Get Rid of a Tan on the Face

Many people prefer pale or fair skin to tanned skin for various reasons. It can be annoying to keep the sun off your face at all times— and you might end up with a tan anyway. This article will teach you how to lighten your face after it has become tanned.


Facial Treatments

  1. Apply a homemade mask of turmeric powder, gram flour, and curd. Mix the paste well and apply over the face and neck. Turmeric has antiseptic properties, while the gram flour works as a natural cleansing agent and the curd as a natural de-tan solution.
  2. Wash your face with a face wash specifically designed to get rid of skin tan. Face wash containing aloe vera extract or AHAs can help speed the process of de-tan.
  3. Rub lemon juice on your skin. It's a natural acid and exfoliates dead skin cells. Just make sure you don't have any cuts or get it near your eyes, as it could be quite painful.
  4. Apply a lighter shade of foundation and compact powder. If all else fails, you can mask the tan with makeup (while taking measures to reduce future tanning, ideally).

Preventing Future Tans

  1. Exercise caution while outdoors. Even if the sky is clouded over or it isn't particularly hot, you can still get a tan. You should take precautionary measures so you won't have to deal with a tan in the future.
  2. Always apply sunscreen with a high SPF. This will in block the harsh UV rays of the sun, which cause people to become tanned or sunburned. Sunscreen should be applied 15 to 20 minutes before going outside and reapplied after every few hours.
  3. Carry an umbrella or wear a large hat to cover your face.
  4. Get a good night's sleep. Everyone should get 8-12 hours of rest a day. Your skin cells cannot repair themselves if you are sleep-deprived.
  5. Enjoy the sun and beat the tan with confidence.


  • Massage a spoon of cool unflavored yogurt onto your face. Yogurt contains lactic acid and zing which makes it great for improving your skin's complexion. Leave yogurt till dry and rinse thoroughly with cool water.
  • Puree a few ripe tomatoes in your blender with 1/4 cup of water. Apply the liquid to your face, and leave on for a few minutes. Tomatoes contain the antioxidant lycopene, which helps to protect the body from the effects of the sun.


  • Applying turmeric mask may stain clothes yellow.
  • If you have very sensitive skin, direct contact of tomato juice on the skin may cause skin irritation.
  • If applying lime causes a burning sensation, then mix 2 parts of lime with 1 part of water to reduce the stinging sensation on the skin.

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