Get Rid of Algae in Ponds

Algae is an important part of next-generation Bio-fuels, but can be a real nuisance in your fish pond. Algae growth in your pond is easy to manage with proper planning. Controlling light and nutrients is the key to controlling algae.


  1. Plan the location of your pond to take advantage of shady areas in your yard. Be careful not to locate your pond under a tree, however, as Care for Trees on Your Property can drop leaves and sap that can play havoc with your pond water.
  2. Construct or retrofit your pond so that water from your yard cannot flow into it.
  3. Install a fine bubble aerator. The main cause of algae bloom is the lack of water movement. Air rises. By installing a fine bubble aerator at the deepest section of the pond and aerate the pond 24/7, you create a natural water movement in the pond, it produces a healthier environment for the fish while eliminating harmful algae at the same time.
  4. Use water plants to help keep sunlight off of the waters surface. Water Hyacinth, Water Lilies, and Lotus are all good choices.
  5. Include submersible plants such as Elodea that uses the Control Lake, Pond and Lagoon Algae that algae need to grow.
  6. Introduce aquatic pond snails to your pond. Pond snails dine on the algae in your pond.
  7. Add tadpoles to your pond. Tadpoles not only eat algae but also eat mosquito and other insect larvae.
  8. Feed your fish only as much food as can be eaten within about five minutes. Food not eaten will decay and contribute to algae growth.
  9. Clean the filters in your filtration system regularly. Clogged filters can kill beneficial bacteria and allow algae to flourish.
  10. Use an ultraviolet light Purchase a Quality Ultraviolet (UV) Sterilizer for Aquariums and Ponds. These sterilizers break down the cell walls of the algae, killing it.
  11. Clean the surface of your pond with a skimmer or algae net.
  12. Vacuum the algae from the pond with a pond vacuum.
  13. Place barley straw in a location that provides a good flow of water and sunlight. The barley straw will decompose adding hydrogen peroxide to the water, killing the algae.
  14. Color the water using a dye made specifically for treating pond water. The dye will color the water making it dark and harder for sunlight to penetrate to the depths of your pond.


  • Make sure to properly size your pump, Build a Filter of Moss (Biofiltration for Aquaria) system, and UV sterilizer.
  • Some types of algae are actually beneficial for your pond, providing food for fish and controlling nitrate levels.
  • If the level of algae gets to a point where the fish are dying, drain the whole pond and scrub it all off. Add new water that has been left for twenty four hours before returning the fish.


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