Get Rid of Chocolate Stains

So you’re a chocolate lover. By now you must know that rich, milky chocolate goodness will make an unmanageable mess when spilled. Chocolate contains a high amount of (delicious) fat that will keep working away to ruin your clothing and carpets, so get on that stain removal as soon as possible and as efficiently as possible.


Removing Chocolate From Garments

  1. Scrape off any chocolate gently from your piece of clothing. Refrigerate your garment for 10-15 minutes to keep the stain from spreading. Be careful not to create additional stains from placing your garment against open contents in your fridge.[1] Once solid, place your garment on a flat surface and use a butter knife or anything with a rigid edge to scrape off the excess chocolate.[2] Remove as much excess chocolate as possible but do not rub the chocolate into the clothing further.
    • Make sure to scrape the chocolate off along the circumference of the stain, covering the shortest amount of material. For example, if you are scraping off the stain from the middle of a shirt, scrape it off until the edges of the stain. Do not scrape past the stain itself or you will spread more chocolate.
    • Chocolate stains strengthen through time so it is important to remove it as soon as possible.
  2. Massage laundry detergent or prewash stain remover into the stain. Apply pretreatment directly to the stain and allow it to soak for up to five minutes before placing into the washer.[2]
  3. Wash with detergent. Follow the usual washing instructions found on the inside tag of your garment. Be mindful of certain materials that can only be hand washed or dry-cleaned like wool. Clean whites on the hottest recommended water setting with a bleach. For colors, wash on the hottest recommended water setting with a detergent safe for colors.
    • If your garment is dry clean only, bring it to a professional.[1]
  4. Look for residual stains. After you have washed your clothes, look for residual stains and repeat the process as many times as possible. Do not place your clothes in the dryer without ensuring all the chocolate is gone. Drying your stained clothes can seal in the stain.

Utilizing Hydrogen Peroxide or Vinegar

  1. Make your own stain remover. Mix one part dish soap and two parts 3% diluted peroxide to create a stain remover that can be directly applied to the chocolate stain.[3] The soap will remove grease and fat while the peroxide bleaches away any undesirable color.[3]
    • When it comes to choosing a dish soap, try Dawn or Palmolive. Both brands are known for fat removal. Chocolate contains a variety of fats and sugars so it is important to use a combination of methods to focus on the individual parts of the stain.[1]
    • Use Vinegar instead of hydrogen peroxide for a natural homemade remover.[4]
  2. Use a clean white cloth or sponge to work in your stain remover to the affected area. Blot while observing the material for any discolouration. Allow the stain remover to break down the stain for up to 15 minutes if the colour stays in tact. If the solution produces a difference in colour from the rest of your garment, stop immediately.[3]
    • Wear gloves when handling hydrogen peroxide as it can be damaging to the skin.[5]
  3. Give the garment a healthy rinse with cold water. Turn the garment inside out and rinse repeatedly. Depending on the stain, your garment may need several cycles through your washer before it is completely removed.[3]
    • If it seems no stain was removed after the first wash, try leaving the peroxide solution on the stain for a longer period of time.[3]

Removing Chocolate from Carpet

  1. Vacuum up any flakes of excess chocolate. Vacuuming the excess chocolate prevents it from being mushed or massaged into the carpet or spread onto other locations.[6] Try using the vacuum hose directly above the chocolate for accuracy.
  2. Apply a stain remover with a clean toothbrush. Gently dab stain remover with a clean toothbrush over the chocolate stain. Do no rub the chocolate deeper into the fabric of the carpet.[7] Rinse off the toothbrush in between dabs to prevent the further spread of the chocolate. Let the stain remover do it’s work by allowing it to sit for five to ten minutes.
    • For a quick homemade stain remover, mix a tablespoon of dishwashing detergent with 2 cups warm water.[2]
  3. Soak up the stain remover. Blot the stain with a clean towel or layer paper towel atop the stain, weighing it down with books.[7] It is important to stress that you must not rub the stain, but rather use a blotting technique to get the moisture out.
    • Keep blotting with a clean towel. Blotting with a chocolate stained towel may push chocolate back into the carpet.
    • Carpet is deep and thickly wound so the chocolate stain may not come out the first time.
  4. Reapply stain remover and blot again. When treating the stained carpet, you will know that the chocolate has been completely removed once the blotting towel feels moist but you see no sign of chocolate.
    • Depending on the material of your carpet, use a one-to-one mixture of liquid detergent 3% peroxide. While this solution can work on stubborn stains, it can also permanently damage material.[7]

Removing Chocolate from Upholstery

  1. Remove excess chocolate. Whether you lightly dab a towel over melted chocolate or use the vacuum hose while scrapping off an old chocolate stain, remove as much chocolate as you can before applying any cleaning products. Do not spread the stain in haste.[2]
  2. Apply a stain remover. Depending on the severity of the stain and the type of upholstery, use an appropriate stain remover on the chocolate stain. For small stains mix one tablespoon of detergent with two cups of cold water. For more severe stains, use a dry-cleaning solvent.[2]
    • Check if your upholstery is able to withstand harsh chemicals before applying any dry-cleaning solvent or stain remover.
  3. Use a clean white cloth to blot the solution over the chocolate stain. Make sure the cloth is clean so as to prevent fourth staining of the upholstery. Blot the solvent until it is absorbed into the upholstery.[2]
    • You can also use a sponge instead of a white cloth but make sure it is clean.
  4. Repeat as needed. Continue to apply the cleaning solution and blot the stained upholstery with a clean white cloth until you can no longer remove any chocolate. Blot the upholstery until the stain disappears and is dry.[2]


  • Laundry detergents and cleaning products are frequently harmful to mucus membranes and skin. Always protect yourself when working with chemicals by wearing rubber gloves if handling, and keeping your mouth closed tightly. Also, try to avoid inhaling any serious chemicals. [5]
  • If a chemical is put into your eyes, rinse your eyeball with water for 15 minutes and call your local physician for more assistance. [5]

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