Keep Dust off a Television Screen

Do you need glasses, or is your television screen just dusty? Television screens actually attract dust, and it doesn't take long for this accumulation to seriously affect the quality of your picture. You can dust your screen every day if you've got nothing better to do, or you can keep your TV dust-free. If you still can't see your favorite show clearly after trying the steps below, make an appointment with your eye doctor.


  1. Clean excess dirt and dust off your TV screen. If you haven't cleaned your television in a while, turn it off and use a damp cloth to remove dirt, dust, and grease. The steps below will help keep dust off your screen, but they won't keep your kids' fingerprints off, too.
  2. Wipe the screen with a clean dryer sheet. Dryer sheets (the fabric softener sheets that you place in your clothes dryer) can reduce static cling on your TV screen just like they do so for your shirts. It's this static that attracts dust to your screen, so gently wiping the dryer sheet all over your screen will help repel dust.
  3. Use the dryer sheet on the rest of the TV and the remote. Wipe the dryer sheet all over the TV and the remote control, too. While dust on these parts won't affect your picture quality, this will still make your household cleaning easier


  • Dryer sheets have a whole host of other uses around the house, including freshening stale drawers and closets, and removing pet hair from upholstery.
  • This method also works for computer screens.
  • Use a microfiber cloth or anti-static wipe to avoid scratching or smudges.

Things You'll Need

  • A TV
  • A dryer sheet

Recommended Products:

  • Windex
  • Glass-Cleaner
  • Tv-Screener
  • Pledge

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