Hide That You Peed Your Pants
Peeing your pants in public can be very embarrassing. Some kids and even adults have issues that make this a frequent problem. When this happens to you, the last thing you want is for someone to notice. There are three main problems to this issue: getting to the bathroom, drying the stain, and covering up any smell.
Getting Away Without Getting Noticed
- Excuse yourself from what you are doing. This can be hard in a large group of people.
- You will want to get up without getting any attention.
- Try quickly walking away while the people around you are distracted.
- Remain calm. If you seem nervous, people are more likely to notice. If you don't know the people around you, try to walk slowly so you don't attract attention. If you do know the people, try to make a hasty retreat to the bathroom.
- Cover your pants with a jacket or sweater. This can be an easy way to cover the wet spot on your pants so you can get to the bathroom.
- Wrap the jacket around your waist.
- Remain calm so you don't look suspicious. Act like nothing is wrong.
- Calmly get to a bathroom or get home.
- Spill your drink on your lap. This generally only works if you are at a restaurant or if you have a drink in your hand, and this can be a good cover if you don't have a jacket to cover your pants.
- This will give an excuse to why your pants are wet before you can excuse yourself to the restroom.
- Make a joke that you are clumsy and laugh it off like spilling the drink was an accident.
- Excuse yourself to the restroom to clean up.
- Get to a bathroom as fast as possible. You can see if you can clean up the stain or if you need to go home.
- Look in the mirror or get into a stall for more privacy.
- If the stain is minor, you can try cleaning it up. If not, make some excuse to go home.
- Try to make an excuse to leave such as "I needed to be home by a certain time" or "I have homework to do".
Dealing With the Stain and Smell
- Wet your pants with water. You will want to do this to get any of the pee out of the fabric.
- This can help you get rid of a urine smell as well.
- If you can do so discreetly, splash water on the stain in the restroom.
- If not, get a wet paper towels and rub the stain in the bathroom stall in privacy.
- You will probably want to try to get any smell or stains out of your underwear as well. Do this in the bathroom stall so no one else notices.
- Pat the stain dry with paper towels. This will get most of the moisture out of your pants and/or underwear.
- Use plenty of paper towels.
- Dab away at the stain slowly.
- When you can't soak up any more moisture with paper towels, try using the hand dryer.
- Use the hand dryer. Walk up to it and point the stain towards the air.
- Stand with your legs apart. This will help you get dry faster.
- Sway your hips as you dry the stain to get all wet areas.
- Stand in front of the dryer until your pants feel dry.
- Touch them to make sure they don't feel wet.
- Take a look in the mirror in the bathroom. See if there is any noticeable wet spot on your pants.
- If there is, try soaking up more moisture with paper towels.
- Follow up with the hand dryer.
- Once you are dry, you can go back to what you were doing if you can't find an excuse to leave.
- Try using water and a little bit of hand soap. This will help to clean the urine smell out of your pants.
- You can try rubbing a tiny little bit of soap into the pants. Put some in your hand and rub it into the pants when you get into a bathroom stall.
- Dry up the stain with paper towels and dry it with a hand dryer.
- Smell your pants to see if there is a noticeable smell.
- Try spraying the pants with perfume or cologne. This can help cover up a smell in your clothes.
- Spray the perfume or cologne directly onto the stain.
- Make sure it's a strong scent so it covers any odor.
- Before leaving the bathroom, double check to see if you can smell anything.
- If this happens to you frequently because of a medical or psychological condition, try carrying a change of pants and underwear with you.
- Consider wearing incontinence pants, if you pee your pants frequently.
- If someone does notice you, try to get them to be as quiet about it as possible.
- If you can't hide the stain or smell, it's best to get home to change if possible.
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