Get Rid of Tooth Pain

Got a toothache? If you're currently suffering from moderate to intense tooth pain, you're likely looking for fast and effective relief. It is important that you consult with a dentist if the pain persists or gets worse. However, in the meantime there are plenty of first aid treatments and alternative home remedies that can ease the pain.


Taking Quick Action

  1. Remove any trapped food. One of the first things that you can try – even before at-home remedies – is some quick cleaning. Try to remove any trapped particles of food that are lodged near the tooth and might be causing pain. [1]
    • Carefully work dental floss between both sides of the tooth and dislodge any food particles.[2]
    • After flossing, rinse your mouth thoroughly. Rapidly swish warm water around in your mouth to loosen anything that is left. Spit the water out when done.
  2. Avoid using the tooth. Until you can apply a remedy, take easy steps to control pain. Avoid chewing with that area of your mouth and with the tooth itself, for one.
    • You might also try to use a temporary filler. If your tooth is cracked or otherwise damaged, it is possible to cover it for a time with softened chewing gum or dental wax until you can find a more permanent solution.[3]
    • Many drug stores also sell temporary tooth filling kits. These are made from zinc oxide or a similar material, will reduce pressure, and can last up to two weeks. They should cost about $10.
    • You can also put some wax in the cavity to seal it off and protect it further.
    • To protect against sensitivity, put some cotton from a cotton roll onto your tooth when you eat.
  3. Take pain medication. Use a non-prescription, over-the-counter pain reliever like acetaminophen/paracetamol or ibuprofen to lessen the pain until you can get to a dentist. Follow the instructions on the label to determine the correct dosage.[4]
    • For most pain relievers, you will take one or two pills every four to six hours. Exact dosages will vary by medication and brand, however.
    • You should be able to buy these at any pharmacy or drug store, at a cost of under $20.
    • Do not put aspirin or other painkillers directly on the gum tissue. Doing so can cause damage and will certainly irritate the nearby tissue.[5]
  4. Use a topical pain medication. Over-the-counter topical ointments are another option. These work by numbing the area around your tooth or by application directly to the cavity. The active ingredient in such medications is benzocaine. Follow the label directions to determine the proper amount and application.[6]
    • Topical ointment like Orajel should be available at most drugstores, costing about $10.
    • Only use topical pain relievers approved for dental use. Other topical pain killers could be dangerous if ingested.
    • Benzocaine in some cases causes a rare but dangerous condition called methemoglobinemia, which decreases the amount of oxygen in the blood. Children less than 2 should not be given medications with benzocaine, nor should you ever exceed the recommended dosage.[7]
  5. Apply a cold compress. Another quick way to reduce the pain of a toothache is to numb it with cold. Cold temperatures will reduce blood flow to area. You will experience less pain as the blood flow drops.[8]
    • Wrap an ice cube in a plastic bag or a thin cloth and apply it to the jawline surrounding the pained tooth for 10 to 15 minutes.
    • Take breaks in 10 to 15 minute intervals. After each break, continue to apply the compress to the pained area as needed.
    • Make sure that the area has returned to “normal” before reapplying the compress. You may otherwise damage surrounding tissue.

Using Temporary Home Remedies

  1. Numb the area using cloves. Cloves are an old standby remedy for toothaches, as they have a natural numbing effect and are also good at killing bacteria. You can use whole cloves, ground cloves, or clove oil to get rid of your tooth pain. [9]
    • If using ground cloves, clean your hands and then apply a pinch of ground cloves between the pained gum and cheek. As the cloves combine with your saliva, they will begin to numb the surrounding tissue.
    • For whole cloves, use clean hands to place two or three cloves in your mouth near the pained area. After your saliva softens them, gently chew the cloves to release the oils.
    • Alternatively, mix a few drops of clove oil with 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml) of olive oil. Then, soak a sterile cotton ball in the mixture and hold it against the painful part of your tooth or gum.
  2. Rinse with salt water. Another way to reduce pain and kill bacteria is to prepare a salt water rinse. Salt is not a cure but can strip the mouth of bacteria and draw moisture out from an inflamed gum surrounding a pained tooth, thereby soothing it.[10]
    • Combine 1 tsp (5 ml) of salt with 8 ounces (250 ml) of warm water. Allow the salt to dissolve in the water before use.
    • Rinse your mouth with this solution for 30 seconds before spitting it out. Repeat as needed.
    • You will most likely want to rinse with fresh water after a salt preparation. With water from the tap, rinse again for 30 seconds.
  3. Try garlic or onion. Both of these common vegetables are traditional folk remedies for tooth pain and are thought to have antibacterial properties. They may give you bad breath, but they’ll help to kill harmful germs in the mouth and can offer temporary relief.[11]
    • Wedge a clove of garlic between your sore tooth or gum and cheek. Hold it there until the pain subsides.
    • Alternately, cut a small piece of onion and place it on your affected tooth.
  4. Make a bayberry paste. Bayberry root bark is thought to be a natural antibiotic and also contains tannins and flavonoids, making it astringent. When combined with vinegar to form a paste, is supposed to relieve tooth pain, reduce swelling, strengthen the gums.[12]
    • Grind up a 1-inch (2.5-cm) patch of bayberry bark with 1/4 tsp (1.25 ml) of vinegar. Use more bark or vinegar as needed to form a paste.
    • Apply this paste directly to the pained area of your mouth and let sit until the pain subsides. Then, rinse it away with warm water.
    • You can also use an anti-sensitivity toothpaste here, too; you should keep it on your tooth for as long as possible.
  5. Spice things up with a ginger and cayenne pepper paste. If your teeth are painful or sensitive, a paste made from powdered ginger, ground red pepper, and water can be applied directly to the sensitive teeth to relieve the pain. Both spices may be painkillers.[13] They seem to work even better when used together.
    • Combine a pinch of powdered ginger with a pinch or red pepper in the bottom of a cup. Add a few drops of water until you can stir the ingredients together into a paste. [14]
    • Dip a sterile cotton ball in the paste. Place the cotton directly on the tooth and hold it there until the pain subsides or as long as you can stand it – the paste will probably be unpleasant.
    • Only apply this treatment to the affected tooth. Do not apply it to your gum tissue, as doing so may cause irritation or burning.
  6. Use tincture of myrrh. Myrrh is a resin that comes from certain thorny trees, and is used in things like perfume, incense, and medicine. Having astringent qualities, myrrh can reduce painful inflammation and also kills bacteria. Hence, tincture of myrrh has long been used as a home remedy for toothaches.[15]
    • In a small saucepan, heat 1 tsp (5 ml) of powdered myrrh in 2 cups (500 ml) of water for 30 minutes. Strain the liquid and let it cool.
    • Combine 1 tsp (5 ml) of this liquid with 1/2 cup (125 ml) water and rinse with the resulting solution up to five or six times daily.
  7. Apply a wet tea bag to the painful area. Like bayberry root bark, black teas contain astringent tannins that can reduce inflammation. Herbal peppermint tea also has a mild numbing effect and, anecdotally, may relieve pain.[10] Many of these are often used in toothache home remedies.
    • To use tea as a remedy, microwave the teabag in a small dish of water for 30 seconds to warm it up. Then, squeeze out any excess water.
    • Press the teabag to your sore tooth or gum ad bite down gently until the pain fades.
  8. Use high proof alcohol. This is not about drinking to dull your pain. Rather, potent liquors like vodka, brandy, whiskey, or gin may have some ability to numb your tooth if applied directly.[16]
    • Soak a sterile cotton ball in liquor, like brandy or vodka, and hold it against the pained tooth. You might also take a sip of whiskey and hold the liquid in your cheek near the pained area.
    • Any relief from this method will be temporary. Do not try this technique with rubbing alcohol, as well, as it is not safe to ingest.

Getting Professional Dental Help

  1. Schedule an appointment with your dentist. Toothache home remedies are not meant to be permanent fixes, but only to help relieve pain. If your tooth pain persists or worsens, you will need to see your dentist for professional treatment.[17]
    • There could be serious problems behind your toothache. These include cracked enamel, tooth decay and cavities, of infection.
    • See a dentist if your pain does not respond to home treatment, is accompanied by swelling, fever, or pus, is caused by an injury, or makes swallowing difficult. Also seek medical attention if experience jaw pain accompanied by chest pain – the latter may be a signal of a heart attack.[18]
  2. Get a filling. A dentist may examine your tooth and decide that the pain is caused by tooth decay – that is to say, areas where bacterial acid has eaten away the enamel and exposed the tooth’s root. Alternately, you may be having an issue with an existing filling that has become loose. In both cases the tooth will need to be filled.[19]
    • After numbing your tooth and gums, the dentist will first drill out the decayed part of the tooth. He’ll then fill the cavity with a composite or amalgam filling.
    • You might have some choice in the filling material. Composite fillings are usually made from a resin of plastic, glass, or porcelain and will largely match the color of your teeth. Amalgam fillings are usually made from silver and may be stronger, but will not match the tooth’s color.[20] They also release a small amount of toxic mercury.
    • As fillings age, they may break down or become loose. Your dentist will remove the filling, drill away any new decay, and give you a new filling.
  3. Have a crown put on the tooth. A dental crown, also called a cap, is used when a tooth is damaged but not lost. It is essentially a hollow, artificial tooth that will restore shape and function, protecting the tooth from further damage. These may be needed in cases of severe tooth decay, pulpitis, abrasion, tooth fractures, or severe infections.[21]
    • If tooth decay is too advanced, or in case of a root canal, a filling may not be sufficient treatment and the dentist will use a cap or crown.
    • Generally the dentist will give you local anaesthetic. She will then file the tooth down and replace it with a crown made from a customized molding of your tooth. These crowns are made from the same restorative materials as normal fillings.
  4. Graft missing gum tissue. It may be that your pain is not being caused by a tooth at all but by your gums. Some people have receding gums. This means that the gums have fallen away from your teeth, exposing thin enamel and nerves, and often leads to overly sensitive teeth.[22]
    • If your pain is due to gum recession, the dentist may prescribe preventative care. Sometimes receding gums are caused by inadequate dental hygiene. Your dentist may advise you to floss regularly, brush with soft-bristles, and use a toothpaste like Sensodyne.
    • In bad cases, the dentist may send you to an oral surgeon or periodontist for grafting. This means that the surgeon will take tissue from the roof of your mouth and then graft it onto the damaged gums. The tissue should then heal and protect the teeth as it should.[23]
    • This procedure will protect you from future root canals, but it is also an aesthetic procedure that makes patients more confident in their smiles.
  5. Start a prescription desensitizer treatment. If your toothache is not due to cavities, decay, or injury, you may just have a bit of sensitivity due to enamel loss. There are treatments for this, including ways to gradually de-sensitivize the tooth.[24]
    • A desensitizer is a prescription topical treatment that gradually reduces nerve sensitivity of the teeth. As nerves become less sensitive, you should experience less pain.
  6. Treat the tooth for infection. Your pain might also be coming from an infection or inflammation in the tooth pulp or even at the root of the tooth. If so, you’ll need to get this treated right away so that the infection doesn’t kill the tooth or spread.[25]
    • A prescription antibiotic is only needed if you have an infection in your mouth.
    • Infections usually result from abscesses caused by decay or injury.
  7. Extract the tooth. If your toothache is caused by a severely infected or damaged tooth or by an impacted wisdom tooth, you may need to have it removed by a dentist. This should be left as a last option. Once you extract the tooth, it’s gone for good.
    • Wisdom teeth are usually removed because they can crowd the other teeth in your mouth. As the teeth become crowded, more pressure is applied, causing more pain or possible infection. This crowding can change your bite and be painful; it can also cause TMJ disorders, which can also cause headaches.

Preventing Tooth Pain from Returning

  1. Brush and floss regularly. To prevent new or worsening damage, you learn good oral hygiene practices. These will keep your teeth healthy, strong, and pain-free.[26]
    • Brush twice a day and floss once a day. See a dentist at least once per year or even every 6 months for a check-up. She will be able to keep track of any possible problems.[27]
    • While regular brushing and flossing will not be able to turn back time and repair decay that has already begun, it can prevent future decay and may remedy pre-decay decalcification.
    • Try to carry a toothbrush in your purse or carryall, so that you are able to brush on the go. If you are unable to brush, at least rinse your mouth with water.
  2. Eat a good diet for oral health. What you eat determines how healthy your teeth are. Whenever you eat sugars, for example, they will react with bacteria to form acids that can eat away at tooth enamel. For better, stronger teeth, reduce your sugar intake.[28]
    • Drink less soda, sugary fruit drinks, sweet tea, or sweetened coffee. Include more water in your diet.
    • Eat less junk food, including candy and pastries.
    • Avoid acidic foods and juices, as well, like grapefruit juice, cola, and wine. Choose an “alkaline” or non-acid treat instead, like yogurt, cheese, or milk.
  3. Use special toothbrushes and toothpaste. If your tooth pain is caused by dental sensitivity, consider using a toothbrush and toothpaste specifically designed for overly sensitive teeth. You should be able to find them at most drugstores.
    • Sensitive teeth are often the result of receding gums. As gums shrink, the tooth dentin below the enamel surface is exposed. Sensitive toothpaste is designed to clean this part of your tooth using gentler ingredients.
    • Switch to a soft bristled toothbrush. If your tooth pain is related to receding gums, a soft bristled toothbrush can be used to preserve more of your natural gum tissue.
    • Hard and medium brushes are often effective at scrubbing away decay, but soft toothbrushes are a better option if you struggle with gum-related pain or similar problems.

Things You'll Need

  • Dental floss
  • Water
  • Pain medication (topical or oral)
  • Cold compress
  • Cotton balls
  • Cloves
  • Salt
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Wheat grass juice
  • Vinegar
  • Bayberry
  • Powdered ginger
  • Red/cayenne pepper
  • Powdered myrrh
  • Black or peppermint tea bag
  • Brandy, vodka, or whiskey
  • Toothbrush
  • Mouth guard

Sources and Citations

  10. 10.0 10.1

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