Get Rid of Starlings

European Starlings, an invasive species not native to the US, were first introduced to New York in 1890 as part of a misguided attempt to introduce every bird that William Shakespeare ever wrote about into the US. Because the starlings have fewer natural predators here, they spread unchecked, damaging environments and bullying native birds. Birds are particularly difficult to control because of their gift of flight, but you can take steps to discourage starlings from invading your home or farm.


Eliminating Starling Food/Water Sources

  1. Deter starlings from eating livestock feed. Farms often attract starlings, but the birds can eat your livestock feed and spread disease to your animals. Using feed and feeding methods that do not attract starlings can help keep the birds off of your farm.
    • Provide either granular feed or large pellets (at least 0.5 inch in size) that are more difficult for starlings to eat.
    • Do not put animal feed directly on the ground.
    • Use bird-proof feeders. Many of these will make “clanging” noises periodically or have covers that birds cannot penetrate.
    • Feed animals in a covered area, such as a barn.
    • Feed animals in the evening or after dark.
  2. Adapt bird feeding techniques to smaller birds. If you use bird feeders to attract songbirds to your yard, you may be annoyed by starlings eating all of your bird feed and scaring off other birds.[1]
    • Place wide netting or a cage around feeders. Smaller songbirds will be able to penetrate the holes, but starlings will not.
    • Cut perches very short so that only smaller birds can perch on your feeders.
    • Try a feeder that requires birds to feed upside down: starlings do not like to eat upside down.
    • Do not put birdseed directly on the ground.
  3. Limit standing water levels. Standing water should be drained or limited to depths containers in which the water level is at least six inches below the edge of the container and the depth of the water is at least three inches.[2]
  4. Spray food sources with anti-bird spray. Different types of spray that are safe for humans are available. This is a particularly good option if you have a crop that starlings like to eat, like grapes or berries.
    • Try spraying methyl anthranilate, a grape flavoring, on food sources.
    • Garlic oil may also deter starlings. Applying it to bird seed “bait” or spraying it on or around potential food sources may encourage them to relocate.[3]

Blocking Access to Preferred Nest Areas

  1. Cover orchards or nest areas with netting. Netting that is too small for starlings to penetrate will prevent them from entering your orchard while still allowing sunlight and less invasive birds through.
    • The practicality of this approach may vary depending on the size of the area that you wish to cover.
    • Maintaining the netting is important—holes may allow the starlings to get through.
    • The areas may need to be covered only for a limited time. Once the starlings move on to a new area, they may not try to return, or you may be able to continue prevention with less extreme measures.
  2. Thin trees in densely forested areas. Starlings prefer to nest in areas where the trees are dense and close together. For a long-term solution to deter the birds, consider thinning the trees on your property.
  3. Block any openings bigger than 1” wide. Sometimes thick or commercial grade material such as metal flashing or industrial vent/chimney covers may be necessary.[4]
  4. Install deterrent spikes on roosting areas. Metal spikes along ledges and other areas that starlings have started to roost will help drive starlings away to other areas.[2]
  5. Install angled boards over ledges. Boards or other materials set at a 45 degree incline along ledges and other roost areas will deter starlings due to the uncomfortable angle.[2] You may be able to remove the boards once the starlings have moved on to new territory.

Frightening Starlings Away

  1. Use sound machines to frighten the starlings. While ultrasonic sound systems are available for purchase, their efficacy has been debated. Instead, old fashioned (preferably outdoor/waterproof) speakers seem to work best.
    • A variety of sudden sounds such as alarms, distressed bird recordings, and explosions are most effective.[5]
    • Play the sounds erratically, not in a predictable pattern.
    • Move the speakers’ direction, or adjust the fading and panning from the receiver system, to vary the directionality of the sound.
    • The sound of a gunshot may also frighten the starlings away.[2]
  2. Use visual effects to frighten the starlings. Using a variety of visual scare tactics is most effective. Some things to try are balloons, balloons with predator eyes painted on them, flashing lights, shiny/reflective items that move, and models of predators such as owls, hawks, and foxes.[5]
    • Be sure to move the visual scare devices frequently so that the birds do not become acclimated to them.
  3. Spray the birds with water. Sporadically spraying the birds with water is a humane way to frighten the birds away.[5]
    • Like the audio and visual attacks, water sprays should be sudden and not patterned so that the birds do not adapt to the timing of the water.
  4. Combine different repellents together at the same time. The best scare attack is one that combines multiple methods of making the birds’ roosting habitat undesirable. The more undesirable or inconvenient a habitat is, the more likely the starlings are to move on to a safer place.
  5. Target attacks in the evening and morning hours. The bulk of your scare tactics should be applied when the birds are preparing to roost in the evenings. You can also launch a “reminder” attack in the morning as they are leaving their roosting areas.[5]

Decreasing Population

  1. Remove nests. While the best option is to close off any areas that the starlings may build nests before they happen, you may discover nests and decide to remove them.[4]
    • Check on your state’s laws about disturbing birds’ nests, particularly those with eggs in them. While the starlings are usually an unprotected species, other birds are protected. Be sure you know it is a starling nest before disturbing it.
  2. Trap the birds. Remember that you will need to have a plan for what to do with the birds after you trap them. You will need to either release them a significant distance from the trap site or euthanize them humanely. Consider hiring a professional pest control expert to help eliminate the trapped birds.[2]
  3. Hire a professional to use pesticides. There is a pesticide that targets starlings, but it can only be used by a licensed professional. Call a pest control company to inquire about pesticides.
    • This approach should probably be used after other tactics since it involves using a poisonous substance on your property.[2]
  4. Shoot the birds. Be sure to check the hunting/shooting ordinances for your city and state. Often, shooting just a few birds with a shotgun will make the remaining population decide to find a safer environment. The noise of the gun may also frighten the birds away.[6]
    • This may be considered an extreme measure and should be used as a last resort.
    • This method is likely not a safe or legal option in urban areas.


  • It is easier to move a population of starlings from a new habitat. Addressing the problem when it first begins will lead to more success than trying to remove an established population of starlings.
  • Use a combination of several methods all at one time over a week-long period, especially in the evenings. The population should begin to move to a new place.


  • Because starlings are considered a nuisance or invasive species, they are not protected in most areas. However, other birds may be legally protected, so be sure to consult your state’s laws about bird control before taking action to control birds.
  • Be wary of sprays or special devices that claim to repel birds. Be sure to read reviews and find out if they really work before making costly purchases.
  • While controlling the population by eliminating birds is one option, it may not be the most effective. Driving starling populations away will be more effective than trying to reduce the population by killing individual birds.

Sources and Citations

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