Heal a Cut Due to Dry Skin

Many people's hands get cuts on them due to chapped and dry skin, especially in the winter months. These cuts can be very painful and sensitive. Petroleum jelly or liquid bandage can help to heal the cuts, and keeping hands well-hydrated with lotion can prevent further cuts.


Using Petroleum Jelly

  1. Disinfect the cut. Wash with soap and warm water. Dry well by patting, not rubbing, the skin. Make sure there is nothing around the cut that might continue to irritate your skin.[1]
  2. Apply the petroleum jelly. Spread petroleum jelly (or Vaseline) in the cut with a cotton swab. Do not dip the swab in the jelly more than once, because you could contaminate the jelly.[2]
  3. Cover it up. Once the cut is covered with petroleum jelly, cover it with a bandage. If the cut is on your fingers, you can simply roll a finger cot over the cut. Make sure the bandage is on dry skin so that it will stay on — if it’s on the Vaseline it will probably fall off.[2]
  4. Change the bandage regularly. If the cut is on your hand, the bandage will probably come off after repeated hand washing. On other parts of the body, it’s likely to come off in the shower or bath. When this happens, change it. If it isn’t coming off, coat it with petroleum jelly and change the bandage every morning, monitoring how well your cut is healing.[3]

Using a Liquid Bandage

  1. Purchase liquid bandage at your local pharmacy. Liquid bandage works to seal your cut, keeping moisture in and germs out. It can last up to a week effectively. It can be a great option for children’s hands because you don’t need to apply a bandaid over the top. (Even though children often enjoy having a bandaid on, it can be a struggle to keep it on and the wound clean and protected.)[4]
  2. Disinfect your cut. Clean the skin with soap and warm water. Pat dry. It’s especially important when you have dry skin or go out into the cold throughout the day to properly dry your hands every time after washing them.[3]
  3. Apply the liquid bandage. It acts like glue, filling the cut and sealing it. It’s most effective for small and superficial wounds. It doesn’t need to be covered with a bandage. Avoid picking at it.[5]
  4. Wait until the bandage falls off. It will typically take between five and 10 days for it to fall off. At that point, the cut should be healed.[5]

Preventing Further Dryness

  1. Use lotion consistently. Lotion comes in many forms — some are to restore severely dry skin, while others are lighter and meant to maintain the moisture already in your skin. Choose the lotion that will best take care of your hands. Investigate what works best for you by going to your pharmacy and using lotion from the various tester bottles. Try applying it before you really need it. Start applying it in the morning after you take a shower, and reapply throughout the day. If your skin is extremely dry, apply lotion and then put gloves over it before going outside during the winter months. You could also consider wearing lotion under gloves to bed (it sounds weird, but it can really help hydrate severely dry skin).[6]
  2. Don't use instant hand sanitizers very often. Alcohol will dry out your hands even more and can make cuts on your hands sting. Washing hands with glycerin soap is the best option during the winter.[7]
    • Additionally, as odd as it sounds, the sanitizer strips weak germs off your hands, possibly leaving a clean slate for stronger germs to attack.
  3. Wash your hands and dry well. Washing your hands too much can dry them out and strip away the good oils that exist on your skin, but it’s important to keep your hands clean. When you do wash them, choose glycerin soaps that are not antibacterial — they help keep your hands moisturized.[8]
    • Ensure that your hands are dry when you move from the warm to the cold in winter — this includes waiting five to ten minutes after washing before going outside. Even with gloves, the change in humidity and temperature can sap the moisture from your skin and damage it.
  4. Wear gloves. If you have to put your hands in water for an extended time (washing dishes, cleaning, etc.) wear rubber gloves. Protect your hands if you’re going to be doing manual labor. If you’re chopping wood, working on your car, lifting and moving things outside — wear gloves. They will help minimize the possible damage.[9]

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