Import Outlook Contacts Into the Mac Mail Application

Exporting and importing your Microsoft Outlook contacts into the Mac mail application is as simple as a, b, c, and it hardly takes more than a couple of minutes. And in fact, this feature comes as a boon for those who have purchased MacBook or moving their work from one workstation to the other by just following short and easy steps as mentioned below: 


Export Process

  1. Highlight “Export to a file”.
  2. Press Next >
  3. After that, select Comma Separated Values (Windows) from the list.
  4. Press Next > again
  5. Then, highlight the Contacts folder.
  6. Press Next >
  7. Now, with the help of Browse button to select a location and file name for the contacts that are exported. (For instance, "Outlook.csv" or "ol-contacts.csv")
  8. Press Next > again.
  9. At last, press “Finish”.
  10. This is the end of the Export process, and once you are done with it, copy that file in a CD or any external drive. Eject or remove the medium where the contacts are copied and insert the same in your MacBook. And now, start the Import process.

Import Process

  1. Copy the "ol-contacts.csv" file from the source to the MacBook.
  2. Then, Launch Address Book on the MacBook.
  3. Go to the File -> Import -> Text file... from the menu.
  4. Look for "ol-contacts.csv" file, and double-click it.
  5. Keep in mind that ‘Ignore first card’ has to be checked.
  6. Search for E-Mail Addresses in the ol-contacts.csv column.
  7. Press ‘Do not import’ in the Address Book column's parallel field.
  8. Choose Email (work), Email (home) or Email (other).
  9. Click OK to complete the process.

Sources and Citations