Grayscale a Picture in Adobe Photoshop Cs3

Do you want to know how to grayscale a picture in Adobe Photoshop Cs3? Here are the steps that you have to follow to grayscale your picture.


  1. Open the image you want to turn into grayscale.
  2. Click on Image at the top in the Menu Bar.
  3. Go to Adjustments.
  4. Click on Black and White.
  5. Click on Preview. This way you can see the result before applying the effect.
  6. Choose a Preset or manually select the black and white settings and see what fits you best.


  • The shortcut is Alt+Shift+Ctrl+B
  • You can change the colour mode to grayscale using Mode -> Grayscale
  • You can always go back in your History to get your color back.

Things You'll Need

  • A picture
  • Adobe Photoshop

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