track.
- Touch base with your buddy every week about your mutual progress and cheer each other on.
- Stay disciplined in the beginning, even when it’s hard—it will become habit after a month.
- Don’t be too hard on yourself if you slip up.
- Reward yourself for the times you do succeed.
- If you go on vacation, try to get back on your morning routine in the last week so it’s not so difficult to adapt to your normal schedule again.
- Stretching in the morning helps a lot to get your body all loosened up and always make sure to warm up before stretching.
- Drink a big glass of cold water, the cold will help wake you up. Also drinking water when you wake up helps to kick start your metabolism.
- Always have a morning walk. Your body needs fresh air after hours of sleeping so go out there and get all the fresh air you can.
Sources and Citations