Install the BitTorrent Client
Downloading (or uploading) torrent files first requires that you download and install a peer-to-peer client that manages the acquisition of those files. That software is known as a BitTorrent client. While there are a number of clients available online to perform these tasks, the original (or "official") version is simply called BitTorrent. It's free and easy to use, even when it comes to downloading and installing the program.
Downloading and Installing BitTorrent
- Go to the BitTorrent website at You'll see a Download button in the middle of the page preceded by some introductory text. Alternatively, you can visit the downloads page at to select a specific version of BitTorrent.
- Download BitTorrent. By clicking the Download button on the homepage, the website will automatically detect the operating system you're using and provide you the latest update. Should you visit the downloads page instead, it will automatically direct you to the operating system you're using. BitTorrent is a multi-platform client, so it's available on multiple operating systems that include Windows, Mac or Android.
- Install BitTorrent. Begin by double-clicking the BitTorrent file from the location in which your downloads generally arrive. Windows users will see a window appear asking "Do you want to run this file?" Simply click Run and follow the prompts. Upon installation, Windows users should find BitTorrent located in the Programs directory, in Start > Programs > BitTorrent.
- Mac users will see a window with BitTorrent logo appear upon clicking on the downloaded file. Double-click the logo icon, and a prompt will ask you whether wish to open the file. Click Open.
- Mac users will then be prompted to continue and subsequently accept the Terms of Use. Click Continue and then Accept accordingly. BitTorrent will then automatically install itself. When it's finished, click Done, and BitTorrent will automatically open.
- Launch BitTorrent. You can simply click on BitTorrent wherever you've chosen to store it (initially in Programs for Windows users and under Applications for Mac users). Alternatively, BitTorrent will open automatically whenever you attempt to download a torrent file.
Customizing BitTorrent Preferences
- Make BitTorrent your default torrent client (or not). Upon opening BitTorrent for the first time, you'll see a small message near the top of your window asking if you'd "like to make BitTorrent your default torrent application." Either select "Set as Default" or—if you'd prefer another default client—"Don't Ask Again." If you'd like to decide at another time, simply close the message.
- Select Preferences from the toolbar at the top of your screen. You'll immediately be directed to the General section of preferences.
- Determine when BitTorrent automatically starts up. Under the Program Startup section of the General tab, you can uncheck the box next to the option allowing BitTorrent to start up when your system starts. This can help facilitate faster system startup and avoid potential security risks.
- Decide when and whether to check for updates. Under the General tab's Privacy section, you can uncheck the box next to "Automatically check for updates" if you wish to update BitTorrent manually instead. Left in default mode (checked), BitTorrent will automatically update to more recent editions—though you must also check "Update to beta versions" if you wish to automatically use those editions as well.
- Choose where to save torrent files. Under your Preferences' Directories tab, there are boxes that can be checked that allow you to choose which folder houses your downloads. You have the options of choosing a specific folder for where to put "new downloads" and/or "completed downloads." Simply check the appropriate box and choose a folder from the dropdown menu to the right.
- Manage bandwidth. Under the Preferences' Bandwidth tab, you can determine the rate at which files are downloaded or uploaded. For most users, it makes sense to simply leave the default "Automatically manage bandwidth" box checked.
- Check out your Preferences' Network tab. You probably won't need to change the Incoming TCP port number, but it's generally best to make sure it's a number no smaller than 10,000. You should also uncheck the box saying, "Automatically map port (using NAT-PMP or UPnP) in order to minimize your security risks and vulnerabilities.
- Save your changes if prompted. Mac users should find that there adjustments have been saved automatically. You can now search the Internet for torrent files and download them accordingly. Remember that BitTorrent will automatically go into action when you attempt to download these files.
- Depending on your current settings, you may find that you must configure your firewall and/or router in order for the BitTorrent client to access the files you're attempting to download.
- You're better off avoiding brand new file releases and only downloading torrents with a somewhat significant number of seeds so that you have a good chance of file completion.
- Remember that the original BitTorrent program is only one of several applications that have been developed to use the BitTorrent protocol. While this is a good application for beginners or casual users, you may find that others have additional functions.
- In the event you're downloading copyright protected content, remember that no IP blocker or proxy software offers total protection against legal liability.
- While downloading torrents has become a widespread practice, it remains illegal to obtain copyright protected content. Regardless of how commonly these laws are enforced, there's always some degree of legal risk associated with the possession of such content.
- Watch out for viruses—they're always a risk on the Internet, particularly among less prominent torrent sites.
- Spyware companies may use BitTorrent to either distribute programs or solicit the recipient to register at a website in order to acquire a password for the torrent. In the latter case, the downloaded file is usually a dummy, rather than the intended file.
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