Get Rid of House Flies with Cloves

While there are many deterrents used to get rid of pesky house flies from your home or other surroundings, cloves are among the most popular. To get rid of house flies with cloves, simply poke 20 to 30 whole cloves into an apple, place the apple in the middle of the area, and watch the flies disappear shortly thereafter. This fix should work both indoors and outdoors.


  1. Take a sweet and ripe apple (any kind).
  2. Take 20 –30 cloves.
  3. Poke the cloves randomly into the apple.
  4. Place the newly clove-decorated apple on a plate and place it in the middle of the picnic table.
  5. Watch. You will be amazed to see how all of a sudden all the flies disappear in a short time. They simply hate the subtle smell of the cloves[1] and will never come again to “share your meal" as long as you have this ornamental clove apple on the table. Enjoy your food.


  • Whole cloves can also be wrapped in small squares of cheesecloth and tied up, then hung wherever the flies are entering the house or hovering, such as in doorways or windows.[2][3] To release more of the scent, simply squeeze the package now and then.
  • There is a fly in your house and you want it out! As the sun goes down, turn off all the lights in the house and turn on the bathroom light. The fly will go to the bathroom where you can swat it.
  • If you only have powdered cloves, you can use this method: Stab the apple a few times. Decorate it with clove powder and place on a small plate. Then, fill your teapot with cold water, put on "low," and put 3 tablespoons of powdered cloves in the water. Doubles as an air freshener!
  • Buy whole cloves in the supermarket. They look like little sticks with a ball on the end. Push the stick part into the apple.
  • Flies often hang upside down on a warm ceiling at night and in the early morning. Put some liquid soap in a cup and add water so that you have a little froth on top. Then walk under a fly and just raise the glass to it. When the fly senses the danger it will drop a couple of inches in order to get flying. At that point it is stuck in the soapy water. You can kill a bunch of the little nuisances with one glass.
  • Clove oil can be used when cleaning as another source of repelling houseflies indoors.[4]

Things You'll Need

  • Cloves (available from the spice section in supermarkets, grocery stores, etc.(Myrtaceae, Syzygium)
  • Apple

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