Heal a Scab

Scabs form naturally over cuts, scrapes, and wounds. They help to protect the wound so blood and fluid do not flow out. They also keep bacteria, germs, and dirt out of the wound. Sometimes scabs can itch and they may appear unsightly on your skin. To heal a scab, you can apply vaseline, honey, or oil as well as food products like onion and garlic. Choose one method at a time rather than using a combination of products.


Using a Compress or Salt Soak on the Scab

  1. Place a warm compress on the scab. Keeping the scab moist with a warm compress can help it heal faster. Wet a clean cloth or towel with warm water. Then, place it on the scab for five to ten minutes. Do this several times a day to keep the scab moist.[1]
  2. Soak the scab in a salt bath. Epsom salts are great for healing scabs and can help to reduce any tenderness around the scab. Fill a bucket or the bath with warm water and ¼ cup Epsom salts. Then, soak the injured area with the scab in the salt bath for an hour. Pat the area dry.[2]
    • Soak the scab once to twice a day until it starts to heal.
  3. Put a non-stick dressing on the scab. Putting a non-stick dressing on the scab can help to keep it clean. Apply Vaseline under the dressing to encourage healing.

Applying Household Ingredients to the Scab

  1. Put Vaseline on the scab. Vaseline is a good way to keep the scab moist and keep any bacteria out of the scab as it peels off. The moisture will help the scab to soften and allow new skin to grow over the scab, healing the wound and the scab.[1]
    • Dab a small amount of Vaseline on the scab throughout the day to keep it moist. Over a few days, it should soften and fade away or peel off on its own.
  2. Try applying honey to the scab. Honey contains antibacterial properties and can speed up healing. Put a small amount of medical grade honey on the scab to help it heal faster.[1]
    • You can find medical grade honey online or at your local drugstore.
  3. Apply tea tree oil to the scab. Tea tree oil is a great natural oil for treating scabs. It can speed up the healing process and prevent the scab from leaving a scar. Apply tea tree oil to the scab once to twice a day.[2]
    • You can find tea tree oil at your local health food store or online.
  4. Use garlic on the scab. Garlic is a good natural way to heal a scab as it is antibacterial and an antiseptic. Blend or mix two to three cloves of garlic with one cup wine. Then, let the mixture sit for two to three hours. Apply the mixture to the scab with a cotton ball.[2]
    • Rinse the garlic wine mixture off after 10-15 minutes with warm water. If the garlic causes your skin to itch, remove it right away.
  5. Put onion on the scab. Onion contains antibacterial properties. It is good at healing wounds and scabs as well as preventing infection. Chop up the onion and make a paste with honey. Then, apply the paste to the scab and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Rinse the paste off with warm water.[2]
    • You can apply the onion honey paste up to four times a day.
  6. Apply a baking soda paste to the scab. Baking soda is a mild antiseptic and good for removing scabs. Mix {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} of baking soda with {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} water to make a paste. Then, apply the paste over the scab. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes and then wash it off with warm water.[2]
    • You can apply the baking soda paste two to three times a week.
  7. Put aloe vera on the scab. Aloe vera is a great natural substances that you can put on the scab to help speed up healing. Put aloe vera on the scab and let it sit for five minutes. Then, rinse it off with warm water. Do this three to four times a day.[2]
    • You can find aloe vera in gel form online or at your local health store.
    • If you have access to an aloe vera plant, you can squeeze the juice from the plant onto the scab.

Caring for the Scab

  1. Allow the scab to dry. Leaving the scab open to the air will help it heal. You don’t want to keep it too moist, as this can allow a fungal infection to take hold. Alternate treating the scab with ointment and allowing it to dry.
  2. Try not to pick off the scab. Picking off the scab can increase the risk of infection, cause scarring, and prolong the healing time for the wound. Avoid the temptation to pick off the scab to get rid of it. A new scab will likely develop in its place and the wound will take longer to heal.[1]
  3. Avoid applying antiseptics to the scab. Antiseptics can kill good bacteria on the scab and lead to swelling. They can also dry out the scab, which can prolong the healing time for the scab.[1]
    • You can use topical antibiotic ointments like Neosporin on the scab.
  4. See a doctor if the scab appears infected. If the scab starts to swell, feels hot to the touch, or is leaking pus or fluid, it may be infected. Go see a doctor right away so they can diagnose the issue and prescribe the right treatment. A scab that is infected and untreated can take a long time to heal or lead to other health issues.
    • This is especially true in patients that have leg scars, as well as people that are diabetic or immunocompromised. Small scabs can lead to ulceration.

Sources and Citations