Hold Your Breath Underwater for Long Periods of Time

Swimming may be difficult if you are not used to holding your breath for long periods. This article aims to help practice holding your breath for longer periods.


  1. Get a dive buddy.
  2. Breathe in as much air as you can before you hold your breath.
  3. Let the air out slowly.
  4. Relax before you go underwater and during the time you're underwater.
  5. Continue this exercise about 5 to10 times.
  6. Lie still in the water.
  7. Breathe in 3 times as much air as possible.
  8. Think about something to keep your mind off the fact that you're not breathing.
  9. When you feel you need some fresh air, come up to surface. Don't force yourself to stay underwater.
  10. Sit down and breathe for a couple minutes to fill your lungs.
  11. Don't do this again for at least 10 minutes, or you may feel dizzy, which could cause a headache.


  • Make sure that someone you trust knows where you are and what you are doing. This way if something goes wrong they'll be there to help.
  • Let your breath out slowly. This way, you will reduce carbon dioxide build-up, which is causing that uncomfortable feeling of suffocation.
  • Don't move. If you move you will use up oxygen in your muscles, so you can't stay underwater as long.
  • Do this for a couple of weeks, and you may be able to stay under for two to three minutes, but don't try to stay under long enough to drown.
  • Practice outside of water so your lungs are more accustomed to the fact they are not breathing all the time. This helps your heart become more relaxed and beating slower, helping you hold your breath and stay underwater for longer periods.


  • Remember, that everyone learns at a different pace, push yourself to the point where you are satisfied, and not until others are satisfied.
  • Your need to breathe is instinctively triggered by a build-up of carbon-dioxide in the blood and not a lack of oxygen. Never hyperventilate before submerging. Do not get yourself in a situation where you breathe in water or where you faint when you run out of oxygen because you will get no warnings before you faint. (Ref: [1] )
  • If you need air just come up. Do not pass out underwater.
  • *You should only hold your breath underwater with close supervision and with a lifeguard nearby. This activity can be fatal if a blackout occurs, this may occur with or without pain being felt before the blackout.
  • Make sure you stop and wait 30 minutes until you do this again, overdoing it may cause fainting, dizziness, and headaches.

Related Articles

  • Hold Your Breath Under Water
  • Breathe Deeply
  • Use Breath Support
  • Blow Moisture out of Your Lungs
  • Get Ready for Swimming Efficiently

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