Give Steroids to Cats with Inflammation

Steroids are a common veterinary treatment for inflammation in cats. They suppress the immune system, which can decrease inflammation and pain. However, by suppressing the immune system, you can create other risks to your cat's health. If you think your cat has inflammation that needs treatment, you should have it assessed by a veterinarian and then administer steroids as prescribed.[1]


Getting Veterinary Treatment for Inflammation

  1. Have your cat seen by a veterinarian. If your cat has any of the symptoms of inflammatory disease, you should have it seen by a veterinarian. Tell the veterinarian about your cat's symptoms and allow them to do a thorough examination of your cat. They will give you a diagnosis and they will discuss treatment options.
    • If your veterinarian suspects that your cat has inflammation that needs treatment, they may suggest a round of steroids to reduce it.
  2. Get a prescription for steroids. Once you and your veterinarian agree on a treatment plan for your cat, they will prescribe your cat steroids or they will inject steroids in the cat themselves. The steroids that are most often prescribed for cats are in pill form and include:[2]
    • Prednisolone
    • Dexamethasone
    • Triamcinolone
    • Budesonide
  3. Give your cat the medication. Getting a cat to take medication can be difficult. You can try to hide it in their food and hope that they will eat it when they are eating. If that doesn't work, you may need to Restrain a Cat the cat and force it to swallow the medication.
    • Restraint may be uncomfortable for the cat but it should never injure the cat or cause pain. Using a towel to wrap up the cat is usually the easiest, and least traumatic, way of restraining a cat.

Managing Treatment

  1. Follow the directions when giving the medication. When you give your cat medication you should be sure to read and follow the directions included. This will include how often the medication should be given, whether is should be given with food, what the daily dosage should be, and how long the medication should be given.[3]
    • If you are unsure about any of the directions on the packaging, as your veterinarian to clarify.
    • It is very important to give your cat the right amount of medication for the right amount of time. Giving a cat too many steroids can cause health problems.
  2. Treat underlying conditions. While steroids can help to alleviate inflammation temporarily, they will not cure underlying conditions that cause inflammation. Because of this, you should put some effort into figuring out what is causing your cat's inflammation.[1]
    • Some common causes of inflammation in cats include osteoarthritis, soft tissue injuries, allergies, and gingivitis. These medical issues are typically diagnosed and treated by a veterinarian after the general symptoms of pain and discomfort or skin irritation are spotted by a cat's owner.[2]
    • Because long-term steroid use can cause a variety of health problems, finding the cause of your cat's inflammation, and treating that, will help your cat avoid these problems in addition to solving the underlying problem.
  3. Manage short-term side effects. Steroids can cause a variety side effects that can negatively impact your cat's life. If your cat has any of these short-term side effects you should discuss solutions with your veterinarian:[1]
    • Increased hunger
    • Increased thirst
    • Increased urination
    • Lethargy
    • Gastrointestinal problems
    • Hair loss
  4. Assess any developing long-term side effects. It is important to keep an eye out for the development of long-term side effects due to steroid treatments. If your cat begins to develop any of these problems, you should seek out veterinary care right away:[1]
    • A pot belly (which often signals the presence of Cushing’s disease)
    • Blood clots
    • Diabetes
    • Pancreatitis
    • Secondary infections

Identifying Inflammation

  1. Identify signs of chronic pain. Inflammation in the bones and joints that goes untreated can often lead to chronic pain. Your cat may become listless, unable to move easily, sensitive to touch, or ill-tempered if it is dealing with chronic pain. If your cat has these symptoms, you should have it looked at by a veterinarian.
    • Steroids can be very helpful for treating the pain associated with several conditions that cause chronic pain, including osteoarthritis and soft tissue injuries.[2]
  2. Pay attention to signs of other inflammatory diseases. There are a variety of other inflammatory diseases that your veterinarian may want to treat with steroids. For example, the symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease are commonly treated with steroids. Signs that your cat has inflammatory bowel disease include:[4]
    • Vomiting
    • Diarrhea
    • Lethargy
    • Weight loss
  3. Look for areas of external inflammation. In addition to treating internal inflammation, steroids can help with areas of inflammation on the outside of your cat's body. Inflammation of the skin, called dermatitis, inflammation of the eyes, and inflammation of the gums can all usually be treated with steroids.[1]
    • Allergies are a common cause of inflammation on the outside of the body. Steroids can minimize this type of inflammation, although they do not solve the problem permanently.

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