Get Super Glue Off Skin
Superglue is a very strong glue. It can be difficult to remove from skin. Various household products, such as nail polish remover and petroleum jelly, can be used to remove superglue. If you got superglue on a sensitive area, like your lips or eyelids, consult a doctor before attempting to remove the glue on your own.
Using Nail Polish Remover
- Select the right nail polish remover. Acetone is the substance in nail polish remover that helps dissolve superglue for removal. You need an acetone-based remover in order for this method to be successful.
- Check the ingredients label of your nail polish remover. Acetone should be listed here, usually towards the top of the list.
- If your nail polish remover does not have acetone, you can try another removal method. You can also run to a drugstore or department store and pick up acetone-based remover.
- Apply nail polish remover to the exposed skin. It's safe to use acetone-based remover on small patches of skin. Apply the remover to the affected area with a cotton swab or paper towel.
- Nail polish remover can eat through the finish on tables and furniture. If you're working at a table, lay a protective covering down over the area. It's best to work over the sink.
- Do not use this method to remove superglue from sensitive areas like the eyelids and lips.
- Peel off the superglue after it dissolves. After a few minutes, you should notice the superglue is turning white and beginning to flake off the skin. You can now begin gently peeling the glue off the affected area. It should come off fairly easily at this point.
- If the glue is not coming off easily, you can use a nail file to rub the glue off the skin. Be careful when working with a nail file, as you do not want to accidentally rub off a layer of skin. Stop if you start to feel pain.
Trying Kitchen and Bathroom Products
- Wash the skin in warm, soapy water. Several applications of warm, soapy water can eventually get superglue off of the skin. You can use tap water and basic bathroom soap. Immerse the affected skin in a sink full of warm, soapy water.
- Try peeling the superglue off your skin after soaking it.
- If it does not come off the first time, you may have to wash the area a few more times. It may take a few attempts for superglue to be removed with soap and water.
- Use petroleum jelly. Massaging your skin with petroleum jelly may remove superglue. It may also help prevent skin damage due to superglue exposure. If you don't have petroleum jelly in your cabinet, it can be purchased at most drugstores. Some lip balms also contain petroleum jelly. If you have lip balm on you, check to see if petroleum jelly is listed as an ingredient.
- Spend a couple of minutes massaging the affected skin with petroleum jelly.
- The superglue should begin to come off. Continue to massage until all the superglue flakes off.
- When you're done, you can wash your hands with soap and water to remove excess glue and petroleum jelly.
- Try vegetable oil. Apply vegetable oil to a cloth or a paper towel. Rub the affected skin with the cloth. Within a couple of minutes, superglue should begin to come off of your skin.
- If you do not have vegetable oil, almond oil and baby oil can be used instead.
- Use hand lotion. Rub some hand lotion on your skin. Any lotion you have on hand should work. Keep rubbing until the superglue begins to peel off.
- Like petroleum jelly, hand lotion can also restore moisture to your skin. This will help prevent some potential damage from superglue exposure. If you're prone to dry skin, this may be a good method for you.
- Superglue can be dangerous if it gets on sensitive areas. If you get superglue on your eyelids or lips, do not attempt to remove it on your own. Make an appointment with your physician to remove the glue instead.