Hook Up Kindle Fire to a TV

If you have a Kindle Fire HD or Kindle Fire HDX, you can hook it up to your TV and view content on the bigger screen. The exact method you'll need to use depends on the type of TV you have and on the type of Kindle Fire you have.


Kindle Fire HD with HDMI TV

  1. Grab an HDMI cable. You'll need a long HDMI cable with a standard HDMI connector at one end and a micro-HDMI connector at the other end. Aside from your TV and you Kindle Fire HD, this is the only accessory you will need.
    • If you want to control content on your Kindle Fire HD as it streams to your TV, use a long cord. One that stretches 15 feet (4.5 m) should suffice.
    • Note that this method only works if you are using a television with an HDMI port. If your television does not support HDMI content on its own, see the instructions on connecting Kindle Fire HD to a non-HDMI TV.
    • Additionally, this method only works if you are using a Kindle Fire HD. Neither the original Kindle Fire or the Kindle Fire HDX has an HDMI port on it, so there is nothing for an HDMI cable to connect to. If you have a Kindle Fire HDX, please see the separate method concerning instructions for your HDX device.
  2. Connect the cable to your TV and Kindle.[1] Plug the standard HDMI portion of the cord into the HDMI port on your television set. Plug the micro-HDMI cord connector into the micro-HDMI port on the side of your Kindle Fire HD.
  3. Switch your TV to HDMI input. The exact process will vary from television set to television set, but usually, you will need to press the "Source" or "Input" button on your remote control and scroll through the options until you see an active HDMI input. Select this input.
    • Note that your Kindle Fire HD must be turned on before you change the input. Otherwise, your TV may not sense the connection.
    • When you select your HDMI input, the interface of your Kindle Fire HD should pop up on your TV screen within seconds. If it does not do so, check the connection to both the TV and Kindle, and make sure that you have chosen the correct HDMI input on your TV.
  4. Watch Kindle content. At this point, the connection between your Kindle Fire HD and TV is complete. Play content on your Kindle device as usual and watch as it shows up and plays on your TV simultaneously.
    • You can watch any videos you already have saved to your device or access the Amazon Instant Video app on your device for streaming content.
    • Similarly, you can also download streaming video apps, like Crackle, HBO Go, Hulu Plus, and Netflix for use with your Kindle device and play content that way. Video can also be watched via an Internet browser on your device if one is installed.

Kindle Fire HD with Non-HDMI TV

  1. Grab the necessary supplies. If you have an older analog TV that does not have an HDMI port on it, you will need to grab both an HDMI cable and a separate converter box. There is no way to directly connect a Kindle Fire HD to an analog TV, so this converter box is essential.
    • Purchase a converter box labeled as an "HDMI to AV Composite Video + Audio Converter." The converter box should have an HDMI2 input port and a set of RCA (yellow, white, red) output ports.
    • The HDMI cable should have a standard HDMI connector on one end and a micro-HDMI connector on the other end.
    • This method only works if you have a Kindle Fire HD. The standard Kindle Fire and Kindle Fire HDX do not have HDMI ports, so this method does not apply to these devices. If you are using a Kindle Fire HDX, please see the separate method dealing with that device.
  2. Connect the converter to your Kindle.[2] Plug the standard HDMI connector on your HDMI cable into the input HDMI port of your converter box. Plug the micro-HDMI connector into the HDMI port on your Kindle Fire HD.
  3. Connect the converter to your TV. Use a component cord to connect the converter box to your TV set. Plug the color-coded output plugs into your converter box, matching up the colors of the plugs with the colors of the output ports. Similarly, plug the color-coded input plugs into the matching component ports on your television.
  4. Switch your TV to the necessary input. The exact input will vary depending on your TV set, and the manner in which you need to switch over to that input source will also vary. Regardless, when all is said and done, you need to switch the input source of your TV to whichever option will allow you to view content through your audio/video components.
    • Sometimes, the process is as simple as switching over to a specific channel on your TV set. Other times, you might have to press a "Source" or "Input" button on your remote control or TV set and switch over to a specific "video" input. Find out what the process entails for your TV set and follow it.
    • Make sure that your Kindle Fire HD is on before you switch the input over.
    • Once you successfully switch the input source, the current screen of your Kindle device should appear on your TV screen. If the TV input settings are correct but this does not happen, double-check your connections.
  5. Watch Kindle content. With this, the connection between your Kindle Fire HD and analog television set should be complete. You can watch content on your Kindle device in whatever manner you usually do, and it should stream on both your Kindle and TV simultaneously.
    • Watch videos saved to your Kindle device or access streaming video through the Amazon Instant Video app.
    • Third-party apps, like Hulu Plus and Netflix, can also be used to stream content via your Kindle Fire HD. You can play video through an Internet browser, as well.

Kindle Fire HDX

  1. Grab the required accessories. If you have a Kindle Fire HDX, you will need your device, HDTV with an HDMI port, HDMI to HDMI cable, and Miracast-enabled accessory. You will also need a wireless Internet connection, and this connection must be on.
    • The method only works with Kindle Fire HDX. It will not work with the Kindle Fire or Kindle Fire HD.
    • The Kindle Fire HDX does not have an HDMI port, so it cannot be connected directly to your TV without a Miracast accessory. Most Miracast accessories should come with a NetGear Push2TV wireless box, USB to Micro USB cable, and power adapter. If any of these extra accessories are missing, you will need to buy them separately.
    • The HDMI cable you purchase will need to have a standard HDMI connector on each end.
  2. Connect the device to your TV.[3] Plug the Micro USB cable into the port of your Push2TV accessory labeled "Power." One end of the HDMI cord should be plugged into the port of your Push2TV device labeled "HDMI."
    • Plug the other end of your USB cable into the power adapter, and plug the power adapter into a wall socket. Alternatively, if your TV has its own USB port, you could plug the other USB connector into that.
    • Plug the opposite end of the HDMI cable into the HDMI port of your TV.
    • As soon as you connect the Push2TV device to a power source, it will turn on automatically. There is no power switch.
  3. Change the input of your TV. After the Push2TV device is plugged into your TV, turn your television on and switch the input source to HDMI. There are various ways of doing this depending on the TV you have, but usually, you will need to press a "Source" or "Input" button on your remote control and scroll through the options until you find one labeled as "HDMI." Select this source to press forward.
    • If everything is connected and sourced correctly, you should see a screen that says something along the lines of, "Ready for connection."
  4. Turn "mirroring" on using your Kindle. Turn your Kindle Fire HDX on if it is not already powered on. Make sure that Wi-Fi is enabled on the device. You will need to go into the settings of your Kindle device and enable mirroring from there.
    • More precisely, slide down the "Quick Settings" mention until you see the word "Settings."
    • Tap on the "Settings" option to open the menu.
    • Scroll through and find the "Display & Sounds" option. Tap to open it.
    • Scroll down and find the "Display Mirroring" option. Tap to select it.
    • After a moment or so, your Kindle device should be able to find the Push2TV device. Tap on it to connect the two devices together.
    • Your TV should say something along the lines of, "Connecting to wireless display device." After a few seconds, your Kindle Fire HDX screen should show up on your TV screen.
  5. Watch Kindle content. You can watch content through your Kindle as usual now, and it should show up on your TV.
    • Watch video content saved to your Kindle Fire HDX or stream it from the Amazon Instant Video app, third party apps, or the Internet.
    • When you need to stop mirroring, scroll down through the "Quick Settings" of your Kindle Fire HDX and locate the "Stop Mirroring" button. Tap on it to end the mirroring process.


  • Note that you are only able to hook up Kindle Fire HD and Kindle Fire HDX to your TV. You are not able to hook up a simple Kindle Fire.

Things You'll Need

Kindle Fire HD with HDMI TV

  • Kindle Fire HD
  • HDMI cable; standard HDMI to micro-HDMI

Kindle Fire HD with Non-HDMI TV

  • Kindle Fire HD
  • Analog TV
  • HDMI cable; standard HDMI to micro-HDMI
  • Component to HDMI converter box
  • Component cable

Kindle Fire HDX

  • Kindle Fire HDX
  • HDMI cable; standard HDMI to standard HDMI
  • Miracast accessory, with NetGear Push2TV wireless box, USB to Micro USB cable, and power adapter

Sources and Citations