Get to Sleep Easier As a Young Teenager

You know the moment, when you stretch out your arms refreshed, or stretch out a hand to slam the snooze button for the fourth time? That moment says a lot about the night that you had and the big day to come. It all starts hours before your head hits your pillow.


  1. Make sure that you haven't eaten for the past hour, but if you are hungry, eat foods such as bananas, they contain many stress relief materials and you will get to sleep much more easier without having to stress about the day ahead of you.
  2. Get a comfortable pillow. Sleeping on a really comfy pillow will ensure that you are getting the most comfort in your sleep. You'll need to find a pillow that suits you, whether it is hard or soft. Some people prefer sleeping without pillows. Consider getting a memory foam pillow if you have problems with your neck.
  3. Adjust the lighting. Some teenagers like sleeping with a little bit of light, a few like sleeping in pitch black. Experiment over the weekend and test whether you sleep better with light or better in the dark. Remember to consider other people's needs, if you share a room.
  4. Listen to soft music. Make a playlist of "chill" songs and listen to it, at a low volume. Listen to the same music every night before you go to sleep and only listen to this music at that time. Your brain will soon recognise it as sleeping music and you will feel drowsy once you hear it.
  5. Teenagers like to think before they sleep, so make up some thoughts about the day or the day ahead of you, be creative! You can think or things that you'd like to do in ten years time or maybe create a story in your head, it is proven that people sleep better when they go into a deep thought. Don't start thinking about serious problems!
  6. Just before going to sleep is when you will think of several problems and things you have to consider or resolve. However, you will not sleep if you're thinking too much. Write down your problems and concerns in a notebook and place it a drawer. This will make our mind feel as if the problems can be safely be put aside for the night so you can get your sleep. In the morning, look over the problems. Things always seem more achievable after a good night's sleep!
  7. Reduce the electronics in your room that have small lights, like computers and televisions as they will distract you when it is dark because they stand out. Perhaps try to cover them using some sticky notes, so you don't have to completely take them out of your room.
  8. Do not go on any electronic devices with wide screens,it is scientifically proven that it will take you longer to get to sleep if you use them.
  9. Sleep in a comfortable position and don't stick to one position the whole night. Keep moving(you will keep moving unconsciously), otherwise your body will feel stiff in the morning.
  10. Experiment with bed linen and your pajamas. Work out what you find most comfortable and use it.


  • Make sure you keep a warm glass of milk or water on your side table, you may need it to help you sleep or you can drink it just in case you get thirsty.
  • If there is a school day ahead of you, try to make up a sleeping schedule, e.g. 10:30 pm to 6:30 am, that will give you a full eight hours of sleep.
  • Put shoulder tips slightly on the edge of your pillow, so your neck gets full support from your pillow.
  • Only use your bed for sleeping.Your body will know when you are in bed, and you need to sleep.

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