Have Fun with a Sharpie
Are you bored? Well, do you have a Sharpie on hand? You can get crafty with a Sharpie and try all kinds of fun projects! Be aware that some of these ideas may get you in trouble!
- Get something to write on. White or light colored paper works great. Write or draw something that interests you!
- Draw on eggs, making them look like a famous person you hate, (but your parents love/like) but make them look like an idiot. Then watch as your parents go to make an omelette and end up with a big surprise!
- Cover a white tee shirt in random politicians names, and then give it to your neighbor as a "present."
- Take the Sharpie and chuck it at random people at the mall (Make sure to run after you see that the person is mad)!
- Write on a balloon "IT'S A BOY!" and give it to people while at the mall.
- Take the Sharpie and tape it to your forehead. Tell everyone its a tumor, and that the only way to cure it is by eating Sharpies.
- Go to a barbershop and tell them you want your hair highlighted with a Sharpie. This is sure to make them laugh!
- Take pictures WITH the Sharpie. Act extremely silly, and funny.
- Try just doodling on random things, like your math homework or your backpack. Warning: This may/will get you in trouble!
- Label things with the name of your favorite band or best friend.
- Label drawers and cabinets in your house with the wrong names. (i.e. On a drawer of utensils, label it "Piggies")
- Write funny things on the items that you draw on.
- Use the Sharpie to decorate dull paper coverings on textbooks.
- Write on black surfaces all you want, unless under good light and looking closely, you can't see it.
- Make sure you have good handwriting to make it readable.
- Don't sniff sharpies. Yes, you can get kind of high, but it really messes up your brain.
- Do not try some of these without parent permission if you are under 18!
- You may get in trouble for some of these ideas!
Things You'll Need
- Paper (Idea 1.)
- Black sharpie
- Eggs (Idea 2.)
- Tee Shirt (Idea 3.)
- Neighbor/Friend (Idea 3.)
- Balloon (Idea 5.)
- Tape (Idea 6.)
- Some type of camera (Idea 8.)
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