Hit Altissimo Notes on the Sax

Altissimo notes are above the "normal" range of the sax. They are really overtones and amount to playing the sax like a trumpet where each fingering has several notes going higher and higher. Hitting these high notes on the saxophone can be one of the hardest things about playing. Here's a guide to learn how.


  1. Slightly close your throat by raising the back of your tongue (e.g. say something like "too" Like a running faucet or sink.)
  2. Play a low Bb and try to hit overtones by slowly adjusting your throat and visualizing that you are singing high notes. You should be able to hit Bb, Bb2, F2, Bb3, D, F, Ab, Bb4, etc. Rather than adjusting your embouchure, adjust the aperture of your throat muscles; tighten your throat muscles as if saying a high pitched "hee." If you have trouble with the higher notes, try saying "q" (queue) while still fingering low "Bb"
  3. Then practice with other notes such as low C, C#, D, etc. The higher the starting note, the more difficult it is to play the entire overtone range.
  4. Get a list of altissimo fingerings by searching the web and try a lot of them as they won’t all work for every horn and mouthpiece
  5. Using a mouthpiece with a high baffle will make it easier; so will playing with a slight overbite.
  6. Breathe from your diaphragm, filling your chest cavity from the bottom up.
  7. Don't bite down; stay relaxed. It takes awhile to become comfortable hitting these notes. The longer you practice, the easier it will become. Don't expect it to work right away but keep plugging.
  8. The fingerings don't really matter. As long as you can hear the note you want to come out, it will come out.


  • Embouchure shape resembles a piercing whistle where you stick 2 fingers in your mouth, blow a tight column of air downwards between your lower lip and lower incisor teeth(#24 and 25 for you dentists out there).
  • There are often different fingerings for different horns.


  • Don't over-do it.
  • Do not bite down or tense your jaw muscles up!

Things You'll Need

  • A strong embouchure. If you lay off a month, don't expect these notes to be there when you need them.
  • Use a harder reed. Soft ones won't work and just flatten out and go BLAAAH instead of WHEEE. Hardness varies from person to person, so experiment and see what works best for you.
  • While Altissimo is easier on a Jazz mouthpiece than a Student or Classical mouthpiece, Altissimo in classical pieces still exists, practice on both Jazz and Classical mouthpieces until you get comfortable with both.
  • Make sure your horn is in good condition.

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