Grow Nutmeg

Nutmeg is an exotic spice that comes from the seed of the Myristica fragrans tree, which can add a warm, earthy flavor to any dish. While it's native to Indonesia, it's possible to grow a nutmeg tree in other areas if the climate is warm enough. To ensure that it grows well, though, you must prepare the seeds and soil properly so they germinate effectively and produce a healthy tree.


Finding the Right Spot to Grow Nutmeg

  1. Verify that the location is warm enough. Nutmeg is a tropical tree that must be grown outdoors, so it requires a hot, humid climate. In order to grow, nutmeg shouldn’t be planted in locations with a minimum temperature below 30°F (-1°C). Ideally, it requires an average temperature between 77°F and 95°F (25°C and 35°C).[1]
    • Nutmeg trees also grow best in climates that experience at least 60 inches (152-cm) of annual rainfall. You can usually find out your area's annual rainfall from your country's national weather or meteorology bureau website.
    • The roots don’t do well in soggy conditions, though, so it’s best to plant the tree on a slope to provide effective drainage.
  2. Check the soil’s pH level. Nutmeg grows best in soil that is neutral or slightly acidic. Ideally, your soil should have a pH between 6.0 and 7.0, though it can tolerate a pH between 5.5 and 7.5.[2]
    • Nutmeg is best suited for clay loam, sandy loam, and red laterite soils.
    • You can test your soil’s pH with a testing kit from your local garden supply store or nursery. They usually require digging a hole in the soil and filling it with distilled water. Next, you insert a test probe and wait for the results according to the kit’s instructions.
    • If your soil's pH is above 7.0, you can make it more acidic by about 1- to 2-inches (2.5 to 5-cm) of sphagnum peat into the soil when you plant the nutmeg.
    • If your soil's pH is below 5.5, you can make it a little less acidic by covering the planting area with a layer of limestone and mixing it into the soil.
  3. Find a sunny spot with light afternoon shade. Nutmeg trees grow best in direct sun. Ideally, they should receive 12 hours of sunlight daily for healthy growth. It’s a good idea to plant nutmeg in spot where it will receive light shade between noon and 4pm, though, so it doesn’t become too dry.[3]

Readying the Seeds

  1. Sterilize a knife. In order to plant nutmeg from seeds, you need to separate it from the mace producing aril that covers the seed. Find a small, sharp knife, and wipe the blade with a piece of paper towel dampened with rubbing alcohol to sterilize it.[4]
    • If you prefer, you can dip the knife’s blade in a pot of boiling water to sterilize it.
  2. Cut the aril from the base of the seed and peel it off. Once your knife is sterilized, use it to slice into the aril at the base where it connects to the seed. Carefully peel the aril away, making sure that you don’t damage the nut.[4]
    • The aril is the red, lace-like substance that covers the seed.
    • The aril from a nutmeg is used to make mace. You can discard the aril, or set it out in a dry, sunny area for about 15 days until it dries out and turns brown. You can then grind it into mace.
  3. Soak the nuts in water for a day. Nutmeg seeds germinate best when they’re fresh and moist. Place your seeds in a small bowl, and cover them with clean water. Allow them to soak for 24 hours before planting them.[4]
    • If you don’t want to plant the nutmeg right away, store the seeds in a sealed plastic bag in the refrigerator. Plant them within 6 weeks.

Planting the Seeds

  1. Fill a pot with soil. To plant the nutmeg, add a free-draining soil to a 5-inch (13-cm) pot. The pot should have drainage holes in the bottom to ensure that the roots don’t become soggy.[4]
    • Clay loam, sandy loam, or red laterite soil is the best option for planting nutmeg.
  2. Place the seed beneath the soil surface. When your pot is filled with soil, create a 1-inch (2.5-cm) deep hole in the center. Set the nutmeg seed in the hole, and cover it with soil.[4]
  3. Water the pot thoroughly. When the seed is planted beneath the surface, pour some clean water over the pot. Continue watering the pot until the water appears through the drainage holes and allow it to drain fully in the sink.[4]
    • Tap water works well for watering the nutmeg, but make sure that it’s not softened water, which often contains salt.
  4. Set the pot in a warm area to sprout. Once the nutmeg seed is planted and watered, place it in an indoor or outdoor location where the temperature is between 77°F and 86°F (25°C and 30°C). Watch the pot closely as you wait for the nutmeg to sprout, which usually takes a month or longer.[4]
    • Be sure to water the pot regularly as you wait for the nutmeg to sprout. The soil should constantly be moist without puddles forming on the surface.

Caring for a Young Tree

  1. Store the tree where it receives several hours of sun daily. A newly germinated nutmeg tree should be kept indoors. However, it requires a spot that receives four to six hours of sunlight a day for healthy growth.[4]
    • In front of a west-facing window is an ideal spot for a young nutmeg tree.
  2. Mist the tree twice a day and water the soil when necessary. In order to ensure that the tree gets enough water, you should mist it with clean water twice daily. Use a fine mist spray bottle and coat the leaves without allowing the water to drip onto the plant. Water the tree so the soil is consistently moist as well.[4]
    • Be sure that the tree’s pot drains thoroughly after watering before placing it back on its drip tray.
  3. Rotate the tree each day. If you leave the tree in the same spot all day, it may begin to lean into the light. Spin the tree 180 degrees once a day so it receives sunlight evenly.[4]
  4. Move it to larger containers as necessary. When the tree is young, it can outgrow its container(s) quickly. If its roots fill the base of the current pot, it’s time to move it to a large container. Increase the size of the pot by 2-inches (5-cm) to ensure that it’s large enough.[4]
    • You can usually tell that the roots have filled the base of the current pot when they start to protrude from the drainage holes in the bottom.
    • Fill the new container with the same type of soil that you used initially.
    • Set the tree in the new pot so the surface of the soil is 1-inch (2.5-cm) below the rim.
    • Water the tree thoroughly after moving it and allow it to drain.
    • You’ll know the tree is large enough to move outside when its roots take up a 5 gallon (19 liter) pot, which usually takes approximately 6 months. It’s best to plant it outdoors in late spring, though.

Transplanting the Tree

  1. Clear the area of debris and add natural amendments. Before planting the nutmeg tree, it’s important to make sure that the spot you’ve selected is ready. Remove any rocks, weeds, or other debris in the location. Spread 2- to 4-inches (5- to 10-cm) of rotted manure over the area, and rake it into place.[5]
    • It’s also a good idea to mix some manure into the first 8- to 10-inches (20- to 25-cm) of soil in the area where you plan to plant the tree.
  2. Dig a deep hole that is larger than the tree’s root ball. Lift the tree out of its container so you can see its root ball. Next, use a shovel to dig a hole that’s twice as wide and as deep as the root ball.[5]
    • If you are planting more than one nutmeg tree, dig the holes at least 30 to 40 feet (9- to 12-m) apart.
  3. Remove the tree from its growing container and place it in the hole. After you’ve dug the hole, lift the tree out of its container again. Gently place it into the hole, making sure that the tree’s root crown is level with the surrounding soil.[5]
    • Be sure to cut through any circling roots with garden shears before setting in the hole.
    • Cut away any dead or mushy roots as well.
    • The root crown may be slightly above the soil if necessary.
  4. Fill the hole halfway with soil and add water. When the tree is place, add soil back to the hole to fill it in halfway. Next, fill the hole with water from a watering can or garden hose.[5]
  5. Add more soil when the water drains. After you’ve added water to the hole, give it time to drain down into the soil. Sprinkle some more soil over the area in case the drainage has caused holes or gaps to form.[5]
    • Avoid tamping the soil while it is moist.

Maintaining a Mature Tree

  1. Spread mulch around the tree. Adding mulch around a nutmeg tree can help the soil retain its moisture. However, be sure not to pack it around the trunk or the bark can become wet, making it vulnerable to insects and diseases.[4]
    • Fresh wood chips and compost make the best mulch for a nutmeg tree.
  2. Water the tree when the soil is dry. Check on the soil surrounding your nutmeg tree regularly. When the top 2- to 3-inches (5-cm to 7.5-cm) feel dry, water the soil, making sure it drains completely.[4]
  3. Prune the tree regularly. Pruning your nutmeg tree regularly can help manage disease and maintain healthy growth. Inspect the tree regularly and use gardening shears or clippers to remove dead branches, cut back lower branches, and snip off any discolored foliage.[6]
    • Pruning can also help increase flower, fruit, and seed production for a nutmeg tree.
  4. Harvest the tree several months after it flowers. The nutmeg tree will begin to bear fruit when it reaches about 7 years of age. The fruit is ready for harvesting 9 months after the tree flowers and it's ripe. It will usually split in half and fall to the ground, but you can pull it off if it doesn't fall.[2]
    • The fruit is similar in size and color to an apricot. You can discard the outer flesh and save the shiny purple brown seed that's covered with a red avril.
  5. Keep an eye out for diseases and pests. Nutmeg can suffer from fungal infections, such as fruit rot and thread blight. It is also prone to damage from insects such as black, white, and shield scale. Watch your trees carefully, and treat them as soon as you notice signs of a disease or pest.[1]
    • Symptoms of fruit rot include water-logged spots on the fruit and rotted seeds and avrils. You can treat the disease with a fungicide such as 1% Bordeaux mixture.[7]
    • Symptoms of thread blight include fine white or black threads on the underside of the leaves. You can treat the disease with a fungicide such as 1% Bordeaux mixture.
    • You can tell that your nutmeg tree is suffering black, white, or shield scale damage if you observe black, white, or brown fish scale-like pests in clusters on the stems and lower surfaces of the leaves. Treat the infestation with a pesticide such as dimethoate.


  • It usually takes between 5 and 8 years for a nutmeg tree to bear fruit.
  • The tree will usually bear fruit for 30 to 70 years.

Things You’ll Need

  • Whole, fresh nutmeg
  • Sharp knife
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Paper towel
  • Potting soil
  • Pot with drainage holes
  • Clean water
  • Fine mist spray bottle
  • Rotted manure
  • Rake
  • Shovel
  • Compost

Sources and Citations