Grow Facial Hair

Many people dream of growing a thick, luxurious beard or a stylish mustache. Unfortunately, some men can't seem to grow more than a few thin patches. While you can't change genetic causes of poor or uneven growth, there are several ways you can help encourage your natural facial hair to grow in thicker and fuller. To grow facial hair, commit to the growing process, consider using beard oils and supplements, practice proper skin care, and nourish your body from the inside. If natural practices don't work, you can even attempt several medical techniques. Remember that facial hair won't grow overnight -- exercise patience no matter what else you decide to try.


Encouraging Faster Growth

  1. Commit to the growth. You might be frustrated that you are not able to grow a beard that is as full as you would like it to be. But the real problem might not be lack of growth, but lack of time. Beards can take up to four full weeks (and in some cases, even longer) to fully grow in. Many people give up before that time, and assume that they can't grow a full beard, when in reality, they gave up too soon.[1]
    • Growing a beard is a project you need to commit to. Don't give up after several days! If after four or five weeks you still don't have results you're looking for, then it is time to try some alternative methods.
    • Do not shave your facial hair at the first sign of itching. It is normal for new hairs to cause your skin to feel itchy, but as they get longer, they will soften, and the itching will stop.[1]
    • Use an over-the-counter steroid cream like hydro-cortisone. This may help relieve some of the itching.[1]
    • Waiting for hair to grow can be a frustrating experience, especially when your beard and mustache goes through a scraggly period, that may have people commenting. As your hair begins to grow in, it may seem patchy and incomplete. However, as the hairs become longer, the slower-growing follicles will have time to sprout their own hairs. Gradually, the patchy gaps will eventually be hidden, both by longer hairs and the slower, shorter hairs growing in as well.
  2. Try to leave the hair alone as it grows. Let your hair do its thing. This means that you should not try to shape it too early in the growth process. When shaping facial hair, it is a common mistake to take off more than the intended amount. For this reason, it's best to just leave it alone while you are growing it out. Don't worry, there will be plenty of time for you to style it later, after you're happy with the growth.
    • As your hair grows, comb it in the direction you want it to grow. This will help it turn out looking the way you want.
    • After about four weeks, you might want to have a barber or stylist do some professional shaping. Carefully explain that you are growing out your facial hair, and you just want shape--not a reduction in hair.
  3. Experiment with beard oil if desired. Beard oil hydrates both your facial hair and the skin underneath. Since it contains moisturizing properties, it also acts as a styling agent. A beard oil is great because even if you have less hair than you would like, what you do have will look great.[2]
    • Experts recommend applying beard oil right after your morning shower. Your pores will be clean and better able to absorb the product. Just put a small amount of oil into your hand and rub it into your face and beard or mustache.
    • Beard oil makes your facial hair look great, and also helps to keep it looking clean and smelling fresh. There are many different brands available, so try a few to find the one you like best. Try visiting the men's floor at your local department store--they might have some free samples.
  4. Try supplements. There are certain nutrients that you can add to your daily routine that can help encourage faster, more effective hair growth. Consider adding supplements to your morning regimen--just ask your doctor before making changes to your health care routine.
    • Promote thicker hair with folic acid. This is necessary for the growth and repair of hair. Most drug stores and health food stores will sell folic acid supplements.[3]
    • You can also try increasing the amount of folic acid in your diet. Folic acid can be found in whole-grain breads and cereals, leafy green vegetables, peas, and nuts.[4]
    • Increase your biotin intake. Biotin is an important water-soluble B vitamin, necessary for the the formation of fatty acids and glucose, as well as for metabolizing amino acids and carbohydrates. A biotin deficiency can lead to hair loss, so making sure you are getting the recommended amount is well worth the effort.[5]
    • Biotin is found in liver, oysters, cauliflower, beans, fish, carrots, bananas, soy flour, egg yolks, cereals, yeast, and other foods. While you can take vitamin supplements that include biotin, eating fresh foods is a great option, if it is available to you.[6]

Making Lifestyle Changes

  1. Practice proper skin care. Your skin is your body's largest organ, and has many important functions. One of those functions is helping you grow hair. Caring for your skin is one of the most effective ways that you can support the growth of fuller facial hair.
    • Exfoliate your face. Hair follicles can become blocked with dirt and prevent your hair from growing. Once a week, wear an exfoliant mask with eucalyptus. It's great for your skin, and can help promote hair growth.[7]
    • Use hair-healthy grooming products. Shampoos, or lotions with a vitamin B complex, will help.
    • Massage your hair follicles. A gentle massage can help stimulate your hair follicles. Use your finger tips, and gently massage your face in circular motions for about two to three minutes. Try applying a facial moisturizer to create a smoother massage.[7]
  2. Watch your diet. What you eat can have a major impact on all aspects of your physical well-being. This includes healthy skin and healthy hair growth. There are many vitamins that have been found to promote hair growth--including facial hair. Pay attention to your diet, and make sure that you're getting enough of these particular nutrients.
    • Incorporate hair-healthy vitamins into your diet. While you can always apply hair-growth treatments to your face, and hope for the best, working from the inside out is always the better option.[7]
    • Take in vitamin A. This vitamin stimulates the production of sebum, which keeps your hair follicles and skin hydrated.[8] You can find vitamin A in eggs, meat, cheese, liver, carrots, pumpkin, broccoli, and dark green leafy vegetables.[8]
    • Get plenty of vitamin E, which has long been recognized as key for healthy skin, and can increase blood flow, which leads to an optimal environment for hair growth. Foods rich in vitamin E include oils, leafy vegetables, nuts, and beans, and most people get plenty of vitamin E when eating a normal diet.[9]
    • Boost circulation with vitamin B3. Healthy circulation may have a positive effect on hair growth. Reports find that B3 is even more effective when taken with biotin.[10]
    • Take in vitamin B5. This is also known as pantothenic acid. It not only helps the body use fats and proteins, necessary for healthy hair, it also has been reported to help reduce stress; and stress can definitely inhibit hair growth.[11] Vitamin B5 occurs naturally in brewer's yeast, broccoli, avocado, egg yolks, organ meats, duck, milk, lobster, whole-grain breads, and more.[11]
  3. Get moving. There are many health benefits of exercising such as increased circulation, which promotes hair growth. No matter how you choose to exercise, just try to get your heart rate up for about one hour everyday. Making this part of your routine can help encourage healthy hair growth.[11]
    • Choose an activity that you like. If you like sports, organize a weekly game of basketball or soccer with your friends. Bonus: involving others will make you more likely to stick to your exercise plans.
    • Change your habits. You can find a lot of ways to get more movement in your day. For example, try taking the stairs at work instead of the elevator.
  4. Rest up. Get plenty of sleep. Your body uses sleep as time to grow and repair. Teenagers need around eight to nine hours of sleep every night, and adults need about seven to eight hours of sleep every night. Be sure to plan your schedule so that you are giving your body enough time to function properly, and grow your hair.[7]
    • Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. This can be hard on the weekends, when it is tempting to sleep in. But having a regular sleep schedule is great for your overall health.
  5. Relax. Manage your stress. One of the noted side-effects of stress is hair loss. This means avoiding stressful situations, and finding time throughout the day to relax. There are several techniques you can use to lower your stress. Try talking to a friend or family member if you're feeling stressed--they can often be a comfort.[11]
    • Focus on your breathing. Taking several deep breaths in and out during a stressful situation is a great way to calm your heart rate and clear your mind.
    • Be patient. Remember that not everyone's facial hair grows at the same rate. Worrying about it isn't going to help, and can in fact make the situation worse. Try to focus on other things throughout the day.

Using Medical Techniques

  1. Try using Rogaine. Rogaine has an ingredient called minoxidil that helps to stimulate fresh hair growth. It is one of the most popular hair growth methods for men. You can purchase Rogaine over-the-counter at most drug stores. Just remember, it is formulated for hair growth on top of the head, not the face, and usage is not FDA approved.[7]
    • It is dangerous to ingest minoxidil, so be careful when applying Rogaine near your mouth. Be sure to consult with your physician before using Rogaine for facial hair growth.[7]
    • You may experience side effects such as eye burning or irritation, dandruff, or itchy skin.[12]
  2. Ask your doctor about testosterone therapy. Testosterone, which is the male sex hormone, can be applied through injection, through topical applications, or taken orally (though this is not recommended due to adverse effects on the liver).Low testosterone levels could be responsible for stunted facial hair growth.[7] For best results, testosterone therapy should be closely regulated. Too much testosterone can backfire, and actually inhibit growth of hair.[7]
    • If you have low testosterone, there will likely be other symptoms, such as erectile dysfunction and decreased muscle mass. Your doctor will want to run some tests to make sure your levels are actually low. Don't count on a prescription based solely on your hair growth.
    • Using testosterone may take up to a year to produce results.[13]
  3. Consult with a plastic surgeon. For some, nature was just not kind, and no matter what you try, whiskers refuse to call your face "home." When all else fails, a plastic surgeon can help by transplanting hair follicles from your scalp into your face. Hair transplants can be very effective, but they can also be costly, in terms of time and money.
    • This is generally done on an outpatient basis, and will result in some mild skin irritation. It can also take quite a long time—one to two years—for the procedure to deliver the results you want.[14]
    • Ask your general physician to recommend someone she trusts to perform the transplants. Make sure you have a consultation beforehand, and ask plenty of questions about the procedure.


  • If you're not sure how you'll look with a goatee, mustache, or beard, but don't want to wait to find out, visit a theatre supply store. Actors have been gluing fake hair on their faces for centuries, and they can help you try out a few looks to get you going.
  • Many remedies can take up to one year before you see appreciable results.
  • There's no perfect substitute for genetics, and while maintaining a good diet and rubbing hair growth products on your skin might help, there is no magic guarantee that you will grow more hair.


  • Long-term use of Hydro cortisone cream could have serious side effects, including blistering, skin damage, hair growth on forehead, back, arms, and legs, and lightening of the skin.[15][16]

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