Give a Move out Notice to Your Apartment Office

Moving out? You'll want to send a letter to your apartment office to make everything official. This will ensure that you'll get a good recommendation in the future, and that you'll be more likely to get your security deposit back.


  1. Check your lease and see how much notice you agreed to provide. You might also find what your apartment management wants in the letter.
  2. Create a header. Use a semi-formal business format. The first part of the header should include the following information:
    • First & Last Name(s) of all tenants on the lease
    • Street Address and Apartment Number
    • City, State, ZIP code
    • The date, in [month date, four-digit year] format.
  3. Add your apartment manager's information beneath yours.
    • Manager's name, plus title (probably "Manager")
    • Business Name
    • Business Address
    • City, State, ZIP code
  4. Write the letter. Here's a template you can use to get started:
    • Dear [Manager's name]:

      According to the terms of our lease, we will vacate our apartment on [date]. We are not planning on leasing this unit or a different apartment unit from this complex, and will clean the apartment in accordance with the move-out cleaning instructions. We would appreciate the return of our security deposit within thirty (30) days after vacating our apartment, to be mailed to [new address]. We would like to thank you for your courtesy and services during the period of our lease.


      Your signature & The signature of your roommate(s)

      Printed first & last name(s)

      Handwritten date.
  5. Keep a copy of the letter for your records.
  6. Mail the letter, or deliver it to your apartment manager's office.


  • Be aware that, in most cases, you're required to provide 30 days notice. If you're planning on moving out in less than 30 days, discuss the circumstances with your apartment manager.
  • Be sure to provide your forwarding address, so you can get your deposit back.

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