Give Idoxuridine to Cats with Herpes Eye Infections

Idoxuridine is a corticosteroid that is an antiviral. It is used to treat herpes eye infections. This medication can be given as drops or as an ointment. To give this medicine to your cat, secure their head, apply the medication, make sure you don’t touch the eye with the medicine tube or dropper, and wash your hands when you’re finished.


Following the Instructions

  1. Follow the vet’s instructions. When the vet prescribes idoxuridine for your cat, they will give you instructions. This might be how often to give the medication to your cat or which eye to put the medicine in. Listen to your vet closely and follow all their instructions.[1]
  2. Read the label carefully. You should do this before using the medication. The label and literature that comes with the medication will explain how to give the medication, along with precautions and potential side effects.[1]
  3. Follow the medication schedule. Make sure to carefully adhere to the schedule given to you by your vet. Give the cat the prescribed amount. Don’t give it to the cat any more or less, and try not to miss any doses.[1]
    • If you miss a dose, give it as soon as you remember. If you are about to give the next dose, just skip the dose you missed. Never give a double dose because you missed one.
  4. Ask your vet to teach you how to give the medication. If you are struggling with giving your cat the medication, talk to your vet. Medication can be difficult to administer to cats, especially a cat with sensitive eyes. You can ask your vet to help you learn a good way to give the medication to your cat.[2]
  5. Wait five minutes between medications. Sometimes, the cat will have to take idoxuridine along with another eye medication. If the vet has prescribed another medicine, wait five minutes between each medication. This helps give the medicine time to start working before applying the next one.[3]

Using a Medicine Dropper

  1. Wash your hands. Before administering this medication to your cat’s eye, make sure to wash your hands. This helps keep any bacteria or other contaminants from transferring from your hands to your cat’s eye.[1]
  2. Tilt the cat’s head backwards. Place your cat in your lap. Hold the cat’s head securely in your hands. Tilt their head back so that their nose is pointed towards the ceiling. Using two of your fingers, gently lift the eyelids to hold the cat’s eyes open.[4]
    • If your cat resists being in your lap, try Wrap-a-Cat in a blanket or towel to secure them. This can help you avoid getting scratched or bitten.
  3. Drop the medicine in the eye. After filling the dropper with the prescribed amount of medication, hold the dropper over the cat’s eye. Make sure not to touch the tip to the cat’s eye. Drop the medicine onto the eye.[4]
  4. Avoid touching the cat’s eye. When you place the dropper close to the eye, don’t touch the tip of the dropper to any part of the eye. This includes the surface of the eyeball or the edge of the eyelids. This will help reduce the risk of contamination.[5]
    • You should also avoid touching the tip of the dropper with your fingers.
  5. Spread the medicine over the eye. After you have put the ointment or drops into the eye, close the cat’s eyelid with your finger. Carefully massage the eyelids to distribute the medicine around the entire eye area.[4]
  6. Wash your hands again. After you have put away the medicine and set your cat down, you need to wash your hands again. This ensures that you don’t spread anything you may have gotten on your hands.

Applying Ointment

  1. Wash your hands. Before placing ointment in your cat’s eye, wash your hands. This helps keep any bacteria or other contaminants from transferring from your hands to your cat’s eye or the medication.[1]
  2. Hold the ointment tube securely. Place the tube of medicine between your thumb and index finger. Make sure you are holding on to it securely. Point the tip down towards the floor.[6]
  3. Apply ointment to the lower eyelid. Place the cat in your lap. Gently lower the bottom eyelid with the fingers on your free hand. Place the ointment along the lower lid in the space between the lid and the eye. Make sure not to touch the tip of the ointment to the eye.[6]
    • If your cat squirms in your lap, try Wrap-a-Cat in a blanket or towel to secure it and keep yourself from being scratched.
  4. Watch to make sure the ointment spreads around the eye. As soon as the ointment is in the cat’s eye, they will start blinking. Between the blinking and the ointment melting in the eye, it should spread around to the entire eyeball.[6]
    • You may see ointment building up in the corners of the eye. This is normal.
  5. Wash your hands when you’re finished. After you have finished administering the medicine, wash your hands again. This helps prevent you from spreading anything you may have gotten on your hands.

Sources and Citations

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