Grayscale a Picture in Adobe Photoshop Cs3
Do you want to know how to grayscale a picture in Adobe Photoshop Cs3? Here are the steps that you have to follow to grayscale your picture.
- Open the image you want to turn into grayscale.
- Click on Image at the top in the Menu Bar.
- Go to Adjustments.
- Click on Black and White.
- Click on Preview. This way you can see the result before applying the effect.
- Choose a Preset or manually select the black and white settings and see what fits you best.
- The shortcut is Alt+Shift+Ctrl+B
- You can change the colour mode to grayscale using Mode -> Grayscale
- You can always go back in your History to get your color back.
Things You'll Need
- A picture
- Adobe Photoshop