Grow Avocados as Houseplants

The avocado is a fruit-bearing tree native to central Mexico. The green, pear-shaped fruit it produces is used in a variety of recipes from guacamole to desserts. The rich, creamy texture is due to a higher monounsaturated ("good") fat content than most other fruits. Avocado trees can be grown from seed, but will likely not bear fruit if not cross-pollinated. Even without fruit, avocados can make a decorative houseplant when grown from its seed, or pit. There are a few ways to grow an avocado from seed: Follow these tips to yield a houseplant from a store-bought avocado.


Choose an Avocado

  1. Pick a ripe avocado. Squeeze the fruit gently to check for a small amount of give. The avocado should be soft, but not mushy.

Remove the Seed

  1. Cut lengthwise around the avocado using a knife.
  2. Gently twist both sides of the fruit to loosen the seed from the inside. Remove the seed from the fruit.
  3. Wash the seed thoroughly to remove any remaining pulp.

Utilize the Paper Towel Method

  1. Prepare the seed for germination. Slice a thin piece of the top and bottom of the seed using a sharp knife. Opening the seed slightly will aid in its germination.
  2. Wrap the seed in a damp paper towel.
  3. Place the seed in a covered dish. Place the dish in a dark area, such as a closet, for 2 to 3 weeks.
  4. Check your seed for germination. Observe the seed periodically for root growth. When the roots are 3 inches (7.62 cm) in length, the seed is ready to plant.

Utilize the Toothpick Method

  1. Insert 4 toothpicks in either side of the avocado seed, about halfway between the bottom and top.
  2. Place the seed in a glass of water. Face the pointed end of the seed upward and balance it with the toothpicks on the sides of the glass, making sure 1/4 of the bottom of the seed is resting in water.
  3. Place the water glass on a windowsill, but out of direct sunlight.
  4. Refill the water periodically. Check the water level and refill when the level goes below 1/4 of the bottom half of the seed.
  5. Observe the seed. In about 2 to 4 weeks, the seed should crack and a root should appear, followed by a stem. When the root is about 2 to 3 inches (5.08 to 7.62 cm) long, it will be ready for potting.

Plant the Seed

  1. Prepare the pot. Line a small planting pot with drainage holes with a small amount of gravel. Fill the rest of the pot with potting soil.
  2. Place the seed, roots down, into the soil. Leave the top sprouts of the root system exposed, as well as 1/3 of the upper part of the seed. Pat the dirt firmly around the seed and water.

Care for the Plant

  1. Place your pot in a room where the temperature remains between 60 to 80 degrees F (16 to 27 degrees C).
  2. Provide your houseplant with water as often as needed to maintain moist soil, but make sure it is not overly wet.


  • If your houseplant develops yellowing leaves, it is being over-watered. Avocados are susceptible to developing root rot from overexposure to water in the soil.
  • If your seed does not crack and develop a root within 2 to 3 months, discard it and try the same method with a new avocado seed.
  • You also may try planting the seed directly, rather than rooting it. Peel off the seed's brown coating. Plant the seed in a small potting container with drainage holes and a 10-10-10 potting soil. Leave 1/4 of the top of the seed out of the soil. Keep the soil moist, but do not overwater.
  • Transfer your plant to a larger, deeper pot when it becomes too tall to stand upright.

Things You'll Need

  • Knife
  • Damp paper towel
  • Toothpicks
  • Drinking glass
  • Small pot
  • Gravel
  • Potting soil

Sources and Citations

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