Heal Fibromyalgia Naturally

For many years, physicians doubted patients who came in to see them with symptoms of what we now call fibromyalgia. Today, we recognize over 3 million cases every year. Fibromyalgia is a condition that is characterized by widespread pain in muscles and joints. This pain is often accompanied by fatigue and poor sleep, as well as issues with memory and mood. Fibromyalgia is still not understood, but it appears to be a disorder of how the brain processes pain signals from the muscles and joints.[1] Be aware that there is no cure for fibromyalgia, but there are ways to manage symptoms the disorder. If you have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, there are some ways for you to treat symptoms naturally.


Following an Anti-Inflammatory Diet

  1. Eat the right kinds of foods. Though it is not widely accepted in mainstream medicine, fibromyalgia is considered to have inflammatory or chemical-sensitive components. Because of this, following an anti-inflammatory diet can be beneficial. The anti-inflammatory diet emphasizes whole foods, preferably organic foods if possible. It also avoids all preservative and additives.
    • On this diet, avoid all processed and prepared foods.[2][3]
  2. Eat more fruits and vegetables. You should increase the number of fruits and vegetables you eat every day. Fruits should constitute about half of your food intake per day. Include a variety of fruits, especially berries such as blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries, and blackberries. They have antioxidants and other components that have anti-inflammatory properties.[4]
    • Make sure to also include a variety of vegetables. Dark leafy greens, such as Swiss chard, spinach, mustard greens, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and field greens, have tons of vitamin E, which help reduce inflammatory molecules in your body.[5][3]
  3. Consume the right meats. There are certain kinds of meats that can help you decrease inflammation related to fibromyalgia. Increase fatty fish, which contain omega-3 fatty acids. These are natural anti-inflammatory substances. This includes salmon, tuna, cod, and other fresh fishes.[6]
    • Avoid red meat unless it is grass-fed and organic.
  4. Increase fiber intake. Foods high in fiber have been shown to help reduce inflammation markers in the blood. Eat more foods with whole grains, such as wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, long grain brown rice, and other healthy grains.[7]
    • Nuts, rich in fiber as well as antioxidants and other inflammation fighting vitamins and minerals, can help repair damage caused by inflammation.[8][3]
  5. Avoid certain foods. There are certain foods and condiments that you should avoid. This includes sugar and sugar substitutes that are not naturally derived, such as Splenda or Equal. Also avoid hot beverages, alcohol, coffee, and hot spicy foods. These can open up the blood vessels and cause flushing, which leads to inflammation.
    • You can, however, add in spices such as ginger, turmeric, and garlic, which have anti-inflammatory properties. You can also use naturally derived sweeteners, such as honey, agave nectar, Stevia, or Monk Fruit.[9] [3]
  6. Take supplements. There are some supplements that you can take along with the anti-inflammatory diet that can help you treat fibromyalgia or treat the symptoms of the disease. Before you take any of these, ask your doctor. When taking them, always follow manufacturer’s instructions. You can take B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, and selenium. You can also take fatty acids, such as omega-3 fatty acids found if fish oil and other supplements.
    • You can also take 5-HTP, which is a precursor for serotonin, one of the neurotransmitters that helps people sleep.
    • Look into nervine herbs. There are a number of safe and effective herbs that can help get you some restful sleep. Consult a qualified health professional and ask them about using valerian, chamomile, or passionflower to help you get better sleep.
    • Try out probiotics, which can help support your immune system.[3]

Making Lifestyle Changes

  1. Exercise. There is strong evidence that patients with fibromyalgia can benefit from exercise. Research has indicated that while it may be difficult to get motivated, mild-moderate physical activities is very effective for fibromyalgia. The idea is start with low impact physical activity like walking. It can be very tough to get started, so when you begin, don’t push too hard.
    • Get up once every hour or two and take a slow walk around your house or apartment building. Walk the dog two or three times more than you normally might. Take the stairs more often and park further away from the grocery store.
    • Try Tai Chi and Qigong. For a group activity, check your local area for classes. You can also look into yoga and low-impact aerobic exercise classes or groups.[10]
    • Make sure that you rest in between your exercise. Try to find a meditation class. The practice of meditation can significantly and positively impact your mood and your stress levels.
  2. Get a massage. Since fibromyalgia causes pain and muscle tension, a massage is a great way to help reduce these symptoms. The techniques used in massage can also help you relax as well as reduce your paint and stiffness. You can generally find certified massage therapists in all kinds of locations, such as massage parlors, spas, and gyms.
    • If you aren't sure, ask your doctor, friends, or family for a recommendation.[11]
  3. Try deep breathing. In addition to meditation, try some deep breathing exercises to help you relax. There are a few breathing exercises that might help. For deep breathing, lie flat on your back. Try using pillows under your neck and knees to help you get comfortable. Put your hands on your stomach, palms down. Take a slow, long deep breath to expand your belly, breathing from your diaphragm. The diaphragm creates a heavy suction that pulls more air into your lungs than rib cage breathing. Repeat this as often as you are comfortable.
    • Your fingers should separate as they lie on your belly if you are doing it right.
    • You may get dizzy at first, which is normal because of the amount of air you are taking in. If at any time you feel uncomfortable, stop. [12]
  4. Perform a humming breath. To add a layer to your deep breath, add a humming breath to it. Breathe as you would with deep breathing. As you exhale, make a humming sound with your throat. This action helps strengthen the diaphragm and can help you relax more.[12]
  5. Use additional breathing exercises. There is another breathing exercise that may help you relax more. For this exercise, sit down in a chair. Take three short inhalations through your nose. On the first intake of breathe, lift your arms. Reaching in front, keep the arms at shoulder level. On your second breathe, move your arms to the side. Keep your arms at shoulder levels during this breathe. On the third breathe, lift your arms up over your head.
    • Repeat this exercise in a series of 10 to 12.
    • If you get dizzy, stop. Your lungs will take over and return to your natural rhythm.
  6. Try biofeedback. Biofeedback is a technique that uses the mind and body to help control involuntary reactions, such as blood pressure, heart rate, and muscle tension. To start biofeedback, talk to your doctor. He will give you special equipment that will show you when your body is doing a certain thing. You can then use this equipment and your own actions to help you control those functions.
    • For example, if your heart rate is elevated, you can use the equipment and targeted mental and physical actions to help slow it down.[13]
  7. Look into acupuncture. There have been a few studies that have shown the benefit of acupuncture with the pain associated with fibromyalgia. Look into certified acupuncturist in your area or ask your doctor for a referral. To try it out, go to at least three visit before you make a decision on if it works for you. If it is, continue the treatment.
    • You may have to make a decision on whether or not acupuncture is cost effective for you. It can get expensive, so try to weigh the pros and cons of the treatments against the cost.[14]
    • Never try to perform acupuncture on yourself or let someone who doesn't know how perform it on you.
  8. Find a support group. Being diagnosed with fibromyalgia can be a difficult emotional process. Find a group of people that can go through this process along with you. This will help you feel less alone and you will be able to commiserate with those who have the same condition as you.
    • Two places to start are the Fibromyalgia Network and the National Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Association (NFMCPA).[15][16]

Understanding Fibromyalgia

  1. Learn about the disease. Women tend to develop fibromyalgia more often than men. The symptoms can develop slowly or they can begin after some form of trauma, either physical, mental, or emotional. The causes of fibromyalgia are unknown. There appear to be genetic and gender factors.
    • The immune system may be involved, because fibromyalgia often presents after infections and is often associated with autoimmune disorders like lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis.[17]
  2. Watch for the symptoms. There are a few symptoms that you can look for that might be a sign you have fibromyalgia. Widespread pain is the most common symptom. This pain is most often described as a constant dull ache. Fibromyalgia may be diagnosed if the pain has lasted for at least three months and is on both sides of your body. The pain also has to be both above and below your waist to be diagnosed as fibromyalgia.
    • Those diagnosed with fibromyalgia have significant fatigue, at least partly because of sleep difficulties. Sleep can occur for long periods, but is often disrupted by pain, restless legs syndrome, and sleep apnea. Even if an individual with fibromyalgia has slept for a long time, they may still wake up tired.
    • People with fibromyalgia report ‘’fibro fog’’, which is a condition that disrupts the ability to focus, to pay attention, and to concentrate on any mental tasks.
    • Other symptoms can include depression, headaches, and abdominal discomfort or cramping.[18]
  3. Diagnose fibromyalgia. Diagnosing fibromyalgia can be difficult and a serious problem because there are no specific diagnostic lab tests for fibromyalgia. The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) has a set of criteria necessary to diagnose fibromyalgia. These criteria are similar to the list of symptoms given above. However, the symptoms need to have caused pain for over three months and without interruption for the week prior to the visit. The doctor will also count how many out of 19 areas on your body you are feeling pain. He or she will also assess the severity of your other symptoms and see how well they are affected by your pain.
    • The doctor will also rule out any other possible condition that might be causing your symptoms.[10]
    • Many physicians still have doubts.[19] If a physician is doubting your symptoms, the best advice is to find a physician experienced with fibromyalgia. You may need a referral to a rheumatologist in your area if you can’t find one on your own.
  4. Treat fibromyalgia medically. Although the cause of fibromyalgia is not known, what is known is that there are drugs that affect the activity of some brain neurotransmitters, which are brain substances that act as chemical messengers between brain cells and nerves, that can be of some benefit for patients with fibromyalgia. There are three drugs approved to treat fibromyalgia. These are Duloxetine (Cymbalta), milnacipran (Savella), and Pregabalin (Lyrica).
    • Drugs can also be used to treat other symptoms, such as sleep issues. These include cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril), amitriptyline (Elavil), gabapentin (Neurontin), or pregabalin (Lyrica). Other drugs to help with sleep, such as benzodiazepines or Ambien, are not recommended.[10]


  • Make sure other disorders that may be a part of your fibromyalgia are diagnosed and treated. These can include menopause, which can disrupt the hormonal system and can impact fibromyalgia, and low thyroid function, which can mimic many of the symptoms of fibromyalgia.[17]

Sources and Citations

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