Get Rid of Sunspots

Sunspots are also known as Solar Lentigines. These darkened spots on your skin are caused by direct, prolonged exposure to ultra violet (UV) rays. The spots can appear at any age and are usually not harmful. Sunspots affect people with lighter skin most frequently, but anyone can get them. Always check with a dermatologist if you are concerned about any spot on your skin. Once your dermatologist determines that they are not dangerous, there are many options available for treating sunspots. From natural methods to cosmetic procedures, here are some suggestions on how to get rid of sunspots. Sunspots usually itch when you're in the sun.


Natural Methods for Gradual Fading

  1. Slice a fresh lemon and apply the fruit directly to the sunspots for 10 to 15 minutes per day. Lime juice works well also. The acid in the fruit aids in lightening the spots and also helps to remove any dead skin cells.
  2. Apply Aloe Vera gel twice a day to help heal the sun-damaged areas. Aloe has remarkable naturally healing properties.
  3. Steep a green tea bag in boiling water for 3 to 5 minutes. Squeeze the bag onto a cotton ball and rub over the spots twice per day. The antioxidants in the tea helps the skin heal itself.
  4. Soak the spots in buttermilk. This is easier on sunspots that do not appear on your face. For facial spots, apply buttermilk and allow it to sit on skin for several minutes. Buttermilk has been used for decades to lighten spots.
  5. Break open vitamin E capsules and apply the gel directly to the sunspots. The same properties that help fade scars also help to fade sunspots.
  6. Slice a red onion and rub it over the sunspots. The acid in the onion helps to reduce sunspots effectively.

Over-The-Counter Products

  1. Look for products that contain Kojic acid. This is a by-product of the fermentation process of Sake and has been shown to reduce the appearance of sunspots.
  2. Scan labels for Tretinoin and Renova as they may help in fading dark spots.
  3. Try products containing azelaic acid. This acid is derived from grains like wheat or rye and it has also been shown to help fade hyperpigmentation.
  4. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about Hydroquinone, an ingredient that has been popular for years as a spot remover. It has been a bit of a controversy, however, because high doses may cause cancers in mice.

Professional Services

  1. Treat your sunspots with laser resurfacing. This procedure is expensive, but effective in removing sunspots by taking off thin layers of skin. Recovery time can be several weeks.
  2. Get a chemical peel. These can be performed at dermatologist offices and some spas. The procedure employs a combination of acids that help to remove the top layers of skin. It can, however, leave the affected area red for several days.
  3. Freeze your sunspots with a technique called Cryotherapy. This procedure typically uses liquid nitrogen to freeze the spots. They will then scab and fall off in approximately 1 week.


  1. Use sunblock with an SPF of at least 15 to protect your skin from further sun damage. Protection from the sun can also allow the skin to heal itself naturally.
  2. Stay out of direct sunlight and tanning booths as much as possible. Wear a hat or use an umbrella. Wear light colored clothing with a tight weave to deflect the sun's damaging rays.


  • It is always a good idea to check your prescriptions. Many prescriptions such as antibiotic and birth control pills can cause darkening of the skin.
  • St John's Wort also heightens skin sensitivity.

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