Identify Insect Bites
There are a variety of insects in the world that bite and sting if they come near you. Chances are you will stumble across some or all of them in your life. Each insect bite has a variety of different symptoms. Knowing how to identify them can help you figure out the best way to treat their symptoms, and watch out for more dangerous possibilities. These are identifiers for only the most general insect bites.
Identifying Common Insect Bites
- Figure out where you were when bitten. Different insects live in different places, and there are certain circumstances where it is more likely to be bitten by each of them.
- If you were outdoors, and perhaps near a wooded area, you were probably bitten by a mosquito, tick, or fire ant.
- If you were near food or garbage, you may have been bitten by a fly, or stung by a bee.
- If you were indoors, sitting somewhere or playing with a pet, it may be fleas or bedbugs.
- In the United States, scorpions are only found in the desert Southwest, particularly Arizona. If you are not in this part of the country, you were probably not stung by a scorpion.
- Look for a small, itchy, red mound. This is the most common visible symptom of an insect bite, and depending on other symptoms could be from a variety of insects.
- A single bite mark is probably from a mosquito or fly. You may notice a tiny bite mark in the center of the mound of a mosquito bite.
- Flea bites are a number of small, itchy mounds grouped together. You will probably find them in areas where your clothes fit tightly to your body, such as around your waist.
- Bedbug bites will be itchy red bumps, maybe with a blister, grouped in rows of two or three.
- Look for swelling. Other types of bites or stings involve the swelling of the skin around the bite area.
- Fire ant bites will cause swelling (as much as 1/2 inch) and will fill with pus. They may blister over after a few days.
- Scorpion stings can cause swelling, as well as redness of the skin and pain or numbness in the area.
- Check for bee and wasp stings. Stings from these insects will cause an immediate sharp or burning pain and swelling. They will leave a red welt (similar to a mosquito bite), with a small white spot where the stinger broke the skin. There will probably also be some swelling in the area. In the case of bees, they will leave their stinger behind.
- If stung by a bee, remove the stinger. Stinging a person will kill a bee, as the stinger is pulled out of the bee's body. You don't want the stinger to stay there, so use your fingers or a pair of tweezers to get it out as soon as you can. Other stinging insects, like hornets, wasps, and yellow jackets, do not leave their stinger. If you have been stung, and there is no stinger left, that is probably what stung you.
- Look for ticks. Bites from ticks tend to be bright red, but painless, so if you are not looking, you may miss having one. It is likely that you will discover the bite with the tick still attached to you. Most tick bites are harmless, but many ticks carry dangerous diseases like Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain spotted fever. You will want to be careful when discovering a tick bite.
- If the tick is attached to you, you will want to remove it as quickly as possible. Use a pair of tweezers to grab the tick near its head and pull — do not twist, as this can cause the head to pop off and remain attached to your skin. Don't leave any part of its head or body on you. When removing a tick, use tweezers, and not other items like petroleum jelly, matches, or nail polish remover.
- If you cannot get the head out, it is probably buried under your skin. If so, contact a doctor immediately, and they should be able to remove it.
- Keep an eye on the bite area. If you see a rash in a bull's-eye pattern (erythema migrans), this is a sign of Lyme disease. Go to a doctor immediately.
- You should always check yourself for ticks after being outdoors in a wooded area, or walking through tall grass. Ticks like warm, dark places, so check all over your body. They can be as small as the period on the end of this sentence, so you may want to use a magnifying glass.
- Check for lice. Lice are usually found on the neck and scalp. Their bites will look like a rash on your head, and you will probably find the lice and their eggs (called nits) in your hair. If you have lice, you will need to wash your hair with non-prescription lice-killing shampoos, and wash any clothes and bedding that may have come into contact with them.
- If you are pregnant, do not use these lice-killing shampoos. Instead, talk to your doctor about the best ways to get rid of the lice.
- Rule out serious spider bites. Spider bites are slightly different than insect bites, and should be treated differently. Look out for two small, two-fanged puncture wounds (a sign of a black widow spider bite), or a bite that turns blue or purple and begins to turn into a deep, open sore (a sign of a brown recluse bite. If you notice these signs, call your doctor. Other, less serious spider bites may resemble insect bites.
- Look for the insect. Most insect bites are painful, and you will notice them right away. If you feel yourself bitten, try to find the insect that bit you. Take a picture, or, if the insect is dead, collect the carcass. That can help you and your doctor identify what bit you, and what steps you should take next.
- If the insect is still alive, do not try to capture it. That is a good way to get bit or stung again.
Treating an Insect Bite
- Clean the bite area with soap and water. This will help clean the bite and can prevent additional infection. It's best not to use other creams or medications on the bite area until it is clean.
- Use anti-itch cream if the bite itches. Look for over-the-counter antihistamines like Benadryl or Chlor-Trimeton.
- Topical creams, gels, and lotions — particularly those containing pramoxine — may help control itching.
Don't scratch the bite, as that can cause it to become infected.
- Cut down swelling. Make a cool compress, a cloth dampened with cold water or filled with ice, and hold it over the swollen area. If possible, elevate the bite area to reduce blood flow.
- Treat for papular urticaria. Crops of raised, itchy, red bumps may appear as a result of a hypersensitivity to insect bites. This usually occurs after bites with fleas, mosquitos, and bedbugs. Treatment for urticaria include antihistamines and topical steroids.
- Do not scratch these pumps, as this can result in scarring or infection.
- Treat for shock. Some insect bites can cause an allergic reaction, which can involve the victim going into shock. If you notice pale skin, difficulty breathing, or swelling around the bite area, that is probably a sign of anaphylactic shock. Someone going into shock should be kept calm and comfortable. If it is you going into shock, taking deep breaths will help keep you calm. Contact emergency personnel immediately.
- If the victim (whether that is you or another person) has an EpiPen, use it.
- Seek medical attention. In most cases, the effects like itching and swelling can go away quickly. If the symptoms persist, or get worse, you should look for a doctor, to make sure you are not suffering from a more serious reaction.
- If you think, or know, you have been stung by a scorpion, seek medical attention immediately.
- Watch for symptoms of other diseases. Insect bites may not be dangerous by themselves, but many insects can carry diseases. Ticks can carry Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and mosquitoes may carry West Nile Virus and encephalitis and can transmit these serious diseases to humans. Keep an eye out for other symptoms like fever, body aches, and nausea. These are usually signs of a more serious condition.
- Most insect bites and stings will irritate the skin temporarily but generally the effects will wear off. Unless someone has an allergy to certain types of insect bites and stings, only the most venomous spiders and insects will cause a notable reaction.
- An internet search to identify an insect bite may not return any results on spider bites. Spiders are arachnids, not insects. Anyone suspecting a spider bite, generally denoted by two small fang marks, should search for “spider” bites.
- Avoid provoking insects, as that is a good way to get them to bite in self-defense.
- When outdoors, use insect repellents and protective clothing, like pants and a long-sleeved t-shirt.
- Sweet foods and garbage cans attract bees, flies, and other insects, so avoid staying too close.
- If you are allergic to insect bites or stings, you should have a medical ID or an emergency epinephrine (EpiPen) with you. Make sure your friends and family know how to use the EpiPen should you go into shock.
- If you identify the bites as bedbugs, the best course is to Choose a Pest Control Contractor to get rid of them.
- If you experience shortness of breath, swelling around your throat, or trouble swallowing, call emergency services or go to an emergency room immediately. This can indicate an anaphylactic reaction.
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