Have a New Years Eve Party

Want to throw a New Year's party that your friends will remember? That's not a bad idea, but how about throwing one that they'll remember only the most outrageous and happy moments of? Now we're talking! By being organized and prepared, you can can rock in the new year with a party for the ages.


  1. A successful New Year's party begins with proper invitation. Make sure the uppers (party animals) and downers (wallflowers) ratio is balanced so that nothing will get broken and nobody injured, but everybody will have a good time. Generally you'll want to have 1 downer for every 5 uppers, but you may want to adjust this based on the location and availability of security and emergency services.
  2. Send the invitations. Make them lively looking, and make sure to write down any necessary gear or things they should bring, such as swimsuits, food, drinks, after Christmas sale gifts, or whatever.
  3. If the party is at a club, and there will be admission charges, make sure that is on the invitation as well. Even if there is no charge, some people like to dedicate the party proceeds to a friend in need or a charity.
  4. Organize the party so that there will be no need for people to leave or party bounce in order to find entertainment. You want to be able to keep everybody busy until at least 5am. You may even want to provide a chill out area where people can sleep or relax.
  5. If you're hosting and supplying the party, buy everything you think you'll need plus 20%. If all else fails, you can send stuff home with people.
  6. Be creative about the countdown. You can pop a balloon for every second starting at 10, or make a video countdown.
  7. After the countdown, there should be serious partying going on until about 2 or 3am and then begins the wind down. Have your security watch the exits extra carefully to make sure nobody is driving home drunk. If you can you may even want to call a taxi service to let them know you might need drivers to take people home.
  8. It's also a nice idea to have a breakfast for those who've held out until the break of dawn. Hire a van or mini bus to take partygoers to a local diner, cook, or have catering.
  9. Have fun hosting. You need to be making sure everything's going well, but you also need to have a little fun yourself.


  • Bottles of water should be free at a club parties. The New Year is not a normal night.
  • Have a variety of activities for people to amuse themselves. One area for dancing, another for movies and/or video games, and another for chilling out is good.
  • Make sure the foods are mostly protein or vegetable based. Too many carbohydrates and fats are actually a bad combination with alcohol. They can make things worse, not better.
  • Make sure there are things for the kids to have a party so they don't get bored with adult things.


  • Always check to make sure a place will have adequate space and security. Most banquet halls do, but not all clubs do.
  • If anyone drinks a bit too much, insist they take a taxi or cab home, or stay the night. Keep all your guests safe. If they seem drunk, kindly say "Perhaps you should stay here for the night. We have a comfortable guest room and can help you get back home in the morning." or "I think you should take a taxi. Let me call one for you." Before the party, get a taxi company's phone number (or maybe a few,in case one company is not open for New Year's.) It is better to check with the taxi company beforehand to check if they are open on New Year's Eve and Day. And, if possible, ask a sober guest to take them home. Make sure they are sober. If the sober guest agrees, say to the drunk guest "___________ can take you to your home. You will arrive safely."

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