Handle Irate Customers at a Call Center
Working at a call center can be a rewarding yet sometimes frustrating job, especially if you're dealing with customers who are super angry. Luckily, there are lots of ways you can talk to the customer to help calm them down and fix their problems so that they're happier by the end of your conversation. The most important things are to stay calm no matter what and to remember that they usually don't mean to direct their anger specifically at you.
Addressing the Customer’s Problem
- Listen to the caller so you can understand their needs. Sometimes a customer might be calling just to vent about their frustrations, while other times they might need you to take action now. Whatever the case is, make sure you’re actively listening to what they’re telling you and taking notes on it so you have a good idea as to what needs to happen.
- Avoid interrupting the customer when they’re talking to let them finish.
- Write the major points of the conversation down on a piece of paper as they’re talking so you don’t forget anything.
- Repeat what the customer is saying so they know you understand. Once the customer has told you what the problem is, try to repeat back to them the main points of what they’ve just told you. This is to double check that you’re correct and let them make any additional comments before you try to help them with the issue.
- You might say, “So you’re frustrated because you’re being charged for channels you're not using, and you'd like for us to adjust last month's bill as soon as possible.”
- Apologize to the customer so they know you’re sorry. Even though it’s likely not your fault, it’s important to apologize on behalf of the company you work for. Make sure the customer hears that you’re sorry for the problem they’re having and you’re going to do your best to fix it.
- For example, you could say, “I’m so sorry to hear about this, let’s see what I can do to help you.”
- Offer solutions for how you can help the customer. Once you know what the problem is, tell the customer how you’re going to make it right and give them any information they need. If you’re not sure how to solve the issue yourself, let the customer know that you’re going to connect them with someone who can.
- Stick to the facts when you’re offering them solutions so they know exactly what to expect.
- Avoid making promises to customers that you can't deliver on.
- Take note of the client’s suggestions so you can pass them along. If a customer brings something up that you think management or your boss would like to know, write it down so you can either tell them in person, give them a call, or send them the information in an email. Suggestions or major complaints from customers can be super useful tidbits of feedback for making the business even better.
- Use your best discretion when deciding if the input is helpful to your company and worth sharing.
Making the Customer Happy
- Avoid putting angry customers on hold. Even if you’re putting the customer on hold so you can plug in information or navigate the computer to help them, it’ll likely make them angrier that they’re having to wait. If possible, keep the customer on the phone while you’re typing in information or finding the right person to connect them with. Explain what you’re doing to them so they feel as involved as possible.
- Sometimes you have no way to avoid putting them on hold, and this is okay. Make sure to tell them the reason they’re being put on hold and what you’re doing to help them during this time.
- Show empathy so they know that you truly care. When the customer feels like you can relate to them and are acknowledging that they're upset, they'll be more likely to cooperate and calm down. Think from the customer's point of view and tell them that you understand why they might be frustrated. You might say something like, "I would be upset in your situation too, let's try to fix this" to show the customer you're on their side.
- Another example might be, "I understand how you feel, I'm sorry you're having to deal with this issue."
- Try not to say the word “no” as you talk with the customer. It’s best to avoid using this word as much as possible because “no” can make the customer think that you’re being negative or can’t help them, even if this isn’t true. Try to consciously think about which words you’re using when you talk to the customer, keeping your language as positive as possible.
- For example, instead of saying, “No, we’re unable to do that,” you might say, “While we’re not able to ship your card to you overnight, we can get it to you in the next 2 business days.”
- End the call on a happy and polite note. You might ask the customer if there’s anything else you can help them with after you’ve solved their problem, or simply compliment them on how patient they were throughout the phone call. Making sure the phone call ends on a positive note will leave the customer feeling satisfied once they’ve hung up.
- You might say, “I really appreciate your patience in working through this with me. Let me know if there’s anything else I can do for you.”
Keeping Your Cool
- Stay calm even if the customer is yelling at you. It can be easy to get frustrated when someone is angry at you over the phone, especially if it’s not your fault. Focus on staying calm and not letting your irritation or own anger get the best of you so you don’t make the customer even more irate.https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WnyHDAYowSeoq3zmBf952Ft0AX8EBD2hyE4a7udwf80/edit#gid=1151135551
- Take a few deep breaths to help you calm down, if needed.
- Be patient with the customer throughout the call and try to put yourself in their shoes.
- Avoid arguing back with the customer. Arguing back or raising your voice to their level will only make matters worse. No matter what they say to you, don’t argue back with them or say anything rude. Let the customer know that while you’d like to help them, you won’t be able to if they're yelling or using offensive language.
- An example of something you could say if they’re being rude or using hurtful language might be, “I understand that you’re upset, but it's hard for me to help you when I'm being yelled at. Do you mind if we talk more calmly?”
- Keep a positive attitude and a helpful tone. Pay attention to the tone of your voice as you’re talking to make sure it’s staying positive and not too irritated. It helps to smile as you’re talking to the customer, making it harder for you to get angry or raise your voice.
- Realize the customer isn’t angry at you specifically. Most times when people call a call center, they’re angry about the experience they’re having or the situation they’re in. Remind yourself that even if the customer is yelling or very angry, they don’t mean to direct this anger at you specifically.
- Follow your company's guidelines for what to do when someone is threatening you over the phone or using violent language.
- Take time to de-stress before and after work by meditating, listening to music, or doing another calming activity that you enjoy.
- https://www.callcentrehelper.com/the-right-words-and-phrases-to-use-with-an-angry-customer-30110.htm
- https://www.talkdesk.com/blog/5-steps-to-handling-an-angry-caller-in-the-call-center/
- https://telephonedoctor.com/how-to-handle-irate-customers/
- https://www.callcentrehelper.com/dealing-with-angry-customers-152.htm
- https://www.talkdesk.com/blog/5-steps-to-handling-an-angry-caller-in-the-call-center/
- https://www.callcentrehelper.com/dealing-with-angry-customers-152.htm
- https://www.callcentrehelper.com/dealing-with-angry-customers-152.htm
- https://www.talkdesk.com/blog/5-steps-to-handling-an-angry-caller-in-the-call-center/
- https://www.callcentrehelper.com/the-right-words-and-phrases-to-use-with-an-angry-customer-30110.htm
- https://www.callcentrehelper.com/the-right-words-and-phrases-to-use-with-an-angry-customer-30110.htm
- https://telephonedoctor.com/how-to-handle-irate-customers/