Get a Nicotine Rush Easily

Therefore a reduced amount of oxygen will amplify nicotine's effect! There are different strengths of cigarette, alternating between brands usually help to give a rush. After the first cigarette it is uncommon to get a nicotine rush, by lighting another you will deflect the focus and cause the rush to be reduced.


  1. Main point, relax and keep concentration levels as low as possible; just enjoy the moment.
  2. Sit down, lie down in a room or balcony/window (to reduce bad odors in the house). A good view helps the relaxation.
  3. Light the cigarette and inhale deeply.
  4. Hold it in for a few seconds with out straining yourself.
  5. Breathe out until you cannot breathe out anymore. (Remember to not strain yourself or concentrate at all on how long you breathe out.) Breathing out as much as possible, without straining, will cause the effect of the nicotine rush to amplify.
  6. Try to keep smoking to a maximum of 3 a day - smoking ONE at your preferred time will give you the rush every time you smoke. The less you smoke, the bigger your rush (and the healthier you'll be).


  • If you have just started smoking, you will find the nicotine rush to hit well every time. But be warned, the more you smoke the less the effects will kick in and the more addicted you will become.
  • Keep movement (i.e. walking or doing something you need to concentrate on) to a minimum.
  • A good way to amplify the effect while and after smoking is to mentally convince yourself, "I'm so relaxed right now" or "What a relaxing view".
  • Try to inhale the smoke and take another hit and inhale again without exhaling.


  • Best thing would be not smoke at all. You may think you can control your addiction, but it's stressful and very hard. If possible avoid it and stick to just naturally relaxing yourself.
  • Smoking tobacco alone does pose risks; tobacco leafs inherently add to the risk of certain cancers of the mouth, throat, lungs even when not inhaled. There is no definitive way to tell your risk factor, smoke tobacco at your own risk. However, the risk is still inherently very VERY low and most stop smoking advertising on television, websites and billboards are only spotlighting the 0.2% of tobacco smokers world wide.