Help Take Care of Our Planet
At the rate we're going, it can seem sometimes like we're out to destroy our planet. Luckily, there are a bunch of efforts you can make that are easy, quick, and cost-effective, so you can do your part in taking care of our only home in the galaxy. See Step 1 for more information.
Saving Water & Energy
- Switch off and unplug. If you're not using it, why have it on? Switch off everything you don't need -- it saves power and it's a lower electricity bill for you! Before you walk out the door, make a quick scan a habit.
- Even better, unplug it. Leaving devices plugged in, such as laptop chargers or toasters, can eat up "phantom" energy. Even when an appliance is turned off, it may still use power.
- Opt for renewable energy sources. Electricity production accounts for more than one-third of U.S. global warming emissions, with the majority generated by coal-fired power plants (which produce approximately 25 percent of total U.S. emissions). In contrast, most renewable energy sources produce little to no global warming emissions. So go for an upgrade now.
- Install solar panels or sky lights in your home. The power of the sun will light up your home -- no more unflattering fluorescent lighting on your turf.
- Innovative programs around the country now make it possible for all environmentally conscious energy consumers to support renewable energy directly by participating in the "green" power market. Contact your local power company to see if they participate in the program.
- Let your local representatives know that this is an issue that you (and your friends and family) care about. With enough pressure, your government will take strides to helping take care of our home that they may not do unprompted.
- Change your light bulbs. Compact fluorescent or LED light bulbs may cost more initially, but they last much, much longer. Two decades could pass before you need to buy a new one.
- LEDs (a little more so than CFLs) are much more efficient than incandescent bulbs; the old kind uses a vacuum/filament method that's up to 85% worse for energy-saving. If every home in America made just one switch, the equivalent amount of energy saved would light 3 million homes for the year.
- Conserve water. Helping the planet isn't just about electricity -- it's about water, too. There are many ways you can help the planet just by changing your habits at home.
- Take shorter showers. The average American uses {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} of water a year (69.3 gallons daily). An average shower uses about {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} of water per minute. If you shorten your shower by 2 minutes, you can cut your water use by {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}}. You can further reduce your water consumption by turning the water off while soaping.
- Turn off the water or run it lighter. While you're shaving, washing your hands, or doing dishes, you don't need to run the water all the time. While you're lathering up, turn it off. Your good habits will accumulate to a huge amount of over time.
- Wash full loads of laundry and dishes. You'll run your appliances less (and hey, less electricity, too!), consuming less water on a weekly basis.
- While you're at it, instead of using your dryer, hang your clothes out on the clothesline to dry.
- Cut down on the air conditioning. When you have windows and fans, why use the air conditioner? If you don't absolutely have to (and most times, you don't), skip the AC. It consumes a lot of unnecessary power.
- And if it's winter, bundle up! Lower the thermostat for that excuse to cuddle up in a blanket with a glass of hot cocoa. Your body will adjust in no time.
Reducing Your Footprint
- Don't use disposable items. So much of today's society is based on grab-and-go convenience. Unfortunately, these items are all ultimately trash. Throughout your day, make an effort to only use items you can use again.
- Switch to cloth paper towels and diapers.
- Use your own silverware, plates, and cups -- never go plastic to avoid washing.
- Don't buy bottled water. Carry around your own water bottle to stay hydrated.
- Bring eco-friendly bags to the grocery store. What do you do with those paper or plastic bags when you go shopping? You either end up throwing them out or stockpiling until you have an entire cupboard full of bags you'll probably never use.
- Get a hybrid or bicycle. Cars are a huge culprit when it comes to pollution and, put more formidably, destroying the ozone. Who wants to get stuck in traffic anyway?
- Less fuel consumption affects oil digging across the world -- a finite resource (that is just getting more and more expensive thanks to demand). Another important consideration in using less fuel is in the amount of toxic gases being released into the air as the fuel is burned to make the engine run.
- And it saves you money, too.
- A bicycle is even better. You know why? You spend zero money on gas, you emit zero toxins into the environment, and you burn way more than zero calories while riding. Win. Win. Win.
- Less fuel consumption affects oil digging across the world -- a finite resource (that is just getting more and more expensive thanks to demand). Another important consideration in using less fuel is in the amount of toxic gases being released into the air as the fuel is burned to make the engine run.
- Start carpooling. Alright, hybrids are expensive. And bicycles don't go fast enough. What's the next best alternative? Car pooling. And the more people who do it, the better for the environment (and traffic).
- As if being greener weren't enough, you'll now get to be one of those people that uses the carpool lane honestly. Because let's be honest: Everyone hates the guy driving down it alone.
- Opt out of paper mail. Nowadays, everything is available online. Whether it's your bills, junk, or the newspaper, get out of it. Instead of resenting the pile you're accumulating, you'll get excited when special mail does come.
- For all your statements, go green. Get an online account for your bank, credit cards, and subscriptions. Emails don't hurt the environment.
- Start reading online. Magazines and newspapers are slowly becoming a thing of the past -- for the environment (maybe not so much for nostalgia), that's a good thing.
- Recycle. This is one of the most obvious and easiest ways of helping the environment. Whether it's paper, cardboard, plastic, aluminum, or tin, recycle it. If you don't have a recycle bin given to you by your local government, ask for one. They'll take care of it for you.
- Recycling doesn't stop there. Nowadays, you can even recycle your old electronics and even get paid to recycle your old phones and MP3 players.
- Set up your own program in your home. Have your family or roommates put recyclables in designated areas. Have different tubs or containers for different products. When it comes time to recycle, it'll be a cinch.
- Avoid fast food and wasting. When you get fast food, it comes in wrappers and bags that you just throw away. Apart from it not being good for you, it's also not good for the environment. Do what you can to avoid buying packaged goods. Fewer packaged goods on your end means less trash. And our landfills definitely aren't going away.
- Moreover, don't waste your food. Though food is better because it's biodegradable, it's still wasting. Keep it for leftovers -- you'll save money and end up using fewer packages or containers.
- Buy less. Less everything. The fewer things you buy, the smaller your footprint. Get into DIY projects to turn your trash into treasure. Donate your unwanted goods to a thrift shop. Cook more at home.
- Don't assume something is trash. Could someone else use it? Is it fixable, but you're just too lazy to fix it? Could it be turned into something else?
- Compost. It's good for the environment and for your garden. Designate an area in your yard to put your yard waste, fruit peels, and uneaten food. After a while, you'll be able to use it to fertilize your lawn or garden.
- Unfortunately for us and our children, landfills are slowly running out of room. Composting slows the growth of these facilities, making them last longer and ultimately putting trash to good use. It also is a cheaper alternative to reinvigorating soil. That means less methane in our air to boot!
Spreading the Word
- Keep your neighborhood beautiful. Setting a good example will encourage others to follow suit. Humans take in their surroundings to know what's acceptable and what's not.
- Plant trees in your area or local park.
- Don't litter! Anywhere or anytime.
- Encourage your local representatives to 'go green' and keep an eye on local parks and recreational areas.
Do your part to keep your area looking good.
- Join an organization. Most towns and cities have numerous organizations dedicated to beautifying and bettering the area. Contact friends and family and do your research. If there isn't a group already attacking the issues you're concerned about, start your own.
- Visit your local library, courthouse, tourist office, and city website for more information. If those turn up nothing, seek out private sources at parks or recycling centers.
- Speak up. If you desire action on a community level, take your concerns to different organizations or local committee meetings. Making your voice heard is the first step to seeing progress.
- Write an article for your local newspaper.
- Back a candidate for a local political office and work with them to back environmental change. Lots of cities are starting to feel the pressure of "going green."
- Learn more. After all, knowledge is power. The more you know, the more you'll know what to do and how to do it more efficiently and effectively. Seek out professionals and resources on the internet to boost your expertise.
- The internet is full of like-minded people like yourself. They may also know more about this topic and be able to give you some really great ideas. Chat up everyone you meet when on your quest to help our planet.
- Only use as much toilet paper as you need.
- Try and do all your shopping online.
Sources and Citations