Install Windows Programs in Ubuntu

To Install Windows Programs in Ubuntu you need the application called Wine. If you don't have this application installed on your system, here are explanations of how to do it. Wine will let you run Windows software on Ubuntu. It's worth mentioning that not every program works yet, however there are a lot of people using this application to run their software. With Wine, you'll be able to install and run Windows applications just like you would in Windows OS.


  1. Go to Applications > Ubuntu Software Center which is located in Main menu.
  2. When you open Ubuntu Software Center you will need to type 'wine' in search function which are located on the right upper corner of the window and hit Enter.
  3. Choose 'Wine Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer' package.
  4. Click on the 'Install' button, after that when it asks you for password, type the password and click on 'Authenticate' button or just hit Enter.
  5. While you installing this application, somewhere in the middle, you will be asked to confirm EULA license terms. To do that, mark that little white box and click on 'Forward' button.
  6. Now when Wine is installed, go to Applications > Wine, where is Wine located and and try to explore a little, to see what options this application has.
  7. Now first what you need to do is to locate your setup.exe. where is located and then right click with your mouse on that file.
  8. Now click on 'Permissions' option and then mark that little box beside 'Allow executing file as program' option. After that click on 'Close' button.
  9. Now when you click with left mouse button on the setup.exe, file will start run.


  • When it asks you for password, don't be confused. The password is that one, which you're using in the Login Screen. Password does not show up in the terminal when you type it. Just type your password and hit Enter. If your password was entered correctly, the action will continue.
  • In Ubuntu Software Center you have also 'More info' button. Always check this button first, because you first have to check that perhaps there are still some of Add-ons to download.If there are some Add-ons, mark them and then click on 'Apply Changes' button. You will avoid a lot of errors and problems to running some applications.

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