Install Lattice

Adding vinyl or wooden lattice beneath a porch or deck can give it a fresh new look. In addition, lattice can be used to create hidden storage space beneath your deck or porch. Lattice also hides unsightly areas such as the floor joist or posts. Installing lattice is easy and relatively inexpensive.


Preparing the Frames and Lattice

  1. Remove any old lattice with a flat pry bar. Be careful not to damage the porch, deck, or support columns when removing existing lattice.
    • Cut the lattice into pieces with a reciprocating saw if you are having trouble removing it. This will make it easier.[1]
    • You can also use a small carpenters cat's paw, which will help pry off small nails. If the old lattice is stapled, find a screwdriver with a blade just wide enough to fit onto the staple. Gently pry it off.
  2. Make sure nothing is living under your deck or porch. Do not install new lattice without making sure there are no animals living underneath your deck.
    • If you find animals, encourage them to leave by allowing as much light in as possible. Also, let your water hose run next to the deck. This will encourage the animals to leave because they like dark, dry, and quiet areas to nest in.[2]
    • Avoid using traps or poison as that may kill any non-target animals or kill an animal in an unreachable place.
    • You may be able to find a volunteer group that will relocate wildlife. Call your local or state fish and game office or city animal control to learn about options in your area. If you can't find a volunteer, you may be able to hire a professional wildlife removal service.
  3. Gather the materials needed to make frames for the lattice. You will screw the lattice to the frames, and then you will attach the frames to the house. Be sure to use rust-proof hardware and fasteners.
  4. Calculate the dimensions of the lattice frames. Measure the openings between the support columns or posts of the deck or porch. The completed frames should be 1/2 inch narrower than the overall width and 1 inch shorter than the height of the openings.[1]
    • If you install the lattice flush to the ground, the framing can buckle and snag leaves.[3]
  5. Make the four perimeter pieces for the lattice frames. Use a circular or jigsaw to cut 1-by-6 inch lumber to a length of 4 1/2-feet or to your required measured length.
  6. Cut a center stile for each frame. Cut the center stiles the same length as the shorter edges of the frames using 1-by-4 inch lumber.
  7. Assemble the frames. Lay the frame pieces face down and assemble them. Attach a 6-inch mending plate and a 3 1/2-inch flat corner brace to each corner joint of the frame. Attach the hardware approximately 1/4 inch from the edges of the frames using 3/4-inch flathead screws. [4]
    • Make sure you work on a flat, sturdy surface to put together the frames
  8. Attach a center stile to each frame. Use two 4-inch T-plates, making sure that the plate is centered on the support piece. Position the T-plates about ¼ inch from the edge of the frame. Use 3/4-inch screws to secure them. [5]
  9. Cut the lattice panels to fit each frame using a sabre or circular saw. Lay the frames face down. Attach a piece of lattice to each frame using 1-inch pan head screws driven through washers.[6]
    • Allow a 1/ 4-inch gap on all sides between the edge of the frame and lattice. This lets the lattice to expand and contract when the weather changes. This will prevent the lattice from buckling.[7]
  10. Secure the seam between two pieces of lattice. The two pieces of lattice will form a seam on the center stile. Screw 1-inch (2.54 cm) pan head screws with washers to each of the lattice panels where they meet at the center stile. Make two rows of screws, drilling them at each point the lattices meet.

Attaching the Frames

  1. Attach the framed lattice panel to the porch or deck using 3 or 4-inch strap or T-hinges. Screw the hinges to the lattice frames first.
  2. Place each panel inside the openings under the deck or porch.
  3. Use a pry bar to raise the lattice frame so it will be tight against the porch or deck. Once it is tight, screw the hinges to the porch or deck using a drill with a screwdriver head.
  4. Open and shut the lattice frames to make sure they shut properly. If the lattice frame drags on the ground or doesn't close all the way, use a shovel or garden hoe to remove some of the dirt in front of and underneath the frame. If there is too much space beneath the lattice frame, add and compact more dirt. Distribute the dirt evenly so that the ground will be flat.


  • Lattice is generally available in 4-by{{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} sections. If the distance between the support columns underneath your deck or porch is more than {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}}, you may want to install some additional supports at 4-foot intervals. Attach the lattice these additional supports.
  • When screwing into two pieces of framework-- especially if it is close to the end or side of material-- you may want to drill a small pilot hole first and then install the screw.

Things You'll Need

  • Flat pry bar
  • Measuring Tape
  • 1-inch by 6-inch pressure-treated lumber
  • 1-inch by 4-inch pressure-treated lumber
  • 6-inch metal mending plates
  • 3-1/2 inch flat corner braces
  • 4-inch metal T-plates
  • 3 or 4 inch
  • 1/2-inch flathead screws
  • Exterior primer
  • Exterior glossy enamel trim paint
  • Paint brush
  • Hammer
  • Circular saw
  • 3- or 4-inch (7.62 or 10.16 cm) strap or T-hinges
  • 1-inch (2.54 cm) pan head screws
  • Washers
  • Drill and screwdriver bit
  • Shovel or garden hoe
  • Reciprocating saw
  • Marking pen or pencil
  • Carpenter's square

Sources and Citations