Get Rid of Tapeworms in Your Pets

Tapeworms are intestinal parasites that can latch onto your pet’s intestinal wall causing damage and stealing vital nutrients. Over time as the worm matures, individual segments of its body containing its eggs, break off and pass out of the body in the stool. Once out of the body, the eggs hatch and new tapeworms enter the world to infect again. If your pet has a tapeworms, you’ll probably see these segments stick to the hair surrounding your pet’s anus. You might also see them in its fecal matter. They look like little pieces of rice. If freshly squeezed, they may even wiggle like worms.[1] Once you’ve spotted them, it’s time to act fast and treat your pet.


Getting Treatment

  1. Look for common symptoms. In general, signs of tapeworms can be difficult to spot. The most obvious sign is when you spot little segments of the worm - almost like grains of rice - around your pet's anus or in its fecal matter. Sometimes, behavioral clues might tip you off. If your dog seems to be dragging its butt on the carpet more frequently, you may want to check for tapeworms. It is possible that the dog's anus is irritated - hence, why it would rub its rear-end on the floor. Anemia occurs on rare occasions too.[2]
  2. Collect a stool sample. The veterinarian may want to verify the presence of tapeworms before a prescription is given to you. The best way to do this is to take a plastic bag and to collect a specimen. Don’t make physical contact with the worm. Just scoop it up and put it in a bag. In other cases, you might have to pick the worm segment off of your dog’s rear-end. Otherwise, your veterinarian may ask to keep your pet for a couple of hours to collect a specimen for himself.[3]
  3. Call your vet. They'll either insist you come in for a check-up, prescribe you a medication over the phone, or direct you to an over-the-counter medication sold at most pets supply stores. There are a variety of medications — most of which use praziquantel — to combat these little wormy parasites. The most common medications are Droncit, Drontal Plus, and Tradewinds Tapeworm Tabs. These can be found at vet clinics and some pet superstores.Your vet will know exactly which treatment will best eliminate tapeworms. Depending on your pet, your pet’s size, and your pet’s age, your vet will take differed medicinal approaches.[3]
    • If you purchase a dewormer at a pet supply store, be sure to follow the directions methodically.
    • Most treatments are given orally, but there are injections and topical treatments too.
  4. Follow your vet’s instructions closely. All of these medications will have age and size specifications that you’ll need to follow. For example, most medicines cannot be used on young kittens (less than 8 weeks) or kittens under 2.2. lbs.[3]

Administering the Medicine

  1. Have the medicine in hand. Regardless of whether you are using a pill, liquid, or topical treatment, you’ll want to have the medicine ready in hand. If your pet is reluctant to receive any of these treatments, your job will be infinitely harder if you don't have the medicine ready.
  2. Restrain your pet. This can be done in a variety of ways and depending on the size of your pet, you may need another set of hands. Start by cornering in its hind legs. Your pet will most likely try to back out of whatever situation they are in. If they cannot, they’ll be easier to contain. Hold its head with one hand and have the other prepared to administer the medicine.[4]
    • If you are using an oral medication, place your pointer finger and thumb on either side of your pet's mouth and tilt its head backwards. This is the most effective way to get your pet’s mouth open to receive the medication.[4]
  3. Apply or insert the medicine. Now that you have your pet restrained, administer the medicine. Apply topical treatments according to the directions — most of the time on the back of your pet's head/neck, so it cannot mess with it once it has been applied. Insert the pill into the cat’s/dog’s mouth.
    • For oral medicines, you’ll want to close your pet’s mouth. Hold it closed for 5-10 seconds and rub the outside of its throat gently. This will spark the swallowing process.
    • Afterwards, make sure that the oral supplement has been swallowed. Dogs and cats will often spit it right back out. [4]
  4. Reward your pet. Make this a pleasant experience for your furry friend. After all, it isn’t like it wanted to get tapeworms. Give it a treat. Pet your cat or dog profusely. If you do this, the next treatment will go easier, because your pet will associate the experience with tasty treats and love.[4]

Preventing Tapeworms in the Future

  1. Control fleas. Tapeworms must have an intermediate host, the flea, to complete their life-cycle and infest the next victim. Your pet gets tapeworms by swallowing a flea infected with tapeworm larvae or by eating a small mammal, usually a rodent that contains the worm. Flea control involves treatment of your pet, the indoor environment, and the outdoor environment where the pet resides. There are various sprays, foggers, and traps that you can purchase at most pet stores. Or you can have a pesticide professional come by and do it for you.[5]
    • If the pet lives in a flea-infested environment, reinfection with tapeworms may occur in as little as two weeks. Because the medication which treats tapeworm infection is so effective, return of the tapeworms is almost always due to reinfection from the environment.[6]
  2. Keep your pet on a preventative prescription plan. Consult your vet for specifics. Some medications, like Sentinel Spectrum, act broadly to protect against fleas, heartworms, hookworms, roundworms, and tapeworms.[7]
  3. Clean up after your dog. Since tapeworms begin their life cycle in your pet’s feces, take care of them from the start. Clean your cat’s litter box. Pick up after your dog outside. Dispose of your pet's waste carefully. Wear gloves. Use a disinfectant whenever possible. Put its waste into a plastic bag and dispose of it. Eventually the air will run out in the bag and the worms will suffocate. It is also just a public safety service. Don't spread your pet's tapeworms to other animals.[6]
  4. Wash your hands after you play with your pets. Regular or anti-bacterial soap will help guard you from tapeworms. You don't want to inadvertently carry the tapeworm with you.[8]


  • Tapeworms can infect people, although infection is not common or likely. A flea must be ingested for humans to become infected with the most common tapeworm of dogs. Most reported cases have involved children. The most effective way to prevent human infection is through aggressive, thorough flea control. The risk for infection with this tapeworm in humans is quite small but does exist.[1]

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