Get Rid of Corns
A corn is a buildup of dead skin with a hard center core that develops on or between your toes. It is your body's protective response to repeated friction or pressure. This article will give you tips on how to get rid of them.
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1. See a podiatrist to have the corn assessed.
2. Try removing the corn at home with warm water and a pumice stone.
3. Use silicone foam wedges for corns on the toe(s) to relieve pressure and friction.
4. Consider using over-the-counter medications and pads to get rid of corns.
5. Talk to your doctor about using antibiotics in conjunction with other methods.
- See a podiatrist to have the corn assessed. Over the counter remedies do exist and are helpful, but there's no substitute for seeing a licensed doctor with a full arsenal of medical options.
- A corn is a symptom of a condition, not a condition itself. A podiatrist can help you determine the cause of the corn so you can deal with the problem directly. Corns are most often caused by footwear that doesn't fit properly, excessive use of dress shoes, toe deformities, or problems with your posture or gait that pressure areas of your feet.
- The podiatrist will most likely decide to remove the corn for you, but will advise you that the corn will return if you do not resolve the condition that caused it.
- Follow the podiatrist's recommendations for corn management. These may include a change in footwear, padding to protect the area from friction or pressure, foot orthotics to change the pressure distribution on your feet, or surgical correction for foot or toe problems.
- Remove a corn at home. The best way to begin removing a corn is to:
- Soak your foot in comfortably hot water for 5 to 10 minutes to soften the corn.
- Sand the corn gently using a pumice stone or another sanding object, like a skin file.
- You may need to repeat the treatment several times before the corn is fully removed.
- Get silicone foam wedges for corns on the toe(s). Specially-made silicone foam wedges will help relieve the pressure and friction between toes.
- Use over-the-counter medications and pads to get rid of the corn. Follow package instructions carefully. Most corn removal products contain salicylic acid, which could irritate or burn your foot.
- Most OTC pads contain 40% salicylic acid, making this a strong medication. Even so, your doctor may recommend that you file away some of the dead skin on the corn before applying the pad.
- Talk to your doctor about using antibiotics in conjunction with other methods. Antibiotic ointments are a common way to prevent infection, which is a common risk you run when treating the corn at home.
- Take action to prevent corns from returning. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound cure.
- Wear properly fitted, well-padded, shoes that have a wide toe box.
- Bring your shoes to a cobbler to have the toe box stretched in the area where you develop corns.
- Choose thick socks to absorb pressure on the foot. Make sure the socks fit loosely and do not cause your shoe to be too snug. Also make sure that your socks don't have seams that rub against any corns or places where you might get corns.
- Understand that there are other things that you can do to help prevent corns from cropping up in the first place. These include:
- Washing your feet every day with soap, water, and a scrubbing brush. When your feet are dry, apply a foot cream (not just normal lotion) to rehydrate.
- Go shoe-shopping later on in the day. Feet naturally swell as the day progresses. That means that shoes bought early in the day might not fit you later on in the day.
- Change your socks daily and use a pumice regularly. When using a pumice stone, be careful not to scrape away dead skin too forcefully.
- Use cushioning pads shaped like a doughnut to ease pressure on a corn until it goes away. These are marketed specifically to get rid of corns, and can be found in most drug stores.
- Lamb's wool, moleskin or cotton pads can help cushion soft corns between your toes.
- Do not attempt to peel away the skin. This will only damage it further, and create a lot more pain.
- Switching to wearing running shoes with heavier socks as often as possible may reduce recurrences of corns because of the difference in material.
- Because certain conditions can increase the risk of infection, people with diabetes or circulation problems should always go to a podiatrist for foot care. These people should never try to get rid of a corn on their own.
- Even a small cut on a foot can get infected and lead to serious problems, up to and including amputation. Use extreme care when removing a corn at home. Never try to cut off a corn using a razor blade, scissors or other sharp object.
- Diabetics should never use salicylic acid drops to treat their corns. Ulceration of the skin could lead to serious problems.
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