Get Super Bowl Tickets
Super Bowl tickets are some of the most sought-after seats in American sports. They can be expensive and hard to come by. The National Football League (NFL) sells their tickets using an unusual combination of lottery, team allocation and gifts. In order to go to the upcoming Super Bowl, it is a good strategy to start planning a year in advance. You can follow the process as the football season progresses and with a combination of luck and research, you can find yourself attending the event. This article will tell you how to get Super Bowl tickets.
- Prepare to pay a fairly relatively large price for tickets. In 2015, the face value of tickets ranged from $1,600 for upper bowl seats to $3,200 for the seats in the club section. The National Football League sets the face value of tickets they sell directly from their site through their lottery, but prices on the secondary market regularly sell for prices between $4,000 and $8,000.
- Place your name in the Super Bowl ticket lottery. Written requests, sent by registered or certified mail, are eligible, if they are received from the first of February to the first of June, preceding the Super Bowl you want to attend. For example, if you want to attend Super Bowl LII in February of 2018, your request must have been received by June 1, 2017.
- If you win the lottery, you will have the ability to buy 2 tickets in the section of your choice at face value, which is the lowest price at which they are usually sold. The NFL gives away 500 pairs of tickets and in 2001, they had 36,000 applicants. You will hear whether you have won or lost in the lottery in October or November of the year before the Super Bowl. You will be sent details about how to buy the tickets from an official NFL site.
- Mail your certified or registered letter to "Super Bowl Random Drawing, P.O. Box 49140, Strongsville, OH 44149-0140." Write a letter requesting 2 tickets, and include all your contact information along with your name.
- Place your name in an ADA Super Bowl ticket lottery, if you are disabled. You must submit a written request by registered or certified mail sometime between the first of February and the first of September. If you win, you will be given the ability to purchase, at face value, a wheelchair ticket and a ticket for a companion.
- Mail your certified or registered letter to "Super Bowl ADA Random Drawing, 280 Park Avenue
- New York, NY 10017." You will be notified if you won or lost in the drawing in late October or early November.
- You may be asked to provide proof of your disability to qualify for these seats.
- Enter a team lottery, if you have NFL season tickets. The NFL distributes 17.5 percent of the Super Bowl tickets to each team that is playing, 5 percent to the team that is hosting and about 1 percent to each of the other NFL teams. Call or email the agency responsible for helping season ticket holders in your state, to inquire about their process.
- Buy tickets on the secondary market. The NFL does not directly distribute to brokers, ticketing agencies or other sellers. This means that they can be illegally sold, so follow these guidelines for buying secondary market Super Bowl tickets:
- Set up a price alert at an online ticket agency. Super Bowl ticket prices fluctuate heavily in the last 6 months before the game is played. Many websites like StubHub, SBTickets or TeamOneTickets allow you to choose your price.
- Choose a secondary market distributor who has a guarantee on the ticket's validity and a good ticket shipping policy. Some larger chains may also have a customer representative at the Super Bowl itself, in case you bought your ticket at the last minute.
- Set up a Google Alert for tickets that are for sale in your hometown or region. You can go to Google, select "More Options" and "Alerts." You will be able to enter your email address and search terms, and you will receive an alert with results. You may choose a search phrase like "super bowl ticket San Francisco."
- Choose a dealer that can help you specify your seats, if possible. Agencies and brokers are likely to have more tickets than a single ticket seller, so they may offer a choice of seats, with corresponding prices.
- Avoid buying tickets right after the teams are announced. Statistics have shown that prices generally go up by $1,000 or more at this point, because people want to see their favorite team. Otherwise, prices generally go down in the month before the game, because sellers don't want to be left with unsold tickets.
- Sites like Craigslist, eBay and Yahoo auctions are often times as risky as buying from a scalper. They do not provide guarantees as to the authenticity of the ticket, and you may not find out until they have your credit card number.
- Look for a package deal. Some luxury travel agencies or sports sites provide packages that include hotel rooms, a car rental, a pre-game party and tickets. These packages may run upwards of $5,000 per person.
- Buy Super Bowl tickets a few days before or on game day near the event. Scalpers may sell tickets downtown near the major hotels, where they know tourists will be stationed. Although scalping is illegal, it is a very common way for people to find tickets.
- Network with friends in the corporate world. The NFL gives a large number of the tickets it keeps (about 25 percent) as gifts to network sponsors. This is largely defined by luck and the people you know, so ask around a few months before the game.
- Try to win the grand prize of a radio or television ad, when it states that you can enter to win for the drawing for these.
- Type your NFL ticket lottery request letter. This will remove any chance that your name or request will be illegible.
- Make sure you have accommodations if you buy your tickets at the last minute. Hotel rooms, parking and flights sell out soon after the final teams are announced.
- The NFL will take legal action against anyone seeking to defraud the ADA Super Bowl ticket lottery. You must be able to prove you have a disability that requires ADA access.
- Beware when looking to purchase Super Bowl tickets on the secondary market. Every year counterfeiters scam people by accepting money for fake tickets. Often it is the buyers that are caught with fake tickets, rather than the sellers.
- Do not send duplicate requests to the NFL ticket lotteries. Duplicate addresses will be discarded.
Things You'll Need
- Certified or registered letter
- $600 to $5,000
- Google alert
- Season tickets
- Credit card or cash
- Online ticket agency or broker
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