Identify Gelbvieh Cattle
This is an article of how to identify Gelbvieh cattle.
Note: Gelbvieh is pronounced "GELP-fee"
- Do a search on the Internet or in your cattle breeds book for "Gelbvieh."
- Study the characteristics of the breed. Note the following:
- Colouration: Traditional Gelbviehs are reddish gold to russet or black in colouration. Traditional German Gelbviehs tend to be darker on their necks than the rest of the body; this is more prominent in bulls than in cows. Red Gelbviehs can be confused with traditional coloured Limousins because of the same light pigmentation around the eyes and nose. Gelbviehs also have strong skin pigmentation, which makes them ideal for temperate to arid conditions.
- Body type and characteristics: Gelbvieh are beefy, moderately-muscular cattle, with frame sizes ranging from medium to large. They are long and smooth-haired, with bulls averaging around 2300 lbs and cows averaging around 1300 lbs in weight.
- Head characteristics: Though the traditional Gelbvieh breed was originally horned, this has been bred out in most of the modern-day Gelbvieh cattle. Cows have a moderately long face, not dissimilar to Simmentals, Charolais or Limousins, and bulls with similar head characteristics to the aforementioned breeds.
- Other characteristics: GVs originated in the three Franconian districts of Northern Bavaria in southern Germany. Originally, when they were created in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, they were bred for meat, milk, and draft work (triple-purpose breed). Gelbviehs first made their way into North America in 1971, and the American Gelbvieh Association (AGA) was organized. Today, females can be registered as purebred at 7/8 Gelbvieh and bulls at 15/16. This means that breeds like Angus and Red Angus can be infused into this breed for higher genetic variation and merit.
- Gelbvieh, according to proponents of this breed, claim that this breed is great for its high fertility, freedom from genital defects, superior calving ease, mothering ability, exceptional milking ability, and high growth rates. Carcass characteristics have a lot of potential, since the breed is mostly lean, but can be crossed with breeds like Angus to get an exceptional carcass quality. Gelbviehs are also very quiet and docile, which is easily passed on to their offspring, crossbred or not.
- They are also highly adapted to hot arid climates, with not only the skin pigmentation that makes them resistant to sunburn and able to stand out in the hot sun without any problems, but also their ability to restrict blood flow to the areas where they have been bitten by ticks, isolating the ticks and starving them. This is a characteristic that has been noticed and proven by South African Gelbvieh Association, and is currently undergoing more research.
- Memorize the details and characteristics of this breed.
- Go on a field trip or road trip and see if you can find farms and ranches with Gelbvieh cattle. Photography of what you thought were Gelbvieh cattle, and compare them with pictures of Gelbviehs on the Internet and in your cattle breeds book.
- Use the calm temperament, lack of a flat lip, stronger bone-structure and less muscling characteristics to distinguish Gelbviehs from Limousins and even Blonde d'Aquitaine.
- Try to not get Gelbviehs confused with Limousins or even red-factor Charolais. Like with Limousins, Charolais tend to have more muscling than GVs. Charolais are also more rugged looking than Gelbviehs.
- Most Charolais bulls have curly hair over their foreheads and necks than Gelbviehs.
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