Grow Brandywine Tomatoes

The Brandywine tomato is a large, pink variety that is considered an heirloom tomato. Brandywines have the distinctive characteristic of bushy foliage that resembles that of a potato plant. Because of the amount of foliage, Brandywine tomatoes need to be pruned to prevent them from getting leggy. In addition, you should grow Brandywines on stakes because of their propensity to grow tall and droop. This large cultivar can yield individual fruit that weighs up to 1.5 lbs. (0.7 k). The plants take at least 80 to 100 days to reach full maturity, and they tend to remain green, but should be picked before they crack. Follow these guidelines for planting and growing Brandywine tomatoes in your garden.


  1. Start your tomatoes inside, 4 weeks prior to the last frost.
    • Place potting soil in shallow containers.
    • Set the Brandywine seeds into the containers, about 1/4 inch (0.6 cm) deep.
    • Fill a pan with water and place the containers in the pan until the soil has soaked up all the water.
    • Place the containers in a warm location, ideally about 75 degrees F (24 degrees C).
    • Move your containers to a warm, well-lit location as soon as the seedlings pop up (about 5 or 6 days). Keep them there until the last frost, when you are ready to plant.
  2. Choose a location for your Brandywine tomatoes.
    • Check your soil. Brandywines prefer a soil with a pH of about 6.5, with less nitrogen. Too much nitrogen will encourage more foliage on the tomatoes and less fruit. Make sure the soil is well draining and supplemented with organic material.
    • Choose a location with lots of space and full sun. Because of their heavy foliage, Brandywine tomatoes need extra space to grow.
  3. Transfer your seedlings to an outdoor space that is protected. This is to allow the small plants to acclimate to the weather, and it is often called "hardening."
  4. Plant the seedlings. Dig a hole large enough to accommodate the root ball of each small plant using a trowel. Place the plants in the holes and cover with the dirt. Space the tomato plants 18 inches (46 cm) apart.
  5. Stake the tomato plants.
    • Press a wooden or metal stake into the ground at the base of each tomato plant.
    • Tie the main stem of the plant securely to the stake.
  6. Prune the tomato plants weekly. Pull off any suckers that attach from the leaf stem to the main stem. Thin out any heavy areas of foliage to allow the plant to receive more nutrients.
  7. Water the plants frequently. Make sure you water only the base soil, not the leaves of a plant. A garden drip system is best for tomatoes, as it will provide steady moisture to the soil, but not wet the entire plant.

Things You'll Need

  • Potting soil
  • Planting containers with drainage holes
  • Trowel
  • Wood or metal stakes
  • Twine

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